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Author Topic: 4 ball dv8 arsenal  (Read 3659 times)


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4 ball dv8 arsenal
« on: January 14, 2014, 03:56:14 PM »
I've never owned a dv8 ball, but I've seen a few lately that caught my eye (Marauder Mutiny, Endless Nightmare, Ruckus, and Ruckus Feud). I bowl in two different houses, both leagues are 5 man leagues. One house has a 37' shot and the other house has a 42' shot. The 37' shot breaks down pretty quick, where the 42' shot tends to not break down that much. Naturally the 37' shot provides more backend compared to the 42' shot. My speed is 17 to 18 mph, while my rev rate is 400 to 450 rpm. If i decided to put together a 4 ball (not counting a spare ball) arsenal what would be a good line up to go with that would work on both shots?

I posted a similar topic a while back in the Brunswick forum and received great feedback, but didn't make any moves. I'm not too familiar with dv8s line and wanted to see what dv8 options are out there.


Brandon Riley

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Re: 4 ball dv8 arsenal
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2014, 04:18:26 PM »
Looking at what is in my bag, I would go:
Feud pin down
Ruckus pin up
Diva pin down
Dude pin up

I feel that both the Endless and Feud would be too much ball on a hooky 37.  The Diva is my benchmark ball and the most versatile.  For me the Dude is a little straighter than the Mutiny which I find to be fairly skid/flippy.
Brandon Riley
Hammer Regional Staff


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Re: 4 ball dv8 arsenal
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2014, 06:06:28 PM »
Any other option other than the Diva? Just not feeling the name/color. I know that shouldn't matter, but it does.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 06:10:44 PM by Blueprint »


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Re: 4 ball dv8 arsenal
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2014, 11:10:12 PM »
Not sure how well this will answer your question but for what its worth. I have a nightmare and a hell raiser terror and they compliment each other perfectly. Nightmare is very strong and continuous and the hr terror has similar shape just a touch weaker. nightmare comes out first followed by terror . Then ill ball down to , my storm  fringe or boomerang.
Tattooer from baltimore
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Re: 4 ball dv8 arsenal
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2014, 08:28:04 AM »
Here is what I would suggest for a 4 ball THS arsenal:
Ruckus Feud - Pin down, box surface
Ruckus - Pin up, box surface
Dude - Pin down, box or 2000 surface or Diva - Pin down, box or 2000 surface
Marauder Mutiny - Pin up, box surface or Diva Pearl - Pin up, Box surface

I know that you don't like the Diva name or colors, but the original Diva is one of my favorite balls. I have it drilled pin under with the box surface, and it has a strong midlane roll with lots of continuation. I'm sure the Diva pearl will be a good compliment to the Diva.
Vise Staff Member


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Re: 4 ball dv8 arsenal
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2014, 09:09:34 PM »
I currently have:

Endless: Pin down cg kicke, x hole and sanded to 1000 (almost never gets used)
Ruckus: pin up (gets the most use out of everything in my bag)
Diva: pin up sanded to 4000 (but prob getting a second drilled pin at the fingers)
Misfit: pin wayyy up oob

Looking at a dude as well.