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Author Topic: Too Much Ball... Drilling Suggestions?  (Read 2044 times)


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Too Much Ball... Drilling Suggestions?
« on: October 12, 2009, 08:29:17 AM »
A friend sold me a 13lb Storm Shift for my son at a price I couldn't refuse. But know I am stuck on how to drill this beast for my son. He is 14 and doesn't throw much of a hook. Currently has a Tropical Storm, which he throws kindof straight down and in. My driller has suggested to start by laying it out with the pin and cg stacked on the track and then moving it from there. Is this a good base to start from, I've never tried to lay out a ball for less hook. I will be adjusting the surface as needed, cause I'm sure that may be the biggest problem. But anyway I am just looking for any suggestions, this was a ball that my son saw and he was just dying for and then after hearing the price, I guess I just dove in head first. Thanks
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."
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Justin Kluska
Staff A3 Member
Lane Masters/Lord Field



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Re: Too Much Ball... Drilling Suggestions?
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2009, 10:33:16 AM »
I'm not sure what core Storm uses in their 13 lb balls.  If your son is using the same grip (conventional or fingertip) you're planning to use on the Shift, determine his PAP.  If he's like the 14 yr olds I drill for he's going to want this ball to hook, so I would lay the ball out with a 4 - 5" pin to PAP and the mb to the right of the thumb hole about 1 1/2 - 2" (if the 13 lb'ers still have an asymmetrical core).  I'm assuming he's right handed.  --  JohnP


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Re: Too Much Ball... Drilling Suggestions?
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2009, 10:37:47 AM »
AFAIK, Storm uses generic cores in their lightweight pieces? Not sure - but if it does not have the strong MB core from the 14 lbs. and up balls, I'd consider a simple label layout: CG in palm, 1/2" towards PAP, and the pin at 45° from it towards the PAP, wherever it may end up (in a safe position from the finger holes), depending on pin distance. No balance hole needed.
This is a setup you can hardly do anything wrong with. It offers good midlane read, and a tamer, controllable back end, with an overall rather arcing hook. Should be a step up from the Tropical.

A label setup could just become risky if your son has a high track - in this case, the MB could end up in the track, and the worst case the ball could flare backwards!
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Too Much Ball... Drilling Suggestions?
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2009, 08:24:52 AM »
dizzyfugu, you confused me. In the first part of your post, you say to put the CG in the palm with the pin out 45deg from there towards the PAP. Then at the end you talk about not wanting to put the mb left of the thumb hole, wouldn''t your first suggestion put the mb in that part of the ball?

Oh of course he wants his ball to look like Robert Smith''s, but I personally would prefer him to go straighter anyway. He gets good role and carry, which is most important. He is right handed and he has been using finger tips for about 3 years now.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."
-Gene Wilder

Edited on 10/14/2009 8:27 AM
Justin Kluska
Staff A3 Member
Lane Masters/Lord Field


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Re: Too Much Ball... Drilling Suggestions?
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2009, 08:50:40 AM »
JustinK, sorry for the confusion. If the CG is in the palm and the pin at 45° (or a sort of that, depends on the pin distance and the relative finger holes'' location), the mass bias will automatically end up somewhere in the track area. The lower the pin distance, the more the MB will be shifted towards the thumb, "downwards", and to the negative side. Pretty much an old school layout, but IMHO good for a go-to ball that covers many potential conditions. And its charm is that you have a pretty safe layout for someone whose PAP has not been determined yet or might change through training.

Such a label layout is no problem with a low mass bias core, and players with a lower track, but bears dangers for high mass bias cores and high trackers, because the ball can flare backwards or show other funky reactions. In your case. Since we are not sure what core actually is inside of a 13 lbs. Shift, JohnP''s suggesstion will be the safer option, and probably hook more and more dramatically
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Edited on 10/14/2009 8:53 AM
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Too Much Ball... Drilling Suggestions?
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2009, 02:12:13 PM »
I appreciate the suggestions and I will probably go with a tame version of JohnP just gotta make sure this is a controllable ball that isn't gonna get put away because it just hooks more than he can deal with and isn't consistent enough with his release. I should be one to talk... Anyway again I thank you both, should be getting it this week and have it drilled as soon as possible.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."
-Gene Wilder
Justin Kluska
Staff A3 Member
Lane Masters/Lord Field


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Re: Too Much Ball... Drilling Suggestions?
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2009, 07:59:23 AM »
Drilling a ball for a kid is touchy.  They haven''''t developed a consistent roll (unless a phenom) enough to read.  BUT, on the other hand, don''''t drill the ball too weak or you''''ll end up with two of the same ball.  I say drill it around 4" to 5" pin-pap and adjust surface as necessary.  Give him a learning experience.  REMEMBER, surface will dictate most of the ball rxn.
Drew Jordan
Columbus, OH

Edited on 10/20/2009 8:00 AM

Edited on 10/20/2009 10:29 AM


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Re: Too Much Ball... Drilling Suggestions?
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2009, 09:41:44 AM »
From my experience working with and drilling for youngsters -- the large majority of them want the ball to hook.  If you have it drilled to be very mild, he's going to just work harder to force it to hook when you're not there to hold him down.  And if he's one of the few that are willing to roll the ball instead of cranking it, a stronger layout is going to reward him by providing better carry without hurting his accuracy.  Either way it's better to use something other than a very mild layout.  --  JohnP