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Author Topic: Dude  (Read 27146 times)


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« on: October 08, 2013, 11:17:15 AM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00
DV8 Dude Ball Specs:
- Color: Black / Purple Solid All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Coverstock: Class 4F Reactive
- Core: Dude Core
- Factory Finish: 500 Siaair Micro Pad / Royal Compound / Royal Shine
- Reaction: Strong and continuous backend motion
- Radius of Gyration (RG): 2.597**
- Differential (Diff): 0.040**
- ** RG and Diff are based off of 15 lb. balls
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium-Light Oil
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal



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Re: Dude
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2013, 07:30:48 PM »
rh 335 rev rate 8 degrees of tilt/  pap is 4 1/16th straight across

layed this out with a rico drill for a tournament. I have used it on last years USBC pattern, last years 39 foot masters pattern, a 41 foot house shot and on a 43 foot tournament condition.
IT ROLLS AMAZING on each of the patterns. This may be the best ball I have ever drlled. If i had to compare it to anything with DV8 being so new I would compare it to a HYroad or Gamebreaker in my opinion. This ball is very controlled , smooth with a nice strong continuous roll. It is surprisingly stronger than I thought it would be( but in a great way) This is a true benchmark ball . Go with your favorite layout on this ball and watch what it does. If this ball doesnt win ball of the year I would be surprised.
Great job DV8!!
Jim Wollschleger
Dv8 Regional Staff Member
These opinions are mine and mine only and not that of the Brunswick Bowling

BuddiesProShopcom - Tim

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Re: Dude
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2013, 08:23:35 AM »
After watching the promotional video for the Dude, I couldn't wait to punch mine up.  I went with 65 by 5 by 40, which has become one of my two standard symmetrical layouts.

I bowl in 2 leagues, one sport league and a second shift house shot league.  When the sport league is fresh, there has been a little too much volume to see the Dude really shine.  As the lanes break down and some friction starts to appear in the front of the lane, the Dude comes to life.  I can keep moving left and know the ball is going to make a strong move in the back and finish through the pins.  For patterns or lane surfaces with some built-in hook in the front, take out the Dude and watch it glide through and POP off the spot.

The house shot league is second-shift following a women's league, so sometimes the lanes can get a little wishy-washy in the backend.  Often times, balls hook hard off the dry to the outside, but lose traction as they get closer to the pocket.  With the Dude, the ball motion was strong off the dry part and continuous through the slop in front of the pocket. 

This is most definitely the best benchmark ball reaction of any ball I've thrown.  On a variety of conditions, I feel anyone can find a way to make the Dude work, and the results will be amazing.  Comparing to the other DV8 balls, the Diva picks up a little bit sooner with more of a midlane read for about 4 more boards of total hook.  The Marauder Mutiny showed similar length to the Dude, but was smoother off the spot.  The difference in hook was about 2 boards, with the Dude breaking sharper in the backend.

If you need an all-purpose ball, haven't gotten a ball in a while, looking for that last piece to fulfill your arsenal, whatever the reason, you need to pick up a Dude.  What are you waiting for?

Tweet me @BuddiesTim
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Tonight we bowl.


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Re: Dude
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2013, 04:02:07 PM »
I got this ball "the Dude," about 2 weeks ago and drilled it pretty simple. My ball had a 2.5 inch pin and my ring finger is almost between the pin and CG. I have to say this ball is extremely impressive. I have owned every single DV8 ball, and this one is a true benchmark ball for the advanced performance line. It rolls so incredibly clean through the front of the lane, and makes a great, hard, turn off the spot toward the pins. It manages to keep the pins extremely low for great carry as well. But, the thing I'm most impressed with is this ball's predictability. This ball gives me great confidence in the mid-range of my equipment. I can put down a harder hooking ball and just keep striking with "The Dude." I don't think there is a mid-price ball on the market that can compete with its performance. I would recommend this ball to ANYBODY.

Dustin Bearden
DV8 Regional Staff Member
My views are strictly my own and not those of the Brunswick Corporation


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Re: Dude
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2013, 08:49:05 AM »

I laid this ball out with the pin over my fingers and the CG in the middle of my palm, both on the center line of my grip.
I can stay right longer on a typical house shot and I can still get the corners out when I gradually move in. It's very versatile - a ball I would be able to read the lane with and know which ball I could switch to, if needed. In comparison to the Diva, it is straighter through the front and sharper off the spot. Definitely happy to see a ball motion like this from DV8. DUDE, order one.




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):




John Bercier
Dv8 Regional Baller


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Re: Dude
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2013, 08:06:33 PM »
DV8 describes the Dude as “Finished with Royal Shine, the Dude skids easily through the front and mid-lane revving hard on the backend providing a strong and continuous motion on the backend. The Class 4F coverstock has the right muscle with plenty of length and backend flip on medium-oily to light oil lane conditions.”
When I first heard the announcement of the Dude I immediately knew what I was going to do with it.  I had been looking for a new “house shot killer” and I had a feeling this was going to be the one.  Even before drilling it I changed the surface to 500/Rough Buff instead of the out of box 500/Royal Compound/Royal Shine.  I then drilled it Rico (pin in the palm).  In the past this layout gives me a strong mid lane read, with a smooth continuous move on the backend.  Putting this layout in Dude was absolutely the right decision.  The cover/core combo in the Dude is truly something special.  Even with the Rico layout, the Dude glides through the heads with ease.  It then makes a very strong but smooth move to the pocket.
I did have to adjust my mentality when using the Dude on a house shot.  I intended it to be good on the fresh.  It is okay on the fresh, but can be a little bit “squirty”.  It pushes just a little bit too far on fresh volume.  But once the lanes start to break down is when the Dude really shows its power.  Once the lanes open up I can literally stand left and throw right.  I never have to worry about the Dude reading too early, or losing energy in the choppy heads.  This ball is a monster when it comes to playing transition.  It will be my go to ball game 2 and on.  Also with the Rico layout I don’t get too violent of a reaction off the backend.  It is very controllable.  If anyone is looking for a ball to replace a Versa Max, I would not shy away from the Dude.  The motion is like a Versa Max on steroids. 
Bryan Bannach
Radical Regional Staff Member


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Re: Dude
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2013, 10:58:21 AM »
Finally drilled this up 60x5x50 same as my Ruckus. Let a friend throw it before I did in League on THS and he shot 796 with it. He is not going to order one. This will be my Bench Mark ball. I have thrown the Versa Max and compared to it the Dude is cleaner through the fronts and hits harder on the back end, so if your looking to replace your Versa Max this is the ball for you. Once you throw this you know what the ball is going to do. This is not your typical DV8 ball movement is very strong off the point but not Sharp. This ball will work GREAT on burnt heads and Crisp back ends

Brandon Riley

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Re: Dude
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2013, 01:07:09 PM »
Most mid-high end bowling balls are sold to provide one of 3 main ball reactions - max hook in heavy oil, max backend, benchmark ball for fresh lanes.  This is all fine and dandy, but what are bowlers supposed to do when the lanes dry out?  Low end balls tend to be squirty in carrydown and don't flare enough to create a consistent, continuous motion through the pins from inside angles and most mid-high end balls read the pattern too soon.

I drilled my Dude 60x4.25x50 (pin in ring, cg directly below) and have not altered the surface.  I have used it in league on 41' main street as well as in competition on Kegel Broadway and 1.9:1 41' pattern on prolane.  My first impression of this ball was amazement at how straight this ball is through the front part of the lane but still being smooth in the back.  The Dude plays longer than my liking for fresh lanes in league as I was out in the track with the strokers to start.  The carry was fine, but I knew that for this condition I am better off with my Divas and Ruckus.

However, from game 3 and on the Dude has looked incredible.  While my team mates are taking steps left and amping up their speed to force the ball down the lane, all I have to do is put my Diva back in the bag and pull out the Dude.  I will spare you the figjams, but I am really impressed at how well I have been able to move all over the lane by making little adjustments with my hand.  This ball has given me success right of 2 arrow and as deep as 5 arrow in game 6 of a 5man team tourney.

I would absolutely recommend the Dude for anybody looking for a performance ball to ball down to once their benchmark ball hooks early.  It is just as long as my Misfits, but with a much more consistent arc in the back end and a must have in everybody's bag
Brandon Riley
Hammer Regional Staff


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Re: Dude
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2013, 09:30:30 AM »


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Re: Dude
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2013, 06:55:34 PM »
DV8 Dude

Pin Length - 2-3"
Starting Top Weight – 3.1 oz
Ball Weight - 15lb 4oz

Drilled at 60 Degrees X 5 5/8" x 35 Degrees

Rev Rate - 400  / 350 / 300 / 250
Ball Speed - 19mph / 16mph


Grit - Out of the Box
Type (Matte, Polish, Sanded) - Out of the Box

Length - 41 ft
Volume - 27.35ml
Type (Wall, Xmas Tree, Sport) - USBC Open Championships 2011

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Re: Dude
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2013, 08:12:05 AM »
Drilled  50 X 4 1/2" X 30
Surface Left OOB

I through this ball, and the first thing I noticed right away was how much this ball reminded me of the Hell Razor Terror, just a lot cleaner on the Lane.  I need a lot of friction for this ball, but it is one of those balls that when the lanes start to dry out, you can get deep on the lane and circle the ball and it just comes flying back around the corner.  This ball through the front part of the lane the skids through with so much ease, and keeps a lot of its energy stored up for when it sees the friction, and then it is off to the races with this ball. A great ball for any type of bowler, a beginner that is learning to hook the ball all the way to the advanced bowler that is looking for more down lane reaction.

I use this ball a lot when the lanes start to burn up, it allows me to move left and just throw it right.

I am going to play with  the surface on this ball, and see what different types of motions I can get out of it, and I will post another review with the different changes that I made to this ball!!!

A special Thank you to Ron Bragg @ Brunswick !!!!!

Jason Dee
RoweZone Bowling Store


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Re: Dude
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2013, 11:33:25 AM »

Ball Weight: 16 lbs


Dual Angle Layout: 55 x 4 1/2" x 55

X Hole (if there is one): P3 Hole


Rev Rate: Higher, between 370 and 410 rpm, aka Cranker

Ball Speed: 16.50 mph

PAP/Track: 5 3/8" over and 7/8" up with a high track


Grit: Box

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Polished


Length: Multiple

Volume: Multiple

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): Multiple


Length: 7 /10

Back End: 7 / 10

Overall Hook: 7 / 10

Midlane Read: 7 / 10

Breakpoint Shape: 8 / 10 (Smooth)


Likes: Great ball for a bechmark and medium conditions

Dislikes: none

This is a great ball for any THS or medium oil conditions. I have used this ball on sport patterns and house shots with the same predictable motion. This is a must have for any tournament bowler because it doesn't over react on any condition. I have it drilled to go to when the Diva is hooking too much or I need a smoother overall reaction on the lanes. It works really good on flatter patterns because it reads the end pattern by getting into a roll and not bounce off the friction.  This is my go to ball when I need to control the midlane reaction.
Vise Staff Member


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Re: Dude
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2014, 12:20:01 PM »



Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):


Likes: this is one of my favorite balls. Thus is my mwin house shot ball. I have pin in ring eith cg straight down. Rev rwte 320 epeed 15-16 .. the reaction is very smoothh smd gives me great lengthn. This ball goes between my misfit and hr terror. Ooob the dude was a touch more angular than I wanted...but others may want that. I took it to 4000grit and a light coat of polish by hand. Now its perfect. Smooth reaction with an explosive hit. If u want a smooth versatile ball fo4 all conditions this is it. I can uee this on very heavy oil as well as light medium oil.smoothness and versatility are the main characteristics


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Re: Dude
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2014, 01:17:42 PM »

Pin Length: 3/4
Ball Weight: 15 lbs


Dual Angle: 75 * 5 * 40

Pin above the finger on my Centerline CG kicked right with no hole


Rev Rate: Higher 300+ RPM

Ball Speed: 16 mph

PAP/Track: 4 7/8 over and 7/8" up with Med/Low Track


Grit: Box
Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Polished


Length: 40ish
Volume: League
Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): League Pattern


Length: 8 /10 (Clears fronts with ease)

Back End: 6 / 10 (Very VERY SMOOTH)
Overall Hook: 7 / 10 (More backend hook)

Midlane Read: 7 / 10

Breakpoint Shape: 6 / 10 Smooth


Likes: So far this ball at box surface is a great benchmark piece with versatility in its viens

Dislikes: IF you want something to create a big backend/chang direction kind of piece this
is the wrong ball.

Im a little late to the party on the DV8 equipment so bear with me. I drilled this dude a few weeks ago.(The pun's for this ball crack me up) This ball in league is the first out of my bag so far. Its really blends out the league pattern extremely well. If you get it in the oil it like's to skid easily and hold pocket. When I get this ball to the right on the league pattern this ball shine's. At the friction this ball creates a big round shape off the pattern. If you get it out to early it doesnt over respond and you pull it this dude holds the pocket like a champ. If you bowl somewhere like I do where league is extremely over/under this ball will blend out the pattern and will make that pattern easy for you!


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Re: Dude
« Reply #14 on: April 13, 2014, 08:44:15 PM »
1) DV8 Dude

2) Ball Specifications
    a) Gross Weight: 15lbs. 5oz.
    b) Top Weight: 3 oz.
    c) Pin Placement: 3"
    d) Coverstock:  Class 4F Solid Reactive
    e) Core: Symmetrical
         RG Max 2.597 @ 15 lbs.
         RG Min 2.557 @ 15 lbs.
         RG Differential 0.040 @ 15 lbs
    f) OOB Surface: 500 Siaair/Royal Compound/Royal Shine
3) Drill Layout/Pattern:
a) Pin to PAP distance: 5”
b) CG to PAP distance: 5”
c) Undrilled 75* X 5.25" X 35*
d) Pin Over ringfinger
e) CG 1" from centerline, 2.5" pin Buffer

4) Surface Preparation
    a) Surface Type: P800/4000/Royal Compound / Royal Shine

5) Bowler Specifications
    a) Right handed
    b) Stroker
    c) Ball Speed: 17mph off hand
    d) Rev rate: Low/Medium rev’s (250rpm)
    e) Positive Axis Point (PAP):5 7/8"> 5/8"^
    f) About 13 degree axis tilt

6) Lanes
    a) Type of lanes (synthetic) Brunswick Pro Anvil
    b) Oil pattern Information (Typical House Shot “THS”) Length 41 ft

7) Ball Reaction Characteristics
The Dude has a good smooth reaction, vary controllable. It's clean through the heads, with a nice strong continuous roll. Not a heavy oil ball, it can push a little far on the fresh (depending on the volume you have). It Takes surface changes well, good recovery from the outside and hold in the middle.

A good house shot ball, it doesn't over react when it sees friction. I can easily use it for 3 games during league, It's the first ball out of the bag. It's a good all around ball with a predicable motion and strong when it needs to be.

It would make a good first ball for a beginner or a good benchmark ball.
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