The CG does not make a significant (if any) difference in reaction, especially with today's strong asymmetrics (pro-CG balls are all asymmetric)
What the pro-CG ball will do regarding the drill pattern is unknown. If the CG is off the pin-MB line to the right and you're a right-handed bowler, you could be very, very limited as even modest movements of the MB away from the thumb will create excessive finger, side, or thumb weight, maybe more than can be managed with a weight hole (depends on the starting top weight).
Or it could be out of line to the left for a right-handed bowler and you can do almost anything reasonable without needing a weight hole.
Without knowing how the CG is out of line, it's hard to know any more. When you get the ball, you can always contact Storm or RG (I don't recall anyone else selling "pro CG" balls) and ask for layout advice.