While I don't always agree with Mo Pinel, he has done more research, with the help of the USBC, than anyone else.
This link will probably help you more than any of us could explain:
http://www.morichbowling.com/MosCorner/GradientLineBalanceHole/GradientLineBalanceHole.htmOh, and just for the record, the size, depth & location of the weight hole affects ball motion differently. Read over the above link several times to fully understand it.
Also, dna300x, please look at this link too. This information can be backed up with actual, real world data. You can increase OR DECREASE differential with a large or small weight hole, depending on its location.
Everytime you put a hole in a bowling ball, you affect something in the dynamic's (i.e. differential, rg, intermediate differential). Some of the changes though, are virtually undetectable in ball reaction on the lane.
But stating that a certain size weight hole automatically changes the dynamics in one direction only is not necessarily true.
As I stated, please look at the link above several times to fully comprehend the data and information provided.
Larry Verble