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Author Topic: What effect would this drilling have on ball reaction?  (Read 8646 times)


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What effect would this drilling have on ball reaction?
« on: March 21, 2016, 08:07:53 AM »
 Had a question posed to me, but try as I might, I just was never able to get my head wrapped around it and postulate an answer, so I thought I would bring it here.

 Guy wants to drill a ball with an aggressive type shell, yet end up with a very controlled and continuous reaction.  His suggestion was like this:

 About a 5 1/2 inch pin to pap, 35-40 degree val angle and around 40-45 degree drill angle. THEN, he wants to put the x-hole just below the pin, between it and the finger holes, drilling out the top of the weightblock.

 I understand that without more precise info, pretty much theorizing is all that can be done, but that is more than I have been able to do on my own.

 Drilling out the top of the weightblock would lower the rg, wouldn't it? And if so, wouldn't that tend to make it roll earlier and smoother than before? Yet, with the pin that far from pap, wouldn't that tend to promote length? Can you do both at the same time and make them coexist happily?

 My initial reaction was that there has to be a better way to do this, but without being able to really figure out the results of the experiment mentally, I cannot begin to compare it to the effects of known drillings and reactions.

 If anybody would care to run this experiment on blueprint ( or maybe already has ) it would be quite enlightening to me to find out the results.
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Re: What effect would this drilling have on ball reaction?
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2016, 01:47:41 PM »
  Well, this is part of the problem. There is no video of him. and anything I can tell you about him would only be generalizations.

 He hasn't bowled in 2-3 years. He's finally had a knee replacement, and is wanting to get something drilled up that he can control, but he also doesn't want a "piece of junk", so to speak. Knowing him, he would prefer something with the STORM logo on it though.

 He is going to be bowling on medium conditions, on synthetic surface.  He used to be slightly rev dominant, with a speed from the scorekeeper showing 14-15 mph, but his exact pap is unknown. Heck, there isn't any guarantee he is even going to throw the ball anything like he used to though.

 What I was actually leaning towards was first finding his actual pap, then setting up a Rocket with a 75(val angle) X 4 X 45(drilling angle), then adjusting the surface and adding a P1 hole if needed to further tame the reaction.

 He LOVES to play a "fallback" shot, targeting between 15 and 20, and just float the ball to the pocket, letting it turn over and just roll through the rack

I like what you have selected in reference to the information you have listed for him versus the original layout he was wanting. He is getting the wrong ball and trying to make it fit some where it likely won't.

 Your ball choice and layout sound great. It gives you some options for changing the reaction after drilling to fine tune it a lot more. After he has bowled a little and you see where he is at you can then adjust the layout or ball slightly as needed. May not need a weight hole at all honestly. The Rocket is a lower diff core already compared to most balls in that price point or higher. Hope he is smart enough to consider your suggestion.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.