I found something out by accident last night, but I have a Lane #1 Tsunami H20 that has a void space inside it behind the two pins (locator and MB indicator). The end result is that if you blow in the thumb hole, air leaks out the ring finger hole. No, I'm not kidding. If you want to read the story in all its hilarity, visit the Lane #1 forum (thread title: "I don't know whether to laugh, cry or cuss").
Well anyway, here's what the experience did for me: In most of my balls, my thumb hole is snug. I have a hard time getting a feel that I really like, either when someone else drills the ball or when I do.
The reason is it's uncomfortable for me to throw the ball with a straight thumb. I have to do what amounts to the definition of "squeezing" the ball for it to be comfy (i.e., angle the last joint of my thumb inward slightly). I've never had any problem with it, though, and I never blister the thumb.
Too-tight thumb holes make my release inconsistent. I'll hang up in the thumb hole at the worst time. The reason I hang up is because the thumb hole tries to pull a vacuum on my thumb. Doesn't matter how I shape the hole or what size I drill it; it pulls a vacuum right up to the point I have to drill the hole too large, and then of course I have to start putting in tape.
Well, on this ball that has the little void in it, the hole in the ring finger acts as a de facto thumb vent. There's no vacuum, and I had a pretty good night rolling the ball.
I know USBC rules contain language regarding vent holes, but I don't know how to drill one or where. I'm thinking you probably use a very small bit to do it, but I don't know where you would do it to lessen the chance of causing a crack to form between the thumb hole and the vent.
Any help?
Edited on 4/9/2008 8:39 PM