Equipment Boards => DV8 => Topic started by: prmtme13 on October 24, 2013, 01:45:05 PM
Are they both different enough that you could have them both in your arsenal? If so would you drill them the same or maybe Dude pin up and Diva pin down? I have a Endless, Brutal , Reckless and Yellow Misfit. Was looking at these 2 balls to go in between my Brutal and Misfit. I will keep Reckless home and use for tournaments.
Yes they are different enough to have both. the dude is quite a bit smoother. we compared the dude and diva at the 3:35 mark. both drilled the same.
I have a pin below ring diva at 2000, and it is 5-6 boards stronger than my pin in ring Dude. The Dude was WAY longer
My Diva can handle more volume and rolls much earlier than my Dude. They are a great 1-2 punch, starting with the Diva, and when that starts to labor switching to the Dude.
BRCanada - Love your clips...