Since you've provided a picture, it isn't nearly as bad as if you hadn't. At least we get to see what you're talking about.
At any rate, this ball is set up with what was referred to as a pin above bridge, mass bias strong, length drilling. SUPPOSED to be set up for that "LONG AND STRONG" reaction.
My suggestion is, FIRST make sure it is withing legal specs for static weights( I.E. finger weight, top weight, side weight.....)
If it is withing specs, my suggestion would be to simply plug the thumb and adjust the span to fit you.
If it is NOT within legal specs, my suggestion would be to fully plug the ball, then weigh it to see what your other options are. Whenever you have a ball with the pin that close to the CG, it can be difficult to do much "exotic" with it.
The "RICO" drilling might be something you could do with it. You might also be able to use the popular Mo Pinel "plastic ball" layout on it. It isn't really just for plastic balls, but actually esigned to maximize the potential of balls with short pin to CG lengths.
IF IT WERE ME, and I know it isn't, I would just move the thumb to accomodate my span and redrill it that way.