I'd suggest an early rolling layout, not too strong for a sport shot. You will not need hook, but consistency.
For a high tracker, I'd suggest pin under ring finger (about 4 1/2" from PAP), with the CG swung out a bit towards your PAP, say 60-75° from PAP. I would not go for a leverage position, even with a light particle load, this could become a problem with an ongoing tournament and changing conditions. With matching revs and speed, this should provide you with a nice, hard arc and playability over a longer period before having the need to switch to the Hybrid.
This one could be laid out out similarly, I'd even move the pin a bit closer to the PAP, placing it under the bridge (1/2" more distance from PAP). CG could be placed a bit stronger, set in your palm, and this layout should be good for late shifts and when the whole thing dries up.
But that's all a personal idea, better check out other opinions, too!
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe