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Author Topic: Ruckus Schizo  (Read 16931 times)


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Ruckus Schizo
« on: June 23, 2014, 01:52:32 PM »
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DV8 Ruckus Schizo Ball Specs:

- Color: Neon Lime/Neon Yellow Pearl All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
- Coverstock: Class 12F Reactive
- Core: Ruckus Medium RG Asymmetric Core
- Factory Finish: 500 Siaair, Royal Compound
- Reaction: skids through fronts and mid-lane then flips on the backend
- Hook Potential: High
- Length: Medium
- Breakpoint Shape: Angular
- Radius of Gyration (RG): 2.592**
- Differential (Diff): 0.052**
- ** RG and Diff are based off of 15 lb. balls
- Recommended Lane Condition: Medium-Oily
- A few tiny pit holes in the cover stock of the ball are normal



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Re: Ruckus Schizo
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2014, 07:06:09 PM »
Pin Length - 3-4"
Starting Top Weight - 3.1
Ball Weight - 15.03

Pin to PAP - 5"
CG to PAP -
X Hole (if needed) - Small x-hole 1.5" down my VAL
MB Location - in line
Drill Angle - 45
VAL Angle - 45

Rev Rate - 375
Ball Speed - 15.5-16.5 depending on the line
PAP - 5.5" x 0"
Axis Tilt -13 degrees



Box finish/ 500 Siaair Micro Pad, Royal Compound


Medium THS


Clean through the front part of the lane and very strong down lane. Overall better reaction then I had with the previous Ruckus and Feud.

Stronger then expected so far. Only had one game on the ball prior to the video and it was on the PBA Scorpion pattern. I was able to stand in deep and play 25 to 10 safely. If I stood a little further right I had 20 to just outside of 10 down lane but it wasn't a consistent look. The ball was really strong on this pattern and I only used it for one game till I could get some practice in with the new ball.

I am happier with this ball in 4 games then at any point with the previous two in the series.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Ruckus Schizo
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2014, 09:06:06 PM »
Taking the RUCKUS family to a whole new level, see Lane Side Reviewsenter a whole new reality as they take the DV8 Bowling Ruckus Schizo through its paces.

DV8 Rude Dude

Pin Length – 2-3"
Starting Top Weight – 3.4 oz
Ball Weight - 15lb 3oz

Drilled at 60 Degrees X 4 3/4” X 30 Degrees

Rev Rate – 240 / 352 / 436
Ball Speed – 14.1 MPH / 18.6 MPH


Grit - Out of the Box
Type (Matte, Polish, Sanded) - Out of the Box

Length - 41 ft
Volume – 18.30 ml
Type (Wall, Xmas Tree, Sport) – Kegel Main Street (THS)

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Re: Ruckus Schizo
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2014, 06:35:48 PM »
Ruckus Schizo
By: Bryan Bannach DV8 Regional Staff Member
DV8 describes the Ruckus Schizo as “Featuring the new Class 12F Pearl Reactive coverstock wrapped around the Ruckus core, the Ruckus Schizo skids easily through the front and mid-lane flipping on the backend for the most breakpoint potential of any DV8 ever on medium to oily lane conditions.”
When the Ruckus Schizo was first announced I had some mixed emotions about it.  Pearlized covers have always been some of my favorite covers, and I have been waiting for a big ball asym with a pearl cover for a while now.  However, the last pearl ball from DV8 (Hell Raiser Terror) was a big miss for my game.  So I was excited, but hesitant all at the same time.
I decided on a 65x3.5x45 drilling for my Ruckus Schizo.  I had this layout in a Brutal Nightmare and loved the look that ball gave me.  I was excited to try it in a pearl ball.  This layout gives me a motion that is able to read the mid-lane while still conserving some energy to make an angular move and still go through the pins. 
So far I am thoroughly impressed with the Ruckus Schizo.  I have used it on a burnt up house pattern, and the 40ft Abbey Road Kegel Pattern. 
On the house pattern I was amazed at the ability of the Schizo to clear the heads.  My Feud and Brutal Nightmare could not get through the burnt up heads, and my Dude and Rude Dude were just too strong in the front as well.  But the Schizo easily got through the heads and made a BIG move on the backend.  I could not believe how much energy the ball retained getting down the lane.  I was able to play 5th arrow and get my breakpoint to 6 board and still have enough energy to get back and carry.  Truly amazing. 
On Abbey Road I saw the side of the Schizo I expected to see.  The ball is not overly strong on fresh oil.  It flies through the heads with some head oil, and because of the layout doesn’t over flare, reads the mid-lane, and makes an angular move on the backend.  Because of this I don’t think this will be the ball you want to start out with on many fresh patterns.  The cover and surface prep just don’t handle a ton of head oil all that well.  However, once the lanes start to break down and open up a bit, this ball will be a beast.  It will allow me to get left and wheel it as seen on the THS.
I believe this ball will be great for anyone looking for a ball to go to when their Ruckus Feud is starting to lose a little energy but they still want that asymmetric look.  Or anyone that bowls on a house pattern that uses a medium to lighter volume of oil.
Bryan Bannach
Radical Regional Staff Member


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Re: Ruckus Schizo
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2014, 12:30:50 PM »
LAYOUT: 60x5x30
PAP: 4 3/4 over

This ball for me skids easily thru the front part of the lane and turns very hard in the back part of the lane. I've used in on a few pattern anywhere from house to sport. If I want to control it a little more, then I dull the cover a bit. When I want length and back end, I keep it shined up.

Between this ball and the rude dude. They are the first two balls out of my bag. They are predictable, reliable, and most of all they drive thru the pins like a dv8 ball. Hard.
I tend to find the schizo in my hand more because of its cleanliness thru the lane. Definitely a great ball to look at. For the cost, you can't compare its performance. Already ordering a few more.
John Bercier
Dv8 Regional Baller


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Re: Ruckus Schizo
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2014, 11:35:35 AM »
Hello again to all !!!

here is my post for the Rukus Schizo

Driling Layout :  50 X 4 1/2 X 35

WOW !!!!!  what can I say about this ball.  I have never seen a ball come off the spot quite like the Schizo... For a highend ball this ball rolled through the front part of the lane without giving up any energy, and when it seen the friction it was almost like someone had kicked the ball left.  It was tested on a typical house pattern.  This ball definently got the pins moving around, even when it was a half pocket hit.  This ball on a fresh pattern maybe a little hard to control, but when the pattern breaksdown, and the lane opens up a little more, this ball will be the ball that just will kill the pins.  This ball seemed like I could do what I wanted with it. I could play straighter and take my hand out of the ball and go more up the back of it, or just keep moving left and get around it, and I didn't lose any energy out of the ball.

Bowlers that are looking for a lot of backend for those heavier oil conditions and like seeing the hockey stick look, the Schizo is the ball for you.  Tournament bowlers with higher rev rates you will definently want one of these in your bag.  And again for bowlers that love bright colours, this one is pretty vibrant looking.

DV8 is raising the bar with the latest ball release.  If you are looking for a good 1 - 2 punch, then the ball to look out for is the RUDE DUDE and the RUKUS SCHIZO.  See your local pro shop and get one or both in your hands.

Jason Dee


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Re: Ruckus Schizo
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2014, 07:43:10 AM »
I am left handed, and my Ball Speed is between 15-16 mph.

My First Ruckus Schizo ball is drilled with the Pin in the middle above my Fingers and the CG in the middle of my palm.

The ball surface I lightly hit the ball with a 4000 pad.

The patterns I have used this ball on the USBC Red Pattern, High Way to Hell, and Abby Road.

What all I can say is WOW!!!  I have not had a ball yet that can come off the spot like this ball.  I can move inside and throw the ball left and the ball will recover quickly.  I have drilled a second ball that is a Pin down below my Fingers and the CG is stacked and I have hit this ball with a light 2000 and this ball works well when my pin up Schizo is going down just a bit to long.  I have a great combination with these 2 balls because when you are bowling well and when you get some carry down or the heads go away sometimes when you change to another kind of ball you won't get the same carry so I have drilled 2 of each ball 1 with a pin up and 1 with a pin down and this has worked for me that past 2 years.  I also have a great 1-2 punch with this ball and the Rude Dude.  If the Schizo is way to much ball I got with the Rude Dude and the 2 balls I have used every were I have bowled the past 3 weeks.  I have loved all of the balls that DV8 has put out and they keep coming up with better and better balls and they have hit a home run with these latest 2 balls. I have not shot under 650 the last 3 weeks and I bowl in Sport Pattern leagues and tournaments.  I think that DV8 and Brunswick and Radical are making the best balls out on the market right now and Storm better watch out!!

The Schizo get through the heads really clean and saves its energy for the back and has a good recovery and great drive to the pocket.  You will need one of these in your bag because I promise you will not be disappointed.

I have not seen anything yet on this ball that I don't like or a condition yet that I have not yet able to throw the ball on.

DV8 thank you SO much for bringing out terrific balls that hit hard and can't wait to see what we have next!!

Doug Cutler
DV8 Regional Staff Member
PBA Regional Champion

Doug Cutler
DV8 Regional Staffer

BuddiesProShopcom - Tim

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Re: Ruckus Schizo
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2014, 04:42:35 PM »

Pin Length: 3-4"

Ball Weight: 15 lb 3 oz


Pin to PAP:5 1/8"

Dual Angle: 65 degrees by 5 1/8" by 35 degrees

X Hole (if there is one): N/A


Rev Rate: 450

Ball Speed: 17ish

PAP/Track: low (4 1/2" right, 5/8" up)


Grit: Box

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Royal Compound

The Ruckus Schizo features the same core as the first two Ruckus balls but with a slightly tweaked pearl cover compared to the others.

It comes with the same compound finish as the original Ruckus. I was curious how these two balls would differ, so I drilled the Schizo similar to my favorite Ruckus and took to the lanes. I went with a 65 x 5 1/8 x 40 dual angle layout. Within a couple shots, the difference between these two balls was clear. The Ruckus is a long/strong type ball. On fresh patterns, the high volumes can cause this ball to be very touchy and erratic. I found this ball to be much better suited for medium volumes and broken down patterns where more launch and backend angle is required. The new Ruckus Schizo read the midlane more, and blended out the wet/dry of the house shot much better. Since they are the same core and finish, this has to be attributed to the stronger coverstock. Overall hook on the fresh pattern for these two balls was pretty close (the Schizo probably 1-2 boards more overall), but how they read the sensitive areas of the lane was the big difference.
I knew they wouldn't be close, but for "shiggles" i grabbed my Ruckus Feud to see how it compared. The Feud is still a hook monster and still the strongest ball I know of. The Schizo was about 6-7 boards less hook, as the Feud just dug through the oil much better.

To try and bridge the gap between my Feud and Ruckus, I felt it was better to break the compound off of the Schizo with a 3000 pad. This made the ball about 3-4 boards less the the Feud, and about 3-4 more than the Ruckus, and still maintaining the predictability that set the Schizo and Ruckus apart.

The DV8 product line is filling up nicely, and offers tons of different ball motions across the entire catalog. The Ruckus Schizo is a great addition and will offer bowlers of all styles great backend motion without making them pull their hair out because of over/under reaction.


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Tonight we bowl.

Brandon Riley

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Re: Ruckus Schizo
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2014, 05:52:54 PM »
Drilled 3x Schizo's:
60x4.5x70 Pin below bridge (sanded to 2k)
45x5x45 Pin above bridge (with high gloss polish)
60x3.5x45 Leverage w/ MB near thumb (sanded to 3k)

I have slightly above average ball speed, just shy of 400rpms and create a lot of natural length/angle with my track of 4 5/8 over, 1/4" up.  I typically like seeing a little bit of surface on my gear to compensate for my roll.

Our local house puts out 41' 4-1 Beaten Path for tourneys and 11-1 44' High Street for mixed league.
Schizo #1 (pin down with a little scuff) has looked fantastic on Beaten Path.  Its a little strong for me on the house shot, but is an option on nights that play a little slicker or if I want to play more in the oil.  It revs up hard, but still has enough length/pop to allow me to chase the shot in as the lanes transition.  This is often the first ball out of my bag that fills that gap between my Divas and Feud. 

Schizo #2 (pin up) is a backend monster.  It clears the fronts very well for a ball that strong and is giddy when it sees dry boards.  This ball is an arsenal ball that lets me stand way left and trust the ball way right.  Unfortunately, it doesn't see too much playtime because it often gives me too much recovery and angle down the lane but gives me a very strong look from deep inside angles once the lanes have broken down.

Schizo #3 (leverage at 3k) is my house shot killer.  I drilled it with the intention of having a ball that I could use to stay aggressive with my speed and hug the track.  I bowl a mixed league with my gf on 44' 11-1 where there are bowlers playing all over the lane with all kinds of different equipment.  When hooking the ball I actually run the risk of having over/under since there is such a huge puddle in the middle of the lane.  I popped 777 out of the box with this ball a couple weeks back and it has been a great match up for me as I don't have to worry about overreaction if I catch the dry boards early. 
Brandon Riley
Hammer Regional Staff