BR roomies,
Let me first state that this is in no way shape or form bashing anyone's drilling practices or selections, but rather just some insight as to what I have found has worked for me.
I have owned over 40 bowling balls easily. When I first started bowling I would let my ball driller put what he thought was best on a ball for what I needed it for. This wasn't a bad thing, I had pretty good success with most of the layouts he used...he did put some on a few balls that in retrospect were kinda goofy.(This wasn't DP3, my current driller

But then I started reading up on different layouts I starting buying into the hype of the so called "trick" and "special" layouts. Now there is nothing wrong with trying different things, but some of us try TOO much! LOL. I found myself fighting to get a consistent reaction because everything in my bag was so off the wall.
So after struggling with ball reaction and consistency, I had a NIB Saga sitting in the closet and told DP3 to drill it how he saw fit. Now DP3 knows my game better than I do, so I trusted him. And now I have dawned it the DP3 layout! LOL. It provided me with a great reaction and I have never left it. This all occurred to me after looking in my arsenal and saw how freqent that layout is there. Of course they aren't all drilled the same but lot are or a variant. With the contrast in many of todays bowling balls if you take a ball from each company and drill them the same, you will have vast differences with each ball. And cover preparations give you limitless possibilities as far as on lane looks.
I say all this only to say. Keep it simple...its cool to experiment, but for most of us, we don't need to drill the Tommy Jones "Trick Layout" because we will rarely if ever match up to it. I just thought that I would share this revelation that has come to me hoping that it may help someone else searching for what works...if you don't agree with me, then don't. Its a free world!
Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??
Team Member Of
Hoss Central Inc.
Edited on 1/31/2009 8:11 PM
Edited on 1/31/2009 8:12 PM
Edited on 1/31/2009 8:32 PM