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Author Topic: Thug  (Read 24051 times)


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« on: October 02, 2014, 11:45:30 AM »
Ball NPS Score: 100.00 has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Description: Show some attitude on the lanes with the DV8 Thug. This bowling ball wraps the Class 13F Hybrid Reactive coverstock around the medium RG asymmetric Thug core to create a skid/flip reaction with an aggressive backend on medium to oily lane conditions.
DV8 Thug Features: - Color: Black/Orange/Silver Pearl Hybrid
- Core: Thug Low RG
- Coverstock: Class 13F Reactive
- RG: 2.542 (15# ball)
- Diff: 0.052 (15# ball)
- Hook Potential: 220 (scale 1-250)
- Length: 125 (scale 1-235)
- Breakpoint: 130 (scale 1-150)
- Factory Finish: 500 Siaair Micro Pad, Royal Compound



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Re: Thug
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2014, 04:31:34 PM »
By: Bryan Bannach DV8 Regional Staff Member
DV8 describes the Thug as a ball that “Featuring the new Class 13F Hybrid Reative coverstock wrapped around the Thug core, the Thug skids easily through the front and mid-lane flipping on the backend for the most breakpoint potential of any DV8 ever on medium to oily lane conditions.”
Understanding the intent of the Thug, I felt that I did not need to put a layout in the Thug that would help the ball get down the lane, as the ball was already designed to do that.  So I choose to put a 45x4 1/2x35 layout in the Thug.  I have used this layout in the past to get the ball to read the lane and make an angular move on the backend.
I cannot express enough how impressed I am with the Thug.  The motion I get out of it is like no other ball I have ever thrown.  Usually with a high end asymmetric ball I usually get the ball to roll early and somewhat die on the backend.  The Thug on the other hand still reads the lane, however it is more angular than any asymmetric ball I have ever thrown.
I first used the Thug on the 43 ft 2.89:1 ratio Kegel Dead Man’s Curve.  I had been struggling on this pattern with my Ruckus Feud.  It was either too strong playing down the boards, but would burn up and roll out if I started to move left.  But not the Thug!  The Thug was clean enough through the front to play square, and once I started to move in, it never quit.  I was able to move all the way into 25 and get the ball to recover with ease.  The Thug is able to handle a very significant volume oil, while still reading the lane properly and retaining all energy for a down lane move.
I also tried using the Thug on a medium volume house pattern, and it was by far too strong for my rev rate.  This proved to me that the Thug needs oil.  I was able to get a decent motion out of the Thug playing very deep around 25 board.  But as I moved left from there the Thug started to lose energy.  It simply needed more volume.
The Thug is the perfect option for someone looking for a ball for heavy volume patterns once the heads start to break down, or for a high rev player on heavy volume patterns.  Speed dominant players would also be able to use this ball on medium oil patterns.  The motion is something very special that many people will be seeking.  Get yours now!         
Bryan Bannach
Radical Regional Staff Member


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Re: Thug
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2014, 01:59:53 PM »
The Biggest and Baddest boy on the block! Watch Lane Side Reviews give up their lunch money to the new DV8 Bowling Thug.
#TeamDV8 #thug #teamRBT #silvertape #turbo #reviewswithlsr


Pin Length – 4-6"
Starting Top Weight – 3.1 oz
Ball Weight - 15lb 3oz

Drilled at 60 Degrees X 5 1/2” X 30 Degrees

Rev Rate – 240 / 352 / 436
Ball Speed – 14.1 MPH / 18.6 MPH


Grit - Out of the Box
Type (Matte, Polish, Sanded) - Out of the Box

Length - 41 ft
Volume – 18.30 ml
Type (Wall, Xmas Tree, Sport) – Kegel Main Street (THS)

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Re: Thug
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2014, 04:06:14 PM »

Thug is my first ball out of the bag when im looking for something strong.
I throw mine at the OOB surface. I used a pretty strong layout and this ball has NO quit down lane. Its really freaking strong

This is the Layout I Used

60 x 4 x 40

Its the strongest DV8 ball out right now and its not even close!


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Re: Thug
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2014, 12:10:56 PM »
Bryan L. Williams, DV8 Regional Pro Staff and VISE Pro Staff Member

DV8 has really gone above and beyond by developing a ball with continuous ball motion down the lane, while maintaining explosive hitting power on the backends.

Although the Thug has an asymmetrical core that can cause a ball to roll early, this ball defies the norm by creating length and hitting power without laying the ball out to get down the lane.  The ball motion is absolutely incredible. The Thug is very clean through the heads, but once it starts to get on its axis and turn, it never stopped hooking. It is very rare to throw a ball that reads the mid-lane and creates such an angular move at the breakpoint.  I have never thrown a ball that moves in the mid-lane, but is angular as well. 

The ball is a great complement to the Ruckus Feud, as the Feud is the strongest rolling ball I have ever thrown.  Where the Ruckus Feud is too strong playing more down the boards, rolling early and sometimes would not finish as strong as you would like, the Thug is the complete opposite!  The Thug is great on heavy oil, while still managing to retain its energy down the lane. 

The Thug is a ball I would recommend on heavy volumes of oil, simply because it just hooks that much!  For league bowlers, the Thug is great on standard house shots.  The Thug will allow you to play down and in, but also allow you to move left or right to open the lanes up and the ball will still recover.  Like all balls, The Thug does have its limits on movement.  As a right handed bowler, if you have to move to far the right, it will lose some of its energy.  This ball is better for heavier volumes of oil.  For players with higher rates of ball speed, this ball is DEFINITELY for you!  If you don’t have one, you better ask someone….DV8….GET ONE NOW!


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Re: Thug
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2014, 08:45:50 AM »
My name is Doug Cutler and i am a DV8 Regional Staffer. I throw left handed and i throw around 15-16mph.

The First Thug I drilled I put the Pin above my Middle Finger and the CG is stacked. The surface on the ball is out of the box.

I have used this ball on quit a few patterns but the one that I am going to do for this Ball review is the Route 66.

We bowled on the Route 66 early this year and it was one of the patterns that I was struggling as for carry and I used my Ruckus Feud and it was good but the carry was not as good and I did not have the Thug at the time and this time i used the Thug and it was what I was looking for on this pattern.  The Thug is cleaner through the Heads and still saved energy for the back and still hits really hard. I was able to use this ball all three games and was able to stay squared up and left.  I did try to move right and open the lane up and the ball still hit hard and did not loose energy.

This ball is what I have been looking for in a higher end that is polished and able to stay straight or move in and don't have to change the surface at all.  The ball is good for Medium to Oily Lanes.  I have tried to use the Thug on shorter patterns but the ball is to strong and just burned up to early. This ball needs OIL!!!

The Thug is the perfect option for someone looking for a ball for heavy volume patterns once the heads start to break down, or for a high rev player on heavy volume patterns.  Speed dominant players would also be able to use this ball on medium oil patterns.  The motion is something very special that many people will be seeking.  Get yours now at your Local Pro Shop!!

I let my friend Nick Campos try my Thug after league about a month ago and he really liked the motion, so he drilled one up that week and within 3 weeks he has thrown 2-300's.  One of my other friends just drilled up his Thug. 

I want to thank DV8 for making another fantastic ball and I think that Dv8 and the other Brunswick Brands are the best balls on the Market!  "TONIGHT WE BOWL"

Doug Cutler
DV8 Regional Staffer
PBA Regional Champion

Doug Cutler
DV8 Regional Staffer


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Re: Thug
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2015, 12:23:04 PM »

Ball Weight: 15 lbs


Dual Angle: 60 x 5 1/2" x 75

X Hole (if there is one): Yes


Rev Rate: Medium , between 250-275 rpm

Ball Speed: 17-18 mph

PAP/Track: 5 1/2" over and 1/2" down


Grit: Box Finish

Type: (Matte, Polish, Sanded): Matte


The DV8 Thug is one of the strongest DV8 balls I have thrown.  This ball is clean through the fronts as it reads the midlane pretty early and has a tremendous angular motion in the backend.  I drilled mine for flat and tight patterns and a little longer patterns.  Ball has great movement on flat patterns where it reads the midlane great to still give it that angular motion on the backend.  The Thug is a amazing ball for long patterns.

Charles Withers II
DV8 Advisory Staff

The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.

Brandon Riley

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Re: Thug
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2015, 06:21:00 PM »
The Thug is DV8's latest High Performance Hybrid designed for strong hook potential and backend.
Drilled 2 Thugs:  60x4x45 (pin up to the right of my ring) @4k  and 40x4.75x70 (pin below bridge) @3k

The pin up was quickly scuffed to 4k as out of box as I wanted something to be a step down from my Feud and this ball is an absolute killer.  I've used it on the 43' National's team pattern, 41' Beaten Path as well as on walls to constant success.  What impresses me most is how long I can keep this ball in my hand - my first tournament out with it I was able to use it the entire time by simply chasing hte oil left.  I was able to use it through 5games of Q, match play and to win in the title match.  Honestly with today's porous equipment it is rare to be able to stick with a ball for more than even 4 games of tournament play, let alone an entire afternoon while still maintaining the desired shape to maximize carry. 

My pin down is a bit of a mystery to me.  In box finish it didn't quite pick up as much as I wanted in the oil, but scuffed at 3k is a little flat when it finds the friction early.  I have used it on the house shot to moderate success and it has been alright on 37' Broadway in our challenge league where I can stay right and pipe it, but compared to the pin up it just isn't quite the same.  The pin up is a beast, the pin down is ordinary by comparison.

As for where the Thug fits in my bag, it is most effective on Medium to Medium/Hvy oil when I am wanting to creep left and want to see the ball pick up at the end of the oil.  The pin up is strong in the backend but still clearly an arc shape that reads consistently even when I am swinging the ball from deep inside.  The Thug is definitely cleaner than the Madness and Feud through the front but revs and picks up a little more than the Diva.  The Thug has a much stronger cover than the original Ruckus (which I didn't really like) but still manages to make a stronger corner.  I highly recommend this ball for anybody looking for a ball to use when they want to open up their angles.
Brandon Riley
Hammer Regional Staff


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Re: Thug
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2015, 02:15:29 PM »
The Thug is finally the answer I've been looking for in replacing my old Hell Raiser Terrors...a strong asymmetric pearl that doesn't waste energy trying to start up too early, or quitting on the back.   I've drilled two, both a pin up and pin down...and it's hard to describe how strong the pin up Thug is once I knocked the polish off of it.  It's barely a step down from a Feud, and and tractions really well in oil for a pearl.  The pin down one is an absolute stud on House it tractions well enough in the puddle to still carry well, and also pushes far enough down the lane when I miss into the sahara that it doesn't overreact.  By far my favorite asymmetric pearl of the past 5 years, and I can't wait to get my hands on the Unruly to build on the success of this one!

Lefty Bigfoot

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Re: Thug
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2015, 02:49:56 PM »

Length: 38"

Volume: Medium

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS



This ball performs as advertised...while that may not seem like a "like", it gives credibility to the information about the ball that DV8 elaborated in their original specifications. 
The ball's motion is reliable and predictable shot after shot, allowing confidence when making moves in transition.  Normally I am not a fan of balls that move so much off the break point on the THS due to my rev rate creating enough backends, but this ball doesn't lose all of its energy making the turn...rather it is still driving equally flying pins (corner pins have been rare thus far).
Out of the box the ball is ready to go...while DV8 balls have proven to have tunable coverstocks, all I have seen throw this ball have kept the factory finish (keeping it's shine with Royal Compound).  The Thug clears the heads very well and doesn't create too large of a groove on the Medium THS.  I have thrown this ball for multiple games with less than three boards of movement and witnessed the same of a two-handed (very high rev) bowler.

none noted



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Re: Thug
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2015, 10:17:59 AM »
DV8 Thug

Ball is drill Pin Below Fingers on Centre Line with a Core Angle of 45 Degrees.  2000 Abralon Surface Tested on House Pattern

I like this ball a lot, I can start playing straight and it has a clean look through the front part of the lane and a lot of energy off the back off the pattern.  When the lanes start to transition I can just keep moving left with this ball, and just keep getting my hand around it more and more the further left I go with it. This ball definently a great piece to have in the bag.  I have a 2nd Thug just haven’t drilled it yet, once I have that one drilled I will post another review on that one.  One thing I notice a lot with this ball besides the great colours on it, is that you can see the transition of the ball very well, skid hook roll.  I think this will be a great piece in everyone’s bag, cause of the versatility that this ball has to offer.  The cover can easily be manipulated to your likings, and for the performance that you are looking for out of the ball.  This ball will really be an attitude problem for the competition.  This ball will be great for tournaments, as I can change the cover to my liking depending on the pattern I will be bowling on and could possibly use it on most of the patterns out there.  This ball will definently be at every tourney with me.  For the lower rev players this will be a great ball for you as this has great movement off the back of the pattern and will give you more hook then what you are use to seeing.  For the higher rev players, a great ball to have cause it allows you to get left and just bang on the ball and the ball keeps coming around the corner.

Thank you DV8, Brunswick, Radical for Giving me the opportunity to represent your Company.

Jason Dee
DV8, Brunswick, Radical Advisory Staff
RoweZone Bowling Store


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Re: Thug
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2015, 04:19:36 PM »
This ball is straight gangster! Clean thru the front and packin heat in the back, the thug is versatile on all lane patterns. I've drilled them pin up and pin down and have consistent ball reaction on short and long pattern and/or all three games of league. The best way to use this ball is always! Just watch the Orange stripe, you can read your ball motion easier and it helps you trust your moves in. The best part about this ball is you don't lose carry when moving in either. So, a ball that can talk the talk, and walk the walk? I'd say this is a weapon anyone would want in their corner. Get it, you won't be disappointed.
John Bercier
Dv8 Regional Baller

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Re: Thug
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2015, 09:55:53 PM »

Pin Length: 3-4"

Starting Top Weight: 2.4

Ball Weight: 15


Pin to PAP: 5"

DUAL ANGLE: 50 x 35

X Hole (if there is one): n/a


Rev Rate: 425ish

Ball Speed: med-high

PAP/Track: 4 1/2" right, 5/8" up


Length: medium-long

Back End: strong

Overall Hook: medium

Midlane Read: moderate

Breakpoint Shape: midlane/flip


My Thug was drilled 50 x 5 x 35.  I was looking for a ball that had a stronger midlane than my Ruckus Schizo, so I went with the shorter drill angle. 

On our house pattern, the Thug had a much stronger read in the 25'-35' range, but still had the strong, angular backend that I liked about the Schizo.  This ball is more of a medium-heavy oil ball, where the Ruckus Schizo is more of a medium oil ball.. The Thug has a stronger coverstock, so it can handle oil better than the Schizo.  It makes a great compliment to the Ruckus Feud, as that is a great ball for heavy oil.

On Sport Patterns, the backend was too strong for a shorter pattern.  A smoother ball is definitely a better option.  On a longer sport pattern, the length/flip combination isn't ideal when the lanes are fresh, but as they break down, this ball shines!

This is a great ball for when you want to open up the lane and use the dry spot to make your ball drive hard through the pins.


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Tonight we bowl.

servant leader

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Re: Thug
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2015, 10:33:16 AM »

Pin to PAP: 5"

Pin up middle /stacked


Rev Rate: 350ish

Ball Speed: med-high

PAP/Track: 5 1/2 R and 1/8 up


Length: medium-long

Back End: strong

Overall Hook: medium

Midlane Read: moderate

Breakpoint Shape: Flip

Overall the ball gets down lane smooth and finishes strong. It also allows me to open up the lane a bit which is fun on THS - where I am usually a down in player.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 10:45:05 AM by servant leader »


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Re: Thug
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2015, 05:29:45 PM »
Finally I have a ball that hooks in the oil and still has that big nice flip in the back end.

-Joe Conigliro