I don''t profess to know alot about drilling but I have the opportunity to buy another break point pearl. It has a short pin, about 2 in, and 2-3 ounces of top weight. the question is because of the pin and cg placement, and the way I would like to drill the ball, can I have the MB mark drilled out for my thumb. I think I read that drilling out the MB makes the ball more dinamic (not sure of spelling there). what are the thoughts?
O - O
--- -- *
--- -- #
- O - also MB in exact same spot
I have one that is drilled pin under with this layout and I like it, but would love one just a little stronger
O - O
-- *
---- - #
- O
-- MB
I have about 300 revs, medium track, tweener throwing 16 mph. like to swing the ball just a little (belly hook), bowling on overlays
thanks again for comments
201 league average 2 leagues
break point pearl
Mutant cell
Magic action
Cherry vibe
14lb agent-first ball I ever owned
skull and cross bones
rogue cell- not my thing
Edited on 2/24/2010 10:03 PM