I have recently had a debate with a driller that said if you draw a line from the PIN past your PAP, and put an x-hole on that line (close to pin, or far from) that the ball will be more "stable" and is a "better idea when looking for more control while taking out weight"
Naturally, I belive (know) he is wrong.
I told him that that idea is bull(the whole on the line crap)and told him that the x-hole's location from the PAP is the only factor in altering reaction and not from the pin or anything else (now, guys i do realize that the CG location tells you how much to take out or how much you can take out, but i think you understand what i'm saying)
He still disagrees because "i'm just a 16 yr old jack&$% who knows nothing about bowling and much less about drilling." (ouch)
This comes from a person that i don't even trust to lay out my equipment, he is just there to drill. I do everything else myself
Thats the story.
So thats why i'm here!!! To get your insight and proof so i can walk up to him, look him in the eye, and tell him that he has one less customer!!!! I customer with very heavy pockets for equipment at that!!!!
Today:......was it you?........or was it the Laneman?
Unoffical Youth Brunswick Staffer
Yea, I'm a crown bearer. Why aren't you???
Jared Wolf
Jonesboro, AR
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