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Author Topic: PBA Experience Lineup  (Read 877 times)


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PBA Experience Lineup
« on: February 20, 2007, 05:14:04 AM »
I am joining the PBA Experience league this summer, and, being young in the adult leagues, I feel I need to (and I want to) prove myself. But I don't want to get there and realize that I don't have the right equipment for the shots. I throw 20MPH with high revs...I guess I'm ofter compared to Tommy Jones (but I'm not that good, lol).

What kind of equipment and what drill patterns should work on each of the five shots? Cover type, length/roll drills, core strength, etc...I want to know it all!

When having trouble, just throw it harder!!!



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Re: PBA Experience Lineup
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2007, 01:30:39 PM »
Low flare drillings 5-1/2" to 6" pin to PAP to keep flare down, usually above the middle finger(like Sean Rash) produce length and even reaction.  I try to get the flare nice and tight without clipping any holes.  In theory, you could drill one ball like this and just change the cover to suit the pattern.  I have done this with my Action, and can use it down the outside on almost every pattern.  More importantly than the ball or drilling is working on different releases.  I personally have worked more on getting up the back of the ball and have gotten much better this season.  Most the patterns can be played closer to the gutter, so get use to it.  If you get a lot of practice time and do not change lanes you might as well start with a dull ball outside of where you plan on playing to give yourself some friction to the right.  By the same token, plastic or spinning polished balls inside you're line with give you a little hold.  If you're only there for one game, it isn't worth it.  Also, a plastic ball for spares is a must.

Here is where your breakpoint should be around on each pattern:

Cheetah: five board out at 35 ft.
Chameleon:  five, ten, or fifteen board at 39 ft (straight down 10 worked in Hammond)
Scorpion: around 9 or 10 at 41 ft.
Shark: 12 or 13 at 44ft
Viper: 7 or 8 board at 37 ft.

Hope this helps.
Where is the bait?  I'm goin' to jail!!! - Chocolate GAYzer