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Author Topic: tj trick layout for near 90* rotation  (Read 1227 times)


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tj trick layout for near 90* rotation
« on: September 13, 2007, 02:23:29 AM »
Hello all.  I have a gentleman I will be drilling for this weekend with a very spinner like release.  He does average around 17 to 18 mph with a rev rate in the low 300's, yet his axis tilt is so high almost anything I drill him pin up skates and flies left off the spot.  His PAP is 3 3/4" rt and 1/2" up.  Would the TJ layout with the pin near his val smooth out a length type layout.  Right now most of his equipment I have drilled pin down in fairly strong layouts, I want to put him in something long and smooth at the spot.  Suggestions.....



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Re: tj trick layout for near 90* rotation
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2007, 12:44:54 AM »
you still have a lot of different options even though he spins the ball. put the pin above the fingers in the bridge. That will given him the length with some recovery on the back. Or you can keep the pin below the fingers and try going with the pin negative under the left finger. This will give good length, and with his speed should have a little more then an arc on the backend.

All this also depends on the ball. Bowling balls are designed for specific things and you have to match the drill pattern and lane condition to the ball.ex. Don't take a pearlized ball with a medium coverstock and drill it on a pattern to roll early and expect it to do so very well on oily lanes.

One of the worst things I see on ballreview sites are people complaining about dry lanes balls not hooking on oil, vise versa.

Edited on 9/15/2007 0:53 AM
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.