Equipment Boards => DV8 => Topic started by: pocketsmasher51582 on February 15, 2012, 02:09:20 AM
Title: Any Plans for a....
Post by: pocketsmasher51582 on February 15, 2012, 02:09:20 AM
I was just curious as to if DV8 has any plans to release a Strong or relatively strong Pearl ball. If any one knows anything that would be cool. I have wanted to get a DV8 for a little while.
Sometimes you're the Bug and sometimes you're the Windshield
- Joe
Title: Re: Any Plans for a....
Post by: brianpursel on February 15, 2012, 06:39:59 PM
I know this sounds crazy, but the Hellraiser reacts like you would expect a strong pearl to react. Very clean through the fronts.
I threw a Nexus pearl, which I consider a strong pearl, vs the Hellraiser on my THS and overall they were within a board of each other for me. I had the Hellraiser with the pin under, the Nexus Pearl pin over, both 5.5 from PAP, MB 75 degrees.
If you are stuck on a pearl, go with the Nexus Pearl. Definitely very angular off the spot. But I also have the HR angular as well.
Title: Re: Any Plans for a....
Post by: WOWZERS on February 15, 2012, 06:48:17 PM
Holy cow! A Brian Pursel citing!
For those of you that are too young to know, if anyone here knows ball reaction, its Brian. Brian was the head of Ebonite and designed balls raning from the Omegas (loved them) to the Apex series before Ebonite made a mistake and decided to cut ties. Brian ended up with the Track brand when Del Warren was the head of track when Columbia was not owned by Ebonite (pre 2007). When Columbia started to go down, Del and Brian among many others were let go.
Welcome back Brian!
Title: Re: Any Plans for a....
Post by: pocketsmasher51582 on February 15, 2012, 08:24:58 PM
Well i did just purchase a Nexus Solid. I love it so far. 2 series and 2 700 series. Its been pretty good so far.
I thought about getting a Nexus Pearl if i did like the solid. Would like to try a DV8 but not sure what i would want.
I saw a guy throwing a Revenge tonight and it did react kind of like a pearl would. Long with rediculous back end.
I hope they do relase a legit stronger pearl. Would be nice to see.
Sometimes you're the Bug and sometimes you're the Windshield
- Joe
Title: Re: Any Plans for a....
Post by: kidlost2000 on February 15, 2012, 10:09:15 PM
I believe the Reckless is a peal and it is extremely aggressive.
"1 of 1."
Title: Re: Any Plans for a....
Post by: Brandon Riley on February 16, 2012, 01:12:20 AM
Yes the Reckless fits the mould. Its a strong symmetric pearl.
The Hell Raiser is a High RG hybrid so it has that shape.
The Too Reckless is a solid, but its polished and has a length additive so it goes has the length of a pearl without the wiggle in carrydown of a pearl, my favourite DV8 at the moment
Brandon Riley
DV8 Regional Staff
The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.
Title: Re: Any Plans for a....
Post by: dizzyfugu on February 17, 2012, 03:28:18 AM
Ditto. If the HR is NOT the impersonification of a "strong pearl reactiv" (with a medium MB core), what else?
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