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Author Topic: What a surprise!!!  (Read 5259 times)


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What a surprise!!!
« on: August 07, 2008, 12:36:57 AM »
Yesterday I go to a proshop that I really trust(the problem is it's an hour away from me.)  I need some work to be done on 4 of my bowling balls.  I tell he that 2 of the balls (drilled by local proshop) feel different from the other 2 (drilled by the proshop that I trust.)  Come to find out the 2 balls that were drilled locally had spans where each finger was long by over 1/8th of an inch.  One ball had a finger was off by almost 1/4 inch.  One ball had 1 1/4 oz side weight making it illegal.  Hearing this astonished me because I thought I could trust my local pro shop, but it turns out I need to drive an hour just to have ball work done.  How many of you have switched proshops due to convenience, only to find out it ended up costing you time and money?



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Re: What a surprise!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2008, 12:51:42 PM »
*raises hand*

I have a bowling alley about 10 minutes from my house, and I had a ball drilled by the guy there a whiiile back.  Turns out the span on my ring finger was off enough to give me tendonitis and arthritis after using the ball for a whole 8 months.  I've never gone back since, and will gladly make a trip to get quality work done.  When it affects my performance, AND health, it's well worth my time to go the extra mile.  Because, well, it helps me cash
Obviously, you aren't a golfer.
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Re: What a surprise!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2008, 01:03:53 PM »
"good ain't cheap....and cheap ain't good!"


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
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Re: What a surprise!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2008, 01:11:51 PM »
Same thing here, hour drive to a pro shop that I trust. My local guy only shows up when he feels like it to, so he may not even be there on a day he is supposed to be.
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Re: What a surprise!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2008, 02:36:20 PM »
it's not necessarily cheaper, it was just way more convenient.  I was in that area with work before so it was really easy to swing by there.  At the beginning of the year my work location changed so it made it much more difficult to get over there, so going to the local proshop was my only option.  Come to find out there were some major problems with the drilling of the balls.


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Re: What a surprise!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2008, 09:58:58 PM »
i wish i could say this, i drive an hour just because its the nearest pro-shop
Im so glad people are brainwashed to think that TRACK sucks. And its even funnier when im carrying with my TRACK ball and they're going flat ten with their BRUNSWICK ball.


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Re: What a surprise!!!
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2008, 09:48:09 PM »
If you know somebody that can make all you stuff feel the same, then the expense is to some degree irrelevant. I'm not sure what that might be worth.


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Re: What a surprise!!!
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2008, 02:24:45 PM »
Solution... drill it yourself... then you only have yourself to blame.

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Re: What a surprise!!!
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2008, 03:40:32 PM »
The bowling industry sucks. If the industry really cared about itself and US there would be licensing or at least accreditation requirements before these incompetents squeezed our wallets. It's bad enough that a ball is one of the few things you buy that you are stuck with, AND therfe is no true way to fit you(or for you to KNOW when you are ill fitted), but at least you ought to be able to get fair value for your dollar. My experience(over 35 yrs)is that most are people who can't do anything else, have no business sense, look for the quick buck and don't like what they are doing. I could go on and on BUY WHY?


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Re: What a surprise!!!
« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2008, 09:01:29 AM »
It is unfortunate that bowlers do not realize the importance of having a pro shop operator that knows what he is doing.  That is why I try to use someone that has been through the IBPSIA training program and has been certified.  That means they have learned how to fit properly, understand layouts and know how to match equipment to meet the bowler's needs.


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Re: What a surprise!!!
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2008, 03:50:57 AM »
I hear ya.  My uncle just went through it.  He got a momentum swing from another proshop??  he should me the ball, and right away i knew where he got it from (not our usual shop) and who drilled it.  seems like they only know how to drill label leverage or stacked.  its fast and easy.  but to make a long story short, he started throwing it and his hand started to hurt after a few days.  i thought at first it could be the weight of the ball, it was a little heavier, but ruled that out cause i have a ball thats heavier but dont have a problem with it.  so right away i knew it had to be the span or pitches or both.  so i took the ball down to where i get my stuff done, and the span was ok, but the thumb pitch was wrong and the finger pitches were off, thus stretching is ring finger a little bit.  well.. got the fingers and thumb replugged and wa-la.  problem solved.  no pain.  so i would say go with the guy you trust even though its an hour away.  it'll save you in the long run.  heck,  if i can track down my friend in texas (who used to drill all my stuff)(i live in california) i would be shipping my stuff or flying to have him drill my stuff again.  i good ball driller is hard to find let alone someone you can trust and takes the time and care to drill your stuff right.  

~keep it between the gutters~


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Re: What a surprise!!!
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2008, 08:08:49 AM »
I can appreciate the IBPSIA pro shop certification. On the other hand though, I work in two pro shops and they are brick and mortar.

I got my training from Vincent Grzan who works for Ace Mitchell East now.

I have a great passion for the pro shop business and bowling in general. I'm always on the internet learning about every line of products out there. I am reading something bowling related or surfing bowling info. on the web.

I care about each and every person that walks through the door at the shop. I know so much about ball layouts and extra hole techniques, etc. that I can match you up with a ball suitable for your needs and then give you a correct layout for the motion your trying to achieve on a particular lane condition.

If you don't know your PAP and I don't have it on record, guess what before you even think of purchasing a ball, I will take a look at your game, evaluate some critical elements such as speed, rev rate, axis rotation, axis tilt, and lastly find your axis. That is the only sure fire way to lay out a ball for someone. Anything less and it's a crab shoot at best.

I pride myself on fitting someone and realizing that everyone has a unique hand that requires special attention. I will set you up with the correct span and pitch and will make any adjustments necessary.

Please don't bash every pro shop operator that doesn't have a certification because some people like myself truly care about the customer and love what we do (my case).

If you need anything come on down to Herrill Lanes in New Hyde Park, NY and visit me at Pat's Pro Shop. My name is Darren Andretta
Darren Andretta
Vise Staff


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Re: What a surprise!!!
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2008, 01:17:23 PM »
I've been drilling for about 20 years and just recently became IBPSIA technical certified as I want to be recognized as a shop that has had the right training. I run 2 pro shops and just recently passed my Silver USBC coaching too and they really do go hand BPSIA as I would like to see each and every pro shop out there get certified so bowlers wouldn't have problems like the ones listed here.

If you go to a IBPSIA technical certified shop you know your getting your moneys worth, there may be a few shops that still know what's going on but why gamble your money away. It's not free and that is why shops that really want to get ahead are paying the money for the classes.
David W. Bolt
Silver Certified USBC Coach
IBPSIA Technical Certified Pro Shops


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Re: What a surprise!!!
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2008, 02:03:57 PM »
I can appreciate the IBPSIA pro shop certification. On the other hand though, I work in two pro shops and they are brick and mortar.

I got my training from Vincent Grzan who works for Ace Mitchell East now.

I have a great passion for the pro shop business and bowling in general. I'm always on the internet learning about every line of products out there. I am reading something bowling related or surfing bowling info. on the web.

I care about each and every person that walks through the door at the shop. I know so much about ball layouts and extra hole techniques, etc. that I can match you up with a ball suitable for your needs and then give you a correct layout for the motion your trying to achieve on a particular lane condition.

If you don't know your PAP and I don't have it on record, guess what before you even think of purchasing a ball, I will take a look at your game, evaluate some critical elements such as speed, rev rate, axis rotation, axis tilt, and lastly find your axis. That is the only sure fire way to lay out a ball for someone. Anything less and it's a crab shoot at best.

I pride myself on fitting someone and realizing that everyone has a unique hand that requires special attention. I will set you up with the correct span and pitch and will make any adjustments necessary.

Please don't bash every pro shop operator that doesn't have a certification because some people like myself truly care about the customer and love what we do (my case).

If you need anything come on down to Herrill Lanes in New Hyde Park, NY and visit me at Pat's Pro Shop. My name is Darren Andretta
Unfortunately, there are many pro shops operators that don't operate the way you apparently do.

The last time I used a local guy as opposed to my normal driller, within about three weeks of using the ball, I developed tendonitis.  He was way off the mark on the measurements.  I ended up taking the ball back to my preferred driller who had to plug and re-drill the ball.  Spans were almost a half inch longer than the ball I gave him to measure from.
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Unless, you were harmed.  In the extremely rare case were that to happen, Tough Nouggies!!!
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Re: What a surprise!!!
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2008, 02:15:31 PM »
Do you think even a good ball driller can drill 2 or 3 balls the exact same especially when the thumb hole is not a standard size drill bit , where there has to be some taken out with hand tool. Also there are times when ones thumb is bigger than other times , so I think its a combination of things. Example bought a used ball had the thumb moved the day I went in the hole was great after taking some out with hand tool but 2 days later its to big
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