Hey guys,
If you look at my profile, my PAP is 5" over, 1/2" up. I throw the ball approximately 18MPH and have an average rev rate of about 270 on my last CATS test.
I brought back an old Predator that I polished up because my Global Assult isn't just doing it for the lanes that aren't quite a flood, yet there is a considerable amount of carrydown in the backend part of the lane. The predator is a 2-3" pin ball with the pin about 5 inches from my axis, and the CG about 4. It basically has the pin under the bridge, with the CG kicked out a but under my ring finger.
Obviously, this ball will not flare much, but it flares over the thumbhole. This ball is well over two years old now, and my PAP was about 4 1/2" over and a 1/4" up when i drilled this (I have been working on my game, as you can tell).
What's a good driling to keep the ball from going over the thumbhole, yet it will roll evenly?
-Jeremy Vitug
BallReviews.com Burning Sensations Bowling Team