Many of today's bowlers want to have their bowling balls drilled to hook,hook more and ,hook even more!Many drillings do not affect the amount of hook of the ball that why do we pay so much attention to drilling?Because drilling affects other things that are more important.Drilling techniques do affect rev rate of the ball at different points on its way down the lane.Drilling affects flare potential,which affects the rate the ball loses speed.Drilling affects length potential of the ball.So,drilling affects amount of revs,how soon it loses speed and,where the ball hooks on the lane,is more important than how much the ball hooks. Also core shape contributes to the ball motion,smooth or sharp movement and,coverstock aggressiveness contributes to length potential. Core shape can affect ,flare,length, turn.And cover can only affect length.Coverstocks are important but they limit what the core can do.Too much core for the cover or too much cover for the core makes for a very condition-specific ball.A versatile ball matches core and coverstock so drillings work effectively and surface changes alter the ball path.The purpose of surface prep is alter and adapt a ball to the lane condition.This makes for a versatile ball. Matching-up the ball,proper layout and,surface prep allows. 1.You to have the hook that insures the proper entry and rev rate. 2.Allows you to maximize your strike percentage.3.The ball will allow you to adjust surface and static adjustments to alter the breakpoint. 4.Creates a larger area at the breakpoint.Find these and, you will find the ball you need for the lane condition you bowl on.