Thats what got me charlest. 5/8"!! thats alot to shorten a span.
First he said "I did have tendon problems with my thumb" so I thought ok maybe he was way over stretched. So they took 5/8 off got it to the proper span.
But then the part he talked about how "I couldn't throw them worth a $%. You name it, I did it - drop it, stick, over/under reactions."
Sounded too short now to me and when he said he went to another proshop and tried a ball the pro "found a ball in the shop that was much better fitted for my hand - a little long, but it still fit on my hand without a pencil in between ball and palm."
That says that 5/8 was way to short for him.
I just thought that statement the first pro told him "he calls it the new way to drill and get the most out of the balls" sounded kind of fishy or he was trying something new he didn't fully understand.
I just think of how many complaint about releases and ball reactions there are that can be traced back to a bad fitting grip. be cause if the ball don't fit right you can't throw it right.
Click For My Grip