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Author Topic: Diva Divine  (Read 26489 times)


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Diva Divine
« on: January 09, 2015, 02:01:22 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00 has the largest selection of bowling balls
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DV8 Diva Divine Ball Specs:

- Color: Dark Purple Pearl/Pink Solid All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Reaction: Midlane Reaction
- Coverstock: Class 7G Reactive Hybrid
- Core Type: Diva
- Factory Finish: 500, 4000 Siaair Micro Pad
- Radius of Gyration (RG): 2.568**
- Differential (Diff): 0.052**
- ** RG and Diff are based off of 16 lb. balls
- Hook Potential: High 210 (scale 10-225)
- Length: Early 100 (scale 25-235)
- Breakpoint Shape: Angular 90 (scale 10-130)
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium to Oily



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Re: Diva Divine
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2015, 02:47:31 PM »

The Diva Divine

So far ive had a small sample sive with this ball but im already in love.
This ball is pretty damn strong. Smoother than the diva pearl and more overall than the original diva was for me. I got throw it against my Thug unruly and it was about 5-6 boards less overall hook than that beast. Layout wise I used a 60 x 5 x 35
Pin in a shade above my middle finger for me.  Feels like it will be a good combo to go along with my other diva pieces and right now its a solid running partner with my thug unruly.


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Re: Diva Divine
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2015, 09:58:45 PM »
The Diva Divine provides traction in the mid-lane with a powerful back end reaction through the pins, and the7G coverstock provides ultimate traction. Seems like an overall great ball and will work with any kind of bowler


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Re: Diva Divine
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2015, 11:03:01 AM »
The Diva Line has been a staple in my bag for the better part of 2 years now.  I have drilled numerous Original Diva’s and Diva Pearls.  I can use my “girls” (as I call them) on almost any pattern.  So I was over excited when the Diva Divine was announced.  A stronger version of the Diva will fit very nicely in my bag.
I choose a layout of 50x5x70, which is one of my favorite layouts on both the Original Diva and the Diva Pearl.  This layout reads the midlane strong, and provides a smooth continuous motion on the backend. 
The Diva Divine is already my go to ball on almost all conditions I have faced since I got it.  I have used it on the heavy volume Wisconsin State Minors pattern, the 37’ Kegel Broadway pattern, the 43’ 2014 USBC Open Championships Team Pattern, and a Typical House Shot. 
The Diva Divine is one of the most versatile bowling balls I have ever thrown.  A ball that I can throw with success on that many different types of pattern must be good.  I was able to play the outside part of the lane on the shorter patterns, I was able to play inside on the longer patterns, and when both broke down I was able to move left and open up the lane.  The core cover combo of the Diva Divine is a perfect marriage of strength and versatility. 
I am just going to say that the Diva Divine is a perfect ball for ANYONE on ANY pattern.  This ball is so versatile there is no way I could pick a specific pattern or type of player it would work best for.  This ball is GOOD!!! Get yourself one, or two, or fill the bags with them, you won’t be disappointed. 
Bryan Bannach
Radical Regional Staff Member


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Re: Diva Divine
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2015, 01:56:13 PM »
I have drilled my diva devine pin down 5 inches of axis, no extra hole. Left at box surface. I am a lefty with high revs and high speed.
This ball gets through the front part of the lane cleanly, revs up in the mid lane, with a strong continuous backend motion. I have thrown this ball on 2 seperate house shots, a 37 foot and a 39 foot. Also thrown it on the usbc white pattern.
So if your looking for a ball for a medium condition ball with a strong continuous motion to the pocket, well this is your ball and you won't be disappointed!!!


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Re: Diva Divine
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2015, 11:51:38 AM »

Length: 43ft Asymmetrical THS and 41ft Beaten Path

Volume: 23.75mL (THS) 24.25mL (Beaten Path)

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):THS and Challenge

The new Diva Divine really is just that . . . Divine. I drilled the new Divine to compliment my other Divas. The Diva series is my favorite symmetrical line we offer. Being left handed, I can normally get away with using stronger core/cover combinations. This new Diva Dvine uses the same Diva core as the previous Divas with a new Class 7G Reactive Hybrid cover. The new cover really seperates this diva from the rest. With similar drillings, the new Divine is at least 3feet sooner in reading the lane and 3-5 boards stronger on the backend with more entry angle and continuation. With the original Diva, I wasn't always able to start and stay with it as the lane opened up. There's times when moving in and still getting it to carry the corners just couldn't be done. A ball down to the Diva Pearl wouldn't give me the midlane read needed, resulting in over/under and a lot of wash outs. I had the same issue when trying to move to the Dude. The new Diva DIvine allows me to migrate in as the pattern opens up and stay aggressive with my angle and speed. On our 43ft 23.75mL THS using Kegel Fire on Wood, the Divine blended the lane condition and allowed me to start my attack playing 10-5 the ball got through the heads well and read the midlane and backend strong. Being the only lefty, as usual, I was able to stay in that area moving a little when needed until the line really opened up. Being on wood w/ Kegel Fire, the lane opens up fast (yes, even on the left side . . . it's an asymmetrical ths) and a big jump in and ball up to a strong polished asymmetrical is what I would normally do. Instead of changing balls, I moved in and was able to really open up the lane playing 18-5. The Dvine never lost reaction, entry angle or carry.

Beaten Path is a challenge pattern that plays to the characteristics of the lane. Once you find the most friction, you try to stay in the breakpoint zone and use alignment and ball changes to get the ball to the pocket. On the 41ft Beaten Path I was able to start with the Divine playing straighter angles looking 10-7 using the 4pin as a focal point. Comparing to my similar drilled and surfaced Diva and Diva Pearl, the Divine read the midlane roughly 3feet sooner and more backend continuation that allowed me more room for error on balls missed left of target. Again, as the lane opened up, I was able to jump in and continue to use the Divine.

The Diva Divine will be a great addition to your league and tournament arsenal. I can see this ball being a hit at this years USBC National tournament. It is, without a doubt, the strongest and most hooking symmetrical ball in the DV8 Line to date. I personally love the Diva line and several of them drilled for league and sport/tournament conditions. The new Divine is now my go to ball and first out of my bag every time I bowl.

Tom M.


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Re: Diva Divine
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2015, 08:30:18 AM »
Bringing us the BEST of both worlds, find out why Lane Side Reviews thinks the new DV8 Bowling Diva Divine is so good you can't afford NOT to have it in your bag!
#TeamDV8 #damngoodbowling #DIVA #lsr #TeamTURBOGRIPS #teamRBT#teamAXIS

DV8 Diva Divine

Pin Length – 3-4"
Starting Top Weight – 2.2 oz
Ball Weight - 15lb 4oz

Drilled at 60 Degrees X 4” x  40 Degrees

Rev Rate – 240 / 352 / 436
Ball Speed – 14.1 MPH / 18.6 MPH


Grit - Out of the Box
Type (Matte, Polish, Sanded) - Out of the Box

Length - 41 ft
Volume – 18.30 ml
Type (Wall, Xmas Tree, Sport) – Kegel Main Street (THS)

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Re: Diva Divine
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2015, 09:02:26 AM »
Layout:::: 40 X 4 X 30 Pin  above right of the Ring Finger
Box Surface
Rev Rate ::: 350
Ball speed:::: 16 mph
Condition:::::41 ft.  House shot

So the Diva Divine is properly named,
I started playing the outside line with the Diva Divine.  I can say with my Diva Solid and Diva Pearl on this line struggles a bit to  get to the pocket with the amout of oil there is  down 5 and out.  The Diva Divine picked up in the midlane and just kept going   without loosing any energy or carry.
I then opend my angles a bit stood 25 and  targeted15-9 and it kept going high .  It had no problem at that angle making the turn. I moved 5 more left and 3 with the target and  the ball is amazing.  Reads the mid lane   , and has it's radar locked on to the 1-3 pocket.  This ball strikes and strikes .  First game out of the box in practicw ewith it was 289 with a stone 9 pin costing me the 300.

I can see this ball is going to be a great ball for Nationals,  States and  all tournamets  and conditions.  This ball is just flat out good.

#TeamDV8 #TonightWeBowl

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.

Jim Sabatell
DV8 Regional Staff
Perfect Shot Pro Shop

Jim Sabatell
DV8 Regional Staff
Disclaimer !!  The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer .


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Re: Diva Divine
« Reply #8 on: January 23, 2015, 10:12:10 PM »

Ball Weight: 15 lbs


Dual Angle: 70 x 5" x 70

X Hole (if there is one): No


Rev Rate: Medium , between 250-275 rpm

Ball Speed: 17-18 mph

PAP/Track: 5 1/2" over and 1/2" down


Grit: Box Finish

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Hybrid Solid


Diva Divine is the strongest diva in the Diva line.  The Diva Divine has a hybrid solid coverstock along with the original Diva core which gives the Diva Divine about 3-4 boards stronger on the backend and more midlane roll than the original Diva.  I laid out my Divine to complement my Rude Dude which it shows to be more angular on the backend then my Rude Dude so that when the Rude Dude isnt kicking out corner pins, the Diva Divine will.

Charles Withers II
DV8 Advisory Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.


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She's a Keeper
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2015, 04:15:52 PM »
The Diva Divine has the curves you're looking for and the shoes to match. Send her out for the night and she will come running back. The best diva I've ever seen! Super clean thru the front, tilts on friction, and continues thru the pins. Nothing can stop her. This is another one of my favorite benchmark balls. Stronger than the original diva, DV8 nailed this one. I can use it going straight up the lane, or move in and hook it, I don't lose my carry power. For me, being a faster speed, I ring a lot of corner pins as I move in. This ball kicks the corners out quickly and never leaves me second guessing if that headpin will hit it. Great ball pin up or down. Great addition to your bag or if your trying to find something that is versatile, don't be shy. She's a keeper!
John Bercier
Dv8 Regional Baller

BuddiesProShopcom - Tim

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Re: Diva Divine
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2015, 09:02:59 PM »

Pin Length: 3-4"

Starting Top Weight:3.4

Ball Weight: 15


Pin to PAP: 4 3/4"

CG DUAL ANGLE: 65 x 35

X Hole (if there is one): n/a


Rev Rate: 425ish

Ball Speed: med high

PAP/Track: 4 1/2" right 5/8" up


Length: medium-early

Back End: continuous

Overall Hook: med-high

Midlane Read: strong

Breakpoint Shape: smooth


When DV8 announced the Diva Divine, I was very, very excited.  For as long as I can remember, I have loved symmetrical core shapes with sanded coverstocks, and this one is my favorite yet.

I laid the new Diva Divine out with my standard symmetrical layout: 65 x 4 3/4" x 35.  I like this layout because it allows me to do different things with my hand and it still gives me plenty of ball motion.

On the lanes with our heavy oil house pattern, the Diva Divine showed a heavy midlane roll through the flood in the middle of the lane and a smooth, predictable, and continuous backend move.  As the lanes break down in my center, they tend to get very wet/dry.  With the predictable shape the Diva Divine made, I was able to stay in the same area of the lane and did not see the traditional wet/dry breakdown. 

On Sport and Challenge Patterns, the Diva Divine excelled on medium length and shorter patterns.  The midlane read keeps the ball in play and easy to adjust off of, and the smoother, continuous backend controlled the strong backends. 

Comparing to other balls in the line, the Diva Divine has the most midlane of all the DV8 symmetrical balls.  The Rude Dude was a touch cleaner with the same smoother backend.  The Diva Pearl was much, much cleaner and had a much, much sharper move in the backend.

The Diva Divine is a great addition to anyone's arsenal.  I can see this ball working for all styles of play, and in EVERYONE'S comfort zone.


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Tonight we bowl.


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Re: Diva Divine
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2015, 01:19:36 PM »
As a PBA Member and DV8 Staffer, I have had the chance to throw the DIVA DIVINE for a few weeks now as I get ready for the USBC Masters. And let me tell you, this ball will get a lot of play.
I have always had good luck with the symmetrical DV8 products and the original Diva is still a mainstay in my bag. It just seems that when you get on a shot where nothing works “great”… the Diva always does.
Well, the DIVA DIVINE is a Diva on steroids. WOW!
This ball hooks. It gets started (even in the puddle), reads the mid-lane, and then look out – this DIVA is coming hard. Get the message… it hooks.
When you have that shot where everything seems to go “too long”, I really don’t see a situation where this will be a problem with the DIVA DIVINE.
My original DIVINE was drilled pin down with the CG kicked out to get into a roll earlier for those heavier patterns where you need the ball to start. It does just that. I also drill one pin-up to get a little more length – and wow does this ball hit!
To see just how good this ball is… go to youtube and watch Shannon throw it – you need this ball if you are looking for the ball that fits everyone. DIVA DIVINE – coming to your local pro shops 1/28/15.
Jeff Johnson
DV8 Regional PBA Staffer


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Re: Diva Divine
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2015, 01:01:15 PM »
 The Diva Divine is a great addition to the Diva Family! I have my Divine drilled 30x4x25 with a P1 hole. The Divine hooks more through the mid lane then my original Diva and has incredible backend motion going through the pins. I'm a high rev player but, this ball will be conducive to anybody's game. I find with this ball that it rolls great off the dry and restore all it energy going into the pins and hits like a truck. This is my new benchmark ball and highly recommend this ball to everybody that wants to strike a lot.

Jason Wendt
DV8 Regional Staff member


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Re: Diva Divine
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2015, 10:38:49 PM »
Bowler Stats:
18.5-19.5 mph
400-450 rpm
5-7 degree tilt
40-60 degree rotation

Layout: 90 degrees by 4.5" by 70 degrees

Initial thoughts: All of the Divas have rolled very well for me. Even with a stronger layout, my original Diva was pretty good on fresh medium patterns but still had room for a touch more midlane reaction. The Diva Divine was created to give a stronger motion than the original Diva, but with more overall hook thanks to more midlane read and the same strong backend. I went with this controlled layout because I envision this ball being in my tournament bag, especially on medium to medium heavy sport patterns. In fact, I anticipate this ball will be in my bag for the USBC Open Championships.

On the lanes: This ball is exactly as advertised. Plenty of push through the fronts, a strong midlane read, and plenty of backend reaction to pair with that midlane read. This ball is the total package and is very versatile in my opinion. In my house-shot, I've been starting out with this ball to let the stronger cover smooth out any over-under reaction. In my Kegel challenge league, I've started out with this ball to smooth the breakpoint on the fresh and to give me a predictable reaction. In both leagues, I can continue to move deeper throughout the night and not have to worry much about leaving a weak 10. Usually when I get in past 4th arrow is when carry starts to shrink a little for me and my low tilt. Note however that this ball, with this layout, is not intended for maximum backend reaction. It is intended for a benchmark, first ball out of the bag, reaction on a wide variety of patterns. My original Diva (similar layout but with an x-hole 2" down VAL) is about 3 boards weaker than the Diva Divine with those 3 boards coming from the original waiting longer to pick up on the friction, but similar shape off of the breakpoint. Picture the same shape as the original Diva but with the Divine making it's move about 6-9" earlier.

Closing Remarks: The confidence this ball gives me from reading the midlane is crucial on fresh tougher patterns when you need a consistent reaction. The Diva Divine is the perfect benchmark ball for almost any bowler due to it's strong midlane and backend. If you're going to the USBCs (or planning any tournaments on medium to medium-heavy sport/challenge patterns), I strongly suggest having this ball within reach. Even if you just bowl leagues on house-shots, the Divine will give you a consistent midlane read without over-reacting to the friction outside or hydroplaning in the flood inside. Confidence and control is money. Get the Diva Divine, and it'll pay for itself quickly!
Jared Wolf
Jonesboro, AR
Brunswick Advisory Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.


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Re: Diva Divine
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2015, 02:00:39 PM »
 The Diva Divine is a great ball. It fits in perfect with my Diva Pearl. The Diva Divine is one of those balls that I can play the middle of the lane or I can jump way inside and know that the ball will recover with out losing the carry. This ball is a great addition to my bag.