Alright, heres something that me a my buddies always talk about, how someone should set up their arsenal. So here are the 4 we all agree can work for most bowlers, depending on their personal style. I'm intrested in seeing how everyone heres has theirs set up and why they chose to do it this way. Here are the 4 we came up with:
1. 5 different bowling balls with 5 different layouts and 5 different sufface perperations, all oob.
2. 5 different bowling balls with the same layout and 5 differnet surface preperations, lets say all oob.
3. 5 of the same ball with 5 different layouts and 5 different sufface preperations, 1000, 2000, 4000, 4000 and polish and 1000 and high gloss polish
4. 5 of the same ball with the same layout in every ball with 5 different surfaces being 1000, 2000, 4000, 4000 and polish and 1000 and high gloss polish
Let me know what you use and why.
For me, I like number 1. I like to be able to switch from strong to weak coverstocks as well as going from strong to weak pin postions to help me with all of the different conditions I see.
Ebonite - "Bowl to Win!"
Edited on 1/14/2008 12:39 PM