Having used several of the thumb adjustments that you are now playing with (theoretically), I found, FWIW, that 0 reverse/forward allowed for less pressure and less reliance on precise thumb size (less fooling around with tape, seeking a perfect fit).
I had 0x0 for a while, but my thumb's physical relationship with my hand seemed to require some away ol left (I'm righty) side pitch for a cleaner release. So I now have 0 by 1/4 left or away from palm.
I don't know the cause for your "slight hanging". It could be the angle of your thumb is not perfectly aligned with the angle of your thumb hole/oval. It could be you need ONLY 1/8" left or away.
Did you used to have or use reverse? If so, why return to it?
I'd suggest trying one change instead of 2 at a time. If you do 2 changes, both reverse AND side and it doesn't work, how will you know which was the bad change?

"None are so blind as those who will not see." "Some bowlers are crazy as pickled cats."
Edited by charlest on 3/21/2011 at 1:30 PM