Drilled a ball for a 5 year old girl, who bowled for over a year without holes, and wanted to bowl with holes like her Dad. I set her 6 lb Zone up with 3/8 left and right in the fingers, 1/4 forward in fingers and thumb, and 0 lateral in thumb. I measured her off an existing drilled ball with her thumb size and marked the ball surface short of her second joint, then measured the span...which was 1 3/4 and 1 15/16 or something like that. Drilled holes 1/2 inches deeper than length of finger tip to second joint and kept her bridge quite small. I then beveled all holes so no sharp edges were anywhere. This little kegler avg'd 84 this year and had games in the 130's. High series of 118 + 115 = 233. Even though this is with bumpers, she seldom uses them. She puts all digits in the ball and walks toward foul line with ball supported with both hands, and releases two handed but off to her right side as normal. Pretty cool. She had no issues with soreness and thinks I am the greatest ball driller in the world. My charge was $10 which included a towel for her to wipe her ball like her Dad does. Gotta keep the young ones interested. Al