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Author Topic: What should expect?  (Read 6616 times)


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What should expect?
« on: March 21, 2011, 12:17:19 AM »
Using a zero/zero thumb switch grip with slight hanging and coming around the ball at times when it's least desireable like during a string and naturally I leave the flat or ringing ten...


Trying out a 1/8 reverse and 1/8 away from palm switch grip... what should I be aware of or watching for?


Thanks in advance.
Edited by AllAirForceTwice on 3/21/2011 at 8:19 AM
Dave Ingraham, Major, USAF (Ret)



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Re: What should expect?
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2011, 08:20:28 AM »
A lot quicker release....

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Co-author of BowlTec's END GAMES ~ A Bowler's COMPLETE Guide to Bowling; Head Games ~ the MENTAL approach to bowling (and sports) & (r)eVolve
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Re: What should expect?
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2011, 12:13:23 PM »
So as long as my hand is in a leveraged position, I can increase my ball speed without fear of hanging?

Dave Ingraham, Major, USAF (Ret)


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Re: What should expect?
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2011, 12:50:04 PM »
Theorectically yes...

The views and opinions expressed by myself are solely those of mine and NO one else, nor are they affiliated with anyone else.
Co-author of BowlTec's END GAMES ~ A Bowler's COMPLETE Guide to Bowling; Head Games ~ the MENTAL approach to bowling (and sports) & (r)eVolve
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Re: What should expect?
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2011, 01:29:02 PM »
Having used several of the thumb adjustments that you are now playing with (theoretically), I found, FWIW, that 0 reverse/forward allowed for less pressure and less reliance on precise thumb size (less fooling around with tape, seeking a perfect fit).
I had 0x0 for a while, but my thumb's physical relationship with my hand seemed to require some away ol left (I'm righty) side pitch for a cleaner release. So I now have 0 by 1/4 left or away from palm.
I don't know the cause for your "slight hanging". It could be the angle of your thumb is not perfectly aligned with the angle of your thumb hole/oval. It could be you need ONLY 1/8" left or away.
Did you used to have or use reverse? If so, why return to it?
I'd suggest trying one change instead of 2 at a time. If you do 2 changes, both reverse AND side and it doesn't work, how will you know which was the bad change????

"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"Some bowlers are crazy as pickled cats."
Edited by charlest on 3/21/2011 at 1:30 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: What should expect?
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2011, 02:23:09 PM »
True... We considered the risk when I was recently refitted this last Saturday drilling balls for Nationals. It was determined that I was stretched a bit... Got motivated afterwards to clean out my bowling closet and found fitting notes and I was indeed stretched 1/8 and 3/16s... Then I recalled that I had back-of-the-hand pain then that was attributed to a span too close w/o forward pitch (squeezing). I tried 1/8 forward pitch and hated the lack of early midlane roll I used to get, was too hard to read my reactions... So we added some span only and drilled 6 balls like that a few years ago...


Currently, I do not have pain, my oval is oriented properly and some slight wear inside the thumb (thanks to an interchangeable thumb... it's all one consistent phenomenon ball to ball now)... 


So basically, just enough drag at times to cause some topping/chicken winging/split second release adaptations/etc... I have all 16 balls with the same cut to cuts now so I trying this less costly experiment. My Plan B is what you suggested CharlesT, just some away.
Dave Ingraham, Major, USAF (Ret)


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Re: What should expect?
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2011, 02:29:16 PM »
Sounds reasonable. Just offering what I experienced.
I guess you learned the hard way, if you change pitches, you do have to change spans a high percentage of the time (98% or so?).
Good luck.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"Some bowlers are crazy as pickled cats."
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Re: What should expect?
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2011, 06:41:15 AM »
Tried the new slug in PBAX where we all know every little error gets magnified x10... apparently the slight reverse definitely quicken the release and the away eliminated the drag... Never bowled on Shark but went 181 with a few wash-outs and 222 with a few splits... left an unforeseen amount of 9-pins but I was really able to come out clean for a change...


So guys, what type of pain from squeezing with too much reverse is the sign to back off on the reverse pitch?

Dave Ingraham, Major, USAF (Ret)


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Re: What should expect?
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2011, 07:28:56 AM »
Nice about the clean release. 9 pins, if you're righty, could be traceable to that clean release - slightly move revs = slightly more backend movement.
Pain: possibly in the wrist & up the arm - too much tendon pressure and not enough muscle.  Can lead to tendonitis (tennis elbow).
As I mentioned above, the more reverse I used, themore  precise the thumb fit had to be. The tighter thumb hole allowed less muscle to be used to hold onto the ball without squeezing harder. If your thumb is still slightly loose, you may need another 1/2 piece of tape to allow you to hold onto the ball with less pressure.
AllAirForceTwice wrote on 3/22/2011 6:41 AM:
Tried the new slug in PBAX where we all know every little error gets magnified x10... apparently the slight reverse definitely quicken the release and the away eliminated the drag... Never bowled on Shark but went 181 with a few wash-outs and 222 with a few splits... left an unforeseen amount of 9-pins but I was really able to come out clean for a change...


So guys, what type of pain from squeezing with too much reverse is the sign to back off on the reverse pitch?

"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"Some bowlers are crazy as pickled cats."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: What should expect?
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2011, 07:42:30 AM »
I was gong to recommend a little more bevel on the 0/0 holes but it sounds like you've solved your problem.  --  JohnP


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Re: What should expect?
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2011, 08:04:33 AM »

 I have been incrementally increasing the amount of bevel on my 45 degree ovals on the thumb's outside and in front for awhile... while that helped 85% I guess... was not 100%. I want to bowl more competitively after I retire from the Military and while I have the funds to perfect a few aspects of my game now, I am willing to try some of the more costly fixes... I hope others learn from your suggestion though... I see too many ugly thumbs in leagues and too little bevel on balls...

JohnP wrote on 3/22/2011 7:42 AM:
I was gong to recommend a little more bevel on the 0/0 holes but it sounds like you've solved your problem.  --  JohnP

Dave Ingraham, Major, USAF (Ret)


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Re: What should expect?
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2011, 08:06:32 AM »
Thanks Charles, I will watch for that over the next few months...

Dave Ingraham, Major, USAF (Ret)


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Re: What should expect?
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2011, 11:09:19 AM »
i have a ?? currently my thumb pitches are 0 & 1/8 reverse. at times when i need to slow down, i feel the ball may be coming off my hand too soon & i am not coming around it well. my finger pitches are MF: 5/16 left & 3/16 away & RF: 9/16 right & 3/16 away. i am wondering if i should get rid of the reverse and put the 1/8 left in, so that i can still clear the ball well, but possibly not as quickly, since i do have the away on my fingers?


i know that pitch isn't all the blame on release& i am working on arm swing and such. thanks in advance!


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Re: What should expect?
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2011, 08:36:12 AM »

 Better bowlers tend to use less bevel than those less skilled.  They like the feel they get and have developed a proper release and callouses that allow them to use less.  When I drill a ball I try to watch the customer bowl at least a game to check for friction or soreness of the thumb.  I hate to see someone six months later and find out they've been fighting thumb problems, even though I tell them to come see me if they have any problems.  --  JohnP

AllAirForceTwice wrote on 3/22/2011 8:04 AM:

 I have been incrementally increasing the amount of bevel on my 45 degree ovals on the thumb's outside and in front for awhile... while that helped 85% I guess... was not 100%. I want to bowl more competitively after I retire from the Military and while I have the funds to perfect a few aspects of my game now, I am willing to try some of the more costly fixes... I hope others learn from your suggestion though... I see too many ugly thumbs in leagues and too little bevel on balls...

JohnP wrote on 3/22/2011 7:42 AM:

I was gong to recommend a little more bevel on the 0/0 holes but it sounds like you've solved your problem.  --  JohnP


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Re: What should expect?
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2011, 09:27:03 AM »

 Agreed... I have very little bevel now. I see enormous amounts of bevel on balls which can be incredibly hard to duplicate IMHO... but a lot of people try to and they have all kinds of hang, drop or dump issues that just chew up thier thumbs... took a week off from bowling for a work trip so returning tonight at the PBAX on Shark... Hope it feels the as good. Good advice John. Thanks.

JohnP wrote on 3/23/2011 8:36 AM:

 Better bowlers tend to use less bevel than those less skilled.  They like the feel they get and have developed a proper release and callouses that allow them to use less.  When I drill a ball I try to watch the customer bowl at least a game to check for friction or soreness of the thumb.  I hate to see someone six months later and find out they've been fighting thumb problems, even though I tell them to come see me if they have any problems.  --  JohnP

AllAirForceTwice wrote on 3/22/2011 8:04 AM:

 I have been incrementally increasing the amount of bevel on my 45 degree ovals on the thumb's outside and in front for awhile... while that helped 85% I guess... was not 100%. I want to bowl more competitively after I retire from the Military and while I have the funds to perfect a few aspects of my game now, I am willing to try some of the more costly fixes... I hope others learn from your suggestion though... I see too many ugly thumbs in leagues and too little bevel on balls...

JohnP wrote on 3/22/2011 7:42 AM:

I was gong to recommend a little more bevel on the 0/0 holes but it sounds like you've solved your problem.  --  JohnP

Dave Ingraham, Major, USAF (Ret)