I have some hypotheticals for all you ball physics wonks out there. Suppose you take three undrilled balls of the same model, all with identical pre-drilling specifications (gross weight, top weight, surface preparation, etc.). All three are drilled with the CG in the grip center, and with the same pin-to-PAP distance (say, five inches). None of the three have balance holes.
Ball #1 has a pin-to-CG distance of one inch.
Ball #2 has a pin-to-CG distance of four inches.
Ball #3 has a pin-to-CG distance of seven inches.
Assume further that these balls were drilled for a prototypical right-handed tweener, say 16 MPH or so on the radar gun with an initial rev rate of about 275.
The questions are: Will there be a discernable difference in the reactions of these three balls? If so, what will the differences be between them? Also, would these differences, if they exist, be magnified in a ball with a larger flare potential?
Thanks in advance.