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Author Topic: Grudge  (Read 24570 times)


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« on: February 03, 2016, 12:05:21 PM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00 has the largest selection of bowling balls
Click here to shop.

Description: The DV8 Grudge pairs a Composite Hook solid coverstock with the Grudge Low RG asymmetric core and is finished with a 500 then 1000 Siaair micro pad.  This is a great hooking ball for heavy oil conditions.

- Color: Black/Purple/White   All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Core: Grudge Low RG Asymmetric
- Coverstock: Composite Hook Solid
- RG: 2.490 (15# ball)
- Diff: 0.056 (15# ball)
- Hook Potential: 265 (scale 1-250)
- Length: 105 (scale 1-235)
- Factory Finish: 500/1000 Siaair Micro Pad
- Ball Motion:  Maximum Hook
- Recommended Lane Condition:  Heavy Oil



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Re: Grudge
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2016, 03:37:17 PM »
Its time to make 'em mad! Knock 'em down! You know they're going to hold a grudge, so why shouldn't YOU? Watch Lane Side Reviews throw the ball that will have everyone holding it against you, the new DV8 Bowling ‪#‎GRUDGE‬!


Pin Length – 3-4"
Starting Top Weight – 2.5 oz
Ball Weight - 15lb 2oz

Drilled 60 X 5” x 65, no weight hole

Rev Rate – 240 / 352 / 436
Ball Speed – 14.1 MPH / 18.6 MPH


Grit - Out of the Box
Type (Matte, Polish, Sanded) - Out of the Box

Length - 41 ft
Volume – 18.30 ml
Type (Wall, Xmas Tree, Sport) – Kegel Main Street (THS)

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Gene J Kanak

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Re: Grudge
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2016, 10:08:31 AM »
Length: Varying
Volume:  Medium
Type: THS, and Kegel Winding Road
Layout: Pin in ring, mb below and slightly right of thumb
Coverstock prep: Box

COMMENTS: I have only put about 10 games on this ball so far, but I really, really like the look I've had with it thus far. The Grudge is strong, but it doesn't roll at my feet and flame out early the way some oil balls do. The motion is smooth, but very strong all the way through the lane. I'll be curious to see how it handles the heavy patterns it's designed for, but if it's half as good on those as it has looked so far on the medium conditions I've tested it on, this will be a very nice piece of equipment.

Likes: Smooth, strong, predictable motion; versatile (can be used on mediums, not just soup); hard hitter (several messengers during the early games).

Dislikes: None yet


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Re: Grudge
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2016, 07:34:22 AM »

Length:  Multiple

Volume:  Medium and Medium Heavy

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):  THS, Modified THS, and a 40 ft flat


Likes:  This ball is now the most aggressive ball I have in my bag at this time.  Best part of this ball is that I can get it to push a little before making its move and it has great continuation through the pins. 
If you are looking for a ball for heavier oil this ball will give you a look in the back ends this is the ball for you. 
Drilled with the pin above the ring finger with the cg kicked out maybe 1/2 inch and mb next to thumb. 

All Navy bowling team 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015


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Re: Grudge
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2016, 10:33:39 AM »

Length: Vary

Volume:Medium, Medium Heavy

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): Modified THS, THS


Likes:THis ball allows me move in out of my comfort zone which is generally down and in up 5. I'm able to use this ball when I move in and have the assurance that it wiil make that turn on the backend. Hooking the ball is not my "A" game but this ball makes me look like I have a lot of hook. If you're looking to have the smooth motion but yet that powerful punch threw the pins, I would high recommend THe GRUDGE.

There are no dislikes about this ball from me.



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Re: Grudge
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2016, 10:48:22 AM »
Let talk about the Grudge
CORE Grudge Low RG Asymmetric
COVERSTOCK Composite Hook Solid
FINISH 500 / 1000 Siaair Micro Pad.
My ball speed is 15.6 rev rate is 425 lot of side rotation

I placed the pin in the ring finger being that I got a 1-2 inch pin. Threw in on a 44ft pattern and the reaction I got was almost to clean throw the front part of the lane and the reaction down lane was not what I was expecting, I saw this ball get to the 50ft mark and it was like someone kicked it left, It continued throw the pins like they were toothpicks.. This was is going to fit in great with my Thug Life and Thug Corrupt


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Re: Grudge
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2016, 11:42:06 AM »

Ball Weight: 15 lbs


Dual Angle: 30 x 4 x 45

X Hole (if there is one): Yes


Rev Rate: Medium , between 250-275 rpm

Ball Speed: 17-18 mph

PAP/Track: 5 1/2" over and 1/2" down


Grit: Box Finish

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Sanded


The DV8 Grudge, OMG.  This ball is absolutely a hooking machine.  Ita hooks and it keeps hooking.  If you need a ball for HEAVY volumes of oil, this is the ball you need in your arsenal.  I laid mine out to roll heavy through the lanes and pick up quick in the midlane and roll to the quick to the pocket.  The Grudge is a MUST and needs to be in everyone bag.

Charles Withers II
DV8 Advisory Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.


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Re: Grudge
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2016, 05:37:27 PM »
My Name is Doug Cutler and I am a DV8 Regional Staffer. I am left handed and throw around between 15-16mph. The surface on the Grudge is out of box which is 500/1000 Siaair Pad. Pin is 3-4". I drilled my first Grudge with the Pin just above my ring finger and the CG Stacked.  All I can say about the Grudge is WOW! This ball is a hitting machine and it throws the pins all around. This is the most aggressive ball that I have ever had and I loving this ball. I can play up the boards or I can move inside and keep it in the oil and it just cuts through the oil.  Also one other thing I love about this ball is if I make a mistake like leak it left it still recovers and still hits hard and does not roll out.  I am going to drill another one also and change the surface on it.  I compare this ball with my Brunswick Nirvana which at the time was my most aggressive ball and I see the Grudge reads the mid lane cleaner, but saves more energy for the back and has more angle or hook when it hits the pocket. The Brunswick Nirvana reads the mid lane earlier and then kind of just rolls to the pocket which is good for some of the patterns we bowl on. I have used the Grudge on the Kegel Autobon which is a long pattern, and on Kegel 39 foot Flat shot(which was our pattern for the Indiana Master), and also on a THS.  On the THS which we bowl on beat up wood I tried it out of the box surface and it was a little to strong, but I brought the surface up to 4000 and man what a difference and I can play from multiple angles. If you are looking for a ball for Heavy oil patterns or even a THS this is a ball you will need in your bag. You can change surfaces on the ball and it will react. If you are using this ball on short patterns you will need to bring the surface up on it.  Brunswick has hit another HOME RUN with this ball and the New Composite Cover Stock on this ball is amazing, and every ball that has the Composite Cover Stock I have loved and has been big sellers.  Brunswick Brand Balls are the hottest balls on the market. So get to your local Pro Shop and purchase a DV8 Grudge.  You will not be Disappointed!!!  #dv8bowling #dv8grudge

Doug Cutler
DV8 Regional Staffer
PBA Regional Champion
Doug Cutler
DV8 Regional Staffer


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Re: Grudge
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2016, 02:39:28 PM »

Pin Length:4"

Starting Top Weight:3.2

Ball Weight:15.


Pin to PAP:4 1/2 1 1/8th up

CG to PAP:4

X Hole (if there is one):


Rev Rate:230

Ball Speed:14.5

PAP/Track:16 deg tilt



Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded):




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):



Back End:

Overall Hook:

Midlane Read:

Breakpoint Shape:


LikesDrilled the ball with my favorite dual layout of 60x4x30 , I am a med to low rev bowler competing in my 50th year of bowling. This ball The Grudge is incredible, clears the fronts with ease, makes the transition to hook very predicable with exceptions roll without too much over under. The incredible thing with this ball is it's exceptional hitting and carry power. This is a new core design in this ball with compliments my game very well. Have sold several of these balls for our local pro shop based on what it has done for me on the lanes or as I have always referred to, in the trenches. I believe this ball is a must have for every medium yo low rev bowler, The Grudge as instantly become one of my all time favorites




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Re: Grudge
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2016, 05:17:32 PM »
DV8 Grudge
Bowler Stats:
Speed: 18-19mph
Rev Rate: 400-450mph
Axis Tilt: 7degrees
Axis Rotation: 30-60 degrees
Layout: 45 degrees by 4” by 45 degrees (small hole 1” down VAL)
Intent: Hook. A lot.
On the lanes: The Grudge has been advertised as so strong that I haven’t thrown it much until I saw a pattern with enough volume that would really test its strength. The 2015 IB Open pattern is 47’ with 33ml of oil; perfect for a test. On the fresh, the Grudge was the most hooking ball in my bag out of the box hands down. Compared to my original Nirvana at 1000 grit, I was surprised to find that the Grudge was about a board stronger than the Nirvana even with its surface. On this pattern I had the Grudge being a little more rolly in nature than the Nirvana so I now have two distinct shapes at the very high end of my bag.
Final Thoughts: I feel like I could literally make this ball hook on ice (at least a flood). Even at the OOB finish, there was plenty of friction to be had. I’m likely to order another and have a stronger layout and rougher surface to have a Grudge/Grudge/Nirvana top part of my arsenal for this year’s IB Open and longer PBA patterns. The only question I have is wondering how they can possibly make something in the future that hooks more.
Jared Wolf
Jonesboro, AR
Brunswick Advisory Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.

Brandon Riley

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Re: Grudge
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2016, 07:02:54 PM »
Drilled my Grudge 55x5.5x50 (pin over middle finger) with no hole to be another strong hooking option for longer/heavier patterns.  The layout that I picked is slightly weaker than that of my Nirvana, which is simply too much ball for 90% of the patterns that I encounter.  After a couple outings, I took the surface up to 3000 to ensure that the Grudge would not overlap with my Nirvana.

I would still consider the Grudge to be a fairly early ball, but with the longer pin layout the reaction is a lot tamer than the Nirvana.  This gives me a smoother move through the midlane, which gives me a much better look when trying to keep my speed up and playing straighter angles through the front.  My first outing since the surface adjustment was on 37' Broadway and I surprisingly had a look soft handing the ball from 12-5, but also had a look putting my hand into it from 4 arrow to the ditch.  My best look was at a tournament on Stone Street 42' house pattern, but I've also had decent looks on 41' Beaten Path and 45' Route 66.

In comparison to other balls in my bag, the Grudge splits the difference between my Nirvana and Ultimate Nirvana.  When it is too strong off the back, I have my pin down Guru Supreme.  Once the Grudge picks up too much, then I can ball down to my Melee Hook which is a little less cover/core.

What impresses me most about the Grudge is how well it took the surface adjustment.  I had tried tinkering with the surface on my Nirvana, but it became a bit jerky at the breakpoint, while the Grudge has smoothed out really well.  I recommend the Grudge for bowlers who are looking for a more versatile heavy oil ball which takes well to tweaks in surface and hand position.  If you are looking for a straight up tank for the heaviest of oils, then stick with the Nirvana.
Brandon Riley
Hammer Regional Staff


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Re: Grudge
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2016, 03:12:10 PM »

I got my Grudge last night...

Drilled:40* 3 7/8*38 P3

Pin: 3-4

OMG! It is MONSTER ball, it hooks very hard on heavy oil.. definitely will be my 1st ball to go if the lane is OILY. Strongly recommend for everybody to get it for Heavy Oil lanes. Stronger than Nirvana...

247,212, 269 for 728 series on first 3 games rolled...
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Re: Grudge
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2016, 08:08:56 AM »
If you do not have a DV8 Grudge in your bag… something is wrong.
Now I know you have read that the DV8 Grudge is the biggest hooking ball on the market but don’t let that fool you. This ball is SO clean through the front and then look out – it is going left BUT not that uncontrollable left snap. It just hooks.
As you move left, you don’t lose any hitting power… it just keeps on striking.
I have a pin down Grudge that I use on heavy oil (and out hook most people) and I also have a pin up (70 x 5.5 x 40) as the ball that is in my hands the most. This ball hooks and this ball strikes.
IMHO – I think this ball is changing how we play the lanes. It hooks from places that normally we couldn’t get a ball to hook from, it is clean through the fronts, and it is so controllable.
If you are heading to USBC Nationals in Reno… you need a DV8 Grudge in your bag.

Jeff Johnson
DV8 Regional Staff and PBA Member


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Re: Grudge
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2016, 10:12:55 AM »
The DV8 Grudge redefines the cliché of “Hook in a Box”! This ball is just a monster on heavy oil!
I wanted to have a complementary drill to my Brunswick Nirvana pin down, so I went with the Grudge drilled pin up above my ring finger, with the pin and CG in direct alignment of each other. The result is a tremendous amount of hook that provides a much more versatile ball reaction on heavy oil.
The ball motion is very clean through the front part of the lanes, while maintaining a tremendous amount of hitting power. This ball maintains its motion at the break point and through the pins, with incredible predictability. I strongly encourage anyone considering a heavy oil ball to definitely consider the new DV8 Grudge.
The DV8 Grudge is another incredible ball in the line of many from DV8 to add to anyone’s arsenal. I can't believe how much this ball hooks!



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Re: Grudge
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2016, 12:44:03 PM »
Pin Length: 2-3
Starting Top Weight: 3 oz
Ball Weight: 15lb 4oz
Rev Rate: 400
Ball Speed: 16-17
PAP/Track:  PAP: 5 ¼ rght 1 up
Style: Power tweener
Box Finish: 500/1000

Lane Pattern
 Length: 45
Sport or THS: THS
Manufacturers Intent

The Grudge is the newest high performance heavy oil bowling ball from DV8. This ball uses a strong coverstock named Composite Hook Solid paired with the new Grudge Low RG Asymmetric core. The cover is prepped from the factory with a final finishing step of 1000 SiaAir, giving it more than enough texture to tackle heavy volumes of oil.


 The grudge is significantly stronger through the entire lane the anything DV8 has released. This the strongest ball in the first two phases of the lanes i have ever thrown. The box surface can tackle even the heavies of lane conditions. With a slight surface adjustment to 3000 siaair the ball stores considerably more and delays the breakpoint by 4 to 5 feet with a much harder read off the spot.

Daniel Gauthier
Brunswick Regional Staff
Turbo Regional Staff
Strike Fx Pro Shop Staff

Danny Gauthier

Brunswick Regional Staffer
Turbo Regional Staffer
Real Bowlers Tape Advisory Staff
Strike FX Pro Shop Professional Driller