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Author Topic: Pin Length  (Read 2246 times)


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Pin Length
« on: April 23, 2005, 07:30:08 PM »
I'm sure this has probably been discussed ad nauseum, but I can't find a reference...

What thought should go into a choice of pin length? What flexibility will I gain or lose in the layout? Are there things that can or cannot be done with a short or long pin, or is is strictly a matter of placement?


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Re: Pin Length
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2005, 09:21:30 AM »
What's backwards? YOu mean that a pin-out will pick up earlier, not a pin-in?

Also, let me put the question this way. If I have a favorite layout, always using a 2-3 inch pin, should I stay away from a 4.5 inch pin that I can get cheap?
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Re: Pin Length
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2005, 02:43:20 PM »
lefty50 -- Pin to cg distance makes certain layouts impossible.  For example, you cannot do a 5 x 2 layout with a 2" pin ball.  If a customer wants to avoid having a weight hole, the proper pin out distance will allow the desired layout to be used and still have the pin end up in the desired location with regard to the midline.  Pin in balls do not by their nature roll earlier than pin out balls.  But pin in balls are usually used for layouts with the pin under the fingers whereas pin out balls are more often used for pin over the fingers.  Pin under the fingers does roll earlier than pin over the fingers.  A good driller can use any pin out for any layout that physically is possible by the use of the combination of drilling the fingers or thumb deep and a balance hole.  I have put the pin over the fingers when the cg ended up just below the finger holes and taken the excess finger weight out simply by drilling the finger holes an extra 1 1/2" deep.  Of course, this also depends on the initial top weight of the ball.  Hope this has cleared the topic up for you.  --  JohnP