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Author Topic: Your opinion of the RICO layout is.......  (Read 8351 times)

Pat Patterson

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Your opinion of the RICO layout is.......
« on: June 13, 2010, 04:44:32 PM »
I was wondering what everyone''s opinion is of RICO drilled bowling balls you have or have seen others use.  Whether the experience was good or bad please share your thoughts/insite as to what you liked or disliked.

I recently drilled up a Lane Masters Ultimate Power utilizing the RICO layout and the ball easily clears the heads and mids and arcs very, very hard off the dry.

Edited on 7/10/2010 1:22 AM
Pat Patterson



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Re: Your opinion of the RICO layout is.......
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2010, 01:17:15 AM »
Love the pattern. My pap is 5.5" across 0 up or down. Above average rev rate. Have several different balls drilled on this pattern and a few on a slightly modified version.

I lay it out on the Rico pattern then move my center grip line about an inch to the left. This puts the pin an inch positive of my center grip line and makes the pin about 4.5" from my PAP. I like to use this on pearl bowling balls to get them in a roll just a little sooner. If it is an aggressive pearl it will give the ball a wonderful backend reaction that is obviously stronger and great for when the oil carries down.

I will usually start with a Wild Thing on a Rico pattern and when the oil starts to move down and I leave 10 pins I can keep the same line or move in a little with a more aggressive pearl ball drilled on the modified pattern and go right back to striking. These patterns really compliment he each other really well for me.
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Re: Your opinion of the RICO layout is.......
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2010, 01:35:23 AM »
It's not bad at all, I like how it reacts on heavier oil patterns. I only have it on 1 ball though, my Khameleon.
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NY Mike

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Re: Your opinion of the RICO layout is.......
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2010, 11:00:11 AM »
Just drilled up a Blue Vibe with the Rico layout.  Absolutely love it, have had good experiences so far with lanes drying up.   Great length, recovery.
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Pat Patterson

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Re: Your opinion of the RICO layout is.......
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2010, 05:47:25 PM »
Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson


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Re: Your opinion of the RICO layout is.......
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2010, 07:31:03 PM »

Basically, I like the RICO but it has its limitations. It reacts differently for different individuals based on their positive axis point coordinates (axis tilt and rotation differences). In my case with PAP coordinates of 4.25" over and 0.25" down, my RICO-layout Conquerer has a 40-degree x 4.75" x 60-degree dual angle layout. The 40-degree drilling angle results in an early to medium-early roll at the first transition while the 60-degree angle to the VAL results in a medium to relatively mild reaction downlane at the second transition. The 4 3/4" pin to PAP distance results in medium flare potential for a symmetrical core ball. No doubt you have different PAP coordinates than I do, so your drilling coordinates and ball reaction will be somewhat different than what I or anyone else experiences.
Therefore, I have gone away from using RICO or any other layout that doesn''t take into account one''s positive axis point, speed, rpm, axis rotation, axis tilt, and ball characteristics. If I had unlimited funds and access to free equipment, I wouldn''t mind putting the pin, CG (and MB when applicable) in an arbitrary location. But with dual angle layout methodology available, I don''t have to guess. I can fine tune first transition, second transition and flare without the guesswork.
In summary, there are no magic layouts. But given the time to obtain a bowlers pertinent roll data, knowledge of their current equipment and what the bowler would like out of their new equipment, I can meet their expectations (or explain to them why their expectations are not practical given their specifications and equipment choice(s)).

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Edited on 6/15/2010 7:33 PM


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Re: Your opinion of the RICO layout is.......
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2010, 12:49:51 PM »

Congratulations for explaining why it is not a BE all!

A good one though for certain purposes!


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Re: Your opinion of the RICO layout is.......
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2010, 12:54:47 PM »
I have a Whirlwind drilled rico and it reads the mids way too early for me even with a polished surface
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Re: Your opinion of the RICO layout is.......
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2010, 04:18:13 PM »
More on the RICO:

It gives you a different shape to the pocket. Most of my equipment is balanced in the first and second transition (e.g., 45-degrees x 4.5" by 45-degrees) or weak first transition, strong second transition (e.g., label leverage, 60-degrees x 4.5" x 30 degrees). As a strong first transition, weaker second transition drilling, RICO gives me a good look on high volume, shorter length sport shots and THS.

Cons: RICO tends to work well for me early a good look for the first game and maybe into the second. When carrydown sets in, the weak second transition results in a lot of 10-pins or worse (2-10s, washouts, etc.)


Edited on 6/16/2010 4:18 PM

Jesse James

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Re: Your opinion of the RICO layout is.......
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2010, 04:53:04 PM »
I don't know if I'm over simplifying this, but my experience with Rico drilled balls is that they work fantastically on a fresh shot, and not so well on the later block patterns, at least for me.

I have a very high track. I tend to get a bit of over/under with a couple of balls that I use in 2nd and 3rd games. This is not the case, every single time, but just something I observed, in a general sense.
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Re: Your opinion of the RICO layout is.......
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2010, 09:33:43 PM »
I have a Rico's Urethane RotoGrip Grenade.  My house has old wood lanes with a short THS.  I started with the Grenade during warm up and used it all the way through the third game.  Had to start moving left with the feet slowly and surely, and by the third game I had moved 7 boards, but the ball was so smooth and even rolling that I never had to change balls.  I would usually start with a Mutant Cell or Break Solid and keep changing balls as the lanes transition.  But with the Rico'd Grenade, I could stay with one ball all the way! Maybe I can leave my 4 ball roller at home and just bring a one ball bag!

Pat Patterson

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Re: Your opinion of the RICO layout is.......
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2010, 01:22:41 AM »
Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson


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Re: Your opinion of the RICO layout is.......
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2010, 01:44:18 AM »
More on the RICO:

It gives you a different shape to the pocket. Most of my equipment is balanced in the first and second transition (e.g., 45-degrees x 4.5" by 45-degrees) or weak first transition, strong second transition (e.g., label leverage, 60-degrees x 4.5" x 30 degrees). As a strong first transition, weaker second transition drilling, RICO gives me a good look on high volume, shorter length sport shots and THS.

Cons: RICO tends to work well for me early a good look for the first game and maybe into the second. When carrydown sets in, the weak second transition results in a lot of 10-pins or worse (2-10s, washouts, etc.)


Edited on 6/16/2010 4:18 PM

My pap is 5.5" across and when I start to encounter this I switch to a ball on the same Rico layout only with everything moved 1" to the right.(positive side of the ball) It gives me a 4.5" pin to pap and the ball gives me the exact same look as my other rico drilled ball only with a more angular backend reaction. WOW is all I can say after trying this out. Used it on a few different bowling balls with great results. Makes it nice when switching from one ball to the next and having no doubt on what the reaction will be.

" men lie, women lie, numbers don't "
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Re: Your opinion of the RICO layout is.......
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2010, 07:38:32 AM »
I tried the Rico on a Hammer Anger. For me it just didnt work well. I was told that you need higher than average Rev Rates for it to work well. Not sure....
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Doug Sterner

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Re: Your opinion of the RICO layout is.......
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2010, 09:24:12 PM »
I have drilled a few balls RICO and here's my analysis of the balls....

The RICO layout makes snappy balls snappier and makes rolly balls rollier....

My Doom and Burn just about did a u-turn in the middle of the lane.

My Buzzbomb and Hyroad just rolled forever without ever really turning the corner.
Doug Sterner
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