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Author Topic: top weight?  (Read 1756 times)


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top weight?
« on: December 15, 2010, 09:46:10 AM »
I've been bowling for three years and have purchased two new balls in the last year; a virtual gravity and a jigsaw trap. When I bought these I was never asked what top weight I wanted or pin length, but I did tell them where I wanted the pin and CG located. I never recieved the boxes with the balls so I don't even know the specs...

So what is top weight and what will it do for a person?
What is pin length and what is the difference between short and long?

I would just like to figure out what is best for the way i bowl.




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Re: top weight?
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2010, 11:45:07 PM »
Here is an article that is a good place to start:

Hope that gets you going - many of the manufacturers have good technical articles on their website.


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Re: top weight?
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2010, 06:14:52 AM »
Top weight is how much weight is under the pin compared to the opposite side of the ball.... It means very little to ball reaction.

pin length is the distance from the cg mark to the pin....also mean very little to ball reaction..

you dont need to worry about which is best for the way you bowl. Thats what the layout and surface prep are for
"USBC is concerned that technology has overtaken player skill in determining success in the sport of bowling"

Edited on 12/16/2010 8:15 AM


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Re: top weight?
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2010, 06:35:40 AM »
I've been bowling for three years and have purchased two new balls in the last year a virtual gravity and a jigsaw trap. When I bought these I was never asked what top weight I wanted or pin length, but I did tell them where I wanted the pin and CG located. I never recieved the boxes with the balls so I don't even know the specs...

So what is top weight and what will it do for a person?
What is pin length and what is the difference between short and long?

I would just like to figure out what is best for the way i bowl.


 When you say that you told them where you wanted the pin and cg, do you mean that in reference to the drilling?

  Topweight is just a term used to describe the "heavy" spot on the ball, and is usually marked with the CG. When a ball is manufactured, it is not perfectly balanced, so after it is made, it is weighed to find that spot and is marked so that a driller will know where it is supposed to be. This can help to either enhance special drillings, or allow the driller to put it in a spot that will allow the ball to remain within the specifications set forth by the USBC for weight limits.  It can be manipulated to fine tune the reaction of the ball.

 Pin length is a reference to just how far the pin is from the CG marking. The pin marks the top of the weightblock, so being able to choose from balls with different pin lengths allows bowlers to customize their arsenals to cover more conditions by allowing them more set-up options.  Not trying to over simplify things, but in general, balls with longer pin-to-CG distances tend to give you more options when setting the ball up for certain reactions.

 The BASIC difference between longer pin balls and shorter pin balls is that the shorter pin balls tend to pick up their roll sooner than the longer pin balls, but much of that is determined by the combination of topweight, pin length, and final drilling.

 In theory, the questions you've asked SEEM simple. In reality however, they are not simple, and many experienced bowlers and drillers struggle trying to master the art/concept/skill of drilling balls and manipulating these factors to achieve the desired results. They are at the very crux of modern drilling techniques.
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