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Author Topic: What is my drilling equipment worth?  (Read 7312 times)

Greg T

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What is my drilling equipment worth?
« on: May 01, 2010, 03:16:28 PM »

 I have a nice tabletop Delta press with X/Y jig, 22 bits, AMF scale, BT ball fitter, Armadillo, 1/4 scale, bevel sander, ball spinner, and a ton of various articles like sanding disks for sander, machinist rule, etc. I'm thinking serioisly about selling the entire lot because since my injury my bowling career is over. How much is the average pro shop equipment going for these days?

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Re: What is my drilling equipment worth?
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2010, 11:28:32 PM »
I have basically the same equipment as you in my home shop and I have spent about 2000 total. If you sell it all off separately you might get a little more than that for it.


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Re: What is my drilling equipment worth?
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2010, 12:05:47 AM »
Not very much since it is yours.


Greg T

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Re: What is my drilling equipment worth?
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2010, 06:40:41 AM »
Not very much since it is yours.


 Hey, completeidiot. If I'd wanted any lip out of you I would have rattled my zipper.

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Greg T

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Re: What is my drilling equipment worth?
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2010, 07:07:45 AM »
Low end $1,000, high end $2,000

You probably would get $1,300 to $1,500 depending on the buyer and the distance they are from you.   The closer most of the time gets more $ on equipment sales.

 Thanx much. If that all it's worth I'll keep it. Hell, I remember VERY used scales going for over $600.00 alone.
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Re: What is my drilling equipment worth?
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2010, 07:28:33 AM »
All depends on the condition of each item.

Scales still go for $400-$600 depending on the brand.

The jig by itself $250ish. (one just sold for that on ebay two days ago)

Bits you never know. I would put them and the jig together in one auction.

If you broke things down you would get $2000.

I would sell the drill by itself locally in the paper.
" men lie, women lie, numbers don't "
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Re: What is my drilling equipment worth?
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2010, 08:55:46 AM »
Darth, that might have been one of the more concise, informative, polite, and courteous responses I've seen in a long time on this site.  

Thank you very much.
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Greg T

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Re: What is my drilling equipment worth?
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2010, 09:31:41 AM »
I buy, sell and refurbish some bowling equipment so I will give you a run down of what I might expect to pay or sell an item for.

In perspective a 4 month used Kaufman Scale sold on ebay for $640.   I bought a used one, that needed a new paint job and a refurbish for $300.

I''ve seen some of the Henry Troemner scales go for anywhere between ($400-$600 depending on the style, Troemner had a few different styles, and one very similar to the Kaufman style).

Your AMF ones are somewhat based on the Tromener style,  depending on what AMF style one you have your price range would prob be the same as the Tromener

The jig, $200 to 275 with the drill press I would say $600 - $750.  

Bits - Bits are tricky to sell because alot of guys who sharpen them, do not know how to do it correctly and or/ cut the sides or miss shape them.  If your bits are good and sharpened right $150 - 175.

Spinner - depends on the style.  $50 - $150+

BT Fitter - $75 - $100

Sander - $40 - $50

Armadillo - $30 - $50

Quarter Scale - depending on style $25 - $50

You would find more value in listing all your items, on here for example and selling them.  If you can find a bowling enthusiast in your area, or close to your area than you could score a good $.  If you can''t, your best best is to sell the items piece by piece.

Edited on 5/2/2010 7:59 AM

 Thanx a million, Darth. That gives me something to ponder. Excellent info and I appreciate it!

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Re: What is my drilling equipment worth?
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2010, 11:55:46 AM »
I will disagree on one thing and that is the drill press. Is it the standard Delta Desktop like you buy from lowes?

If so they sell for maybe $240ish new at lowes. That is why I would suggest selling it by itself locally.

That is what we bought back in late 2000 for our x-y jig and works flawless.

Recently sold an extra jig with a full set of bits and a router with plug cutter for $500 plus shipping on here. (The router was made specifically for bowling balls and was rather neat.)
" men lie, women lie, numbers don't "
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.

Greg T

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Re: What is my drilling equipment worth?
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2010, 01:42:17 PM »
I will disagree on one thing and that is the drill press. Is it the standard Delta Desktop like you buy from lowes?

If so they sell for maybe $240ish new at lowes. That is why I would suggest selling it by itself locally.

That is what we bought back in late 2000 for our x-y jig and works flawless.

Recently sold an extra jig with a full set of bits and a router with plug cutter for $500 plus shipping on here. (The router was made specifically for bowling balls and was rather neat.)
" men lie, women lie, numbers don''t "

 I don''t know what Lowes has. We don''t have one here. But there is a Brunswick tag on it with a part number of 61-100000 and the Delta catalog number is 15-270.

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Edited on 5/2/2010 1:42 PM Off-Ramp!           


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Re: What is my drilling equipment worth?
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2010, 02:26:21 PM »
Ah, differnt drill press then.
" men lie, women lie, numbers don't "
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: What is my drilling equipment worth?
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2010, 08:33:32 PM »
Just to state the obvious, it's worth what somebody is willing to pay for it.

Is it anything like the old drilling setups they used to have at Kmart (and other retail stores)?

Unfortunately it's all about timing when trying to sell stuff like that.  It also helps if you are willing to piece it out, and whether or not you are willing to ship.

Back at the end of 2006 I was able to nab an entire Kmart setup - Rockwell (Delta) drill (15-080), X-Y jig, all bits (except 1 1/4"), Brunswick ball fitter, bevel sander and discs, metal ruler, letter stamper and some other stuff - from ebay for under $500.  I put a "reminder" bid on it and completely forgot about until ebay notified me that I was the winner.  I never thought I would win it, and wasn't really willing to go higher than $500-600 on it anyway.

Seller wasn't willing to ship the item and I guess I was the only one willing to drive to Lansing to pick it up.

A few months later I was able to snag a "pro-shop going out of business" auction for $200.  Landed the pitch gauges, a couple of quarter scales, bevel knife, workout tools, router shield, various inserts and slugs, etc.  Also was able to win an auction for a Kaufman scale for $300-350 shipped.

All during that time I had watched many auctions go for much higher amounts - including just the jig for $300+ and scales for $500 or more.  

About 1 1/2 (maybe 2) years ago there was a guy auctioning off a newer drill press and Jayhawk professional jig for something like $1250.  Problem was that due to the size of the drill press shipping was going to be $300+.  Maybe it was more.  For some reason $1800 total comes to mind, but I really don't remember.  It was still a great deal, but I didn't have that much to spend at the time.

I guess I wasn't the only one, since he never sold it - never even got one bid.  I was able to convince him to seperate and just sell me the jig.  Now, maybe one day I'll get around to removing the x-y and installing it!

Greg T

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Re: What is my drilling equipment worth?
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2010, 10:15:06 PM »

 Actually, it is from a KMart stroe. Luckily, it was from here and had barely been used. Still looks like brand new. I do have the cheap set of pitch gages and a rasp and bevel knife. I also have a ton of polishes, sand paper and bunch of Abralon pads. Have the Bill Taylor book also.
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Re: What is my drilling equipment worth?
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2010, 11:00:31 PM »

 Actually, it is from a KMart stroe. Luckily, it was from here and had barely been used. Still looks like brand new. I do have the cheap set of pitch gages and a rasp and bevel knife. I also have a ton of polishes, sand paper and bunch of Abralon pads. Have the Bill Taylor book also.
 Krusin Klassics Fun Run. June 4th and 5th. Raffle Tickets Available at

Really it's a crap shoot.  The drill is a really nice drill, and that's the key to a good setup.  Finding one with the required spindle travel is hard to find at a regular store.  Not much need for at least 5" of travel for most normal drilling.

Shipping is a pain and expensive.  I don't know if UPS or FedEx will ship it - I used to know the shipping limits, so freight might be the only option.  That gets into a fixed base price and then some per mileage charge - and you still have to palletize the item.

I think some people have found a suitable drill for around $500 shipped, but I don't remember where or what it was.  Still, that kills the potential on the kit.  People are more likely to pay $300 for a jig and get a new drill for $500 from Amazon than pay $800 shipped for your (and my) setup. And, if you're like me you wouldn't be likely to sell your setup and only make $500.

I'm lucky that my father inlaw said he would buy my drill if I ever split up the set.

Top that off with the fact that people can get a starter setup from Innovative for $2600 delivered - drill, jig, bits, quarter scale, plug cutter, pitch guages, etc.  Basically everything except the Kaufman scale.  

All that, and it's new. Some people would be willing to pay a little extra to get the stuff new.

But I know where you're coming from.  I thought about selling my stuff a while back.  When you're drilling 10+ balls a year it makes sense to have.  Not so much when you're only drilling 2 or 3.  Still good to know that I probably wouldn't lose money if I ever decided to get rid of it.


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Re: What is my drilling equipment worth?
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2010, 07:06:53 PM »
With an x,y jig you can easily get by with a delta bench top drill like the one they sell at lowes for $230ish. Been using one since 2002 on my setup.

The money you save on shipping something else can go towards other needed equipment.

It is all about who is looking for what as mentioned. Scales go high usually, but I was able to luck into an auction earlier this year for almost 2 full set of drill bits, a x,y jig, a router with plug cutter bit, and a super nice Troemner scale for $530 plus shipping.

Only needed the scale at the time since we had everything else. We were able to sell everything off and keep the scale at a total cost of about $40.

Had the guy sold things separately like the jig and drill bits together, just the scale and maybe just the router he would have easily gotten $1000+ instead of $530. Luck of the draw.
" men lie, women lie, numbers don't "
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.