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DV8 ball strength difference comparison
« on: February 12, 2012, 01:58:15 PM »
Hello fellow Dv8'rs
Wondering if you staffers could help me out a little.  Can you go through your linuep misfit to revenge and tell me how much stronger overall each piece is?  For instance there's a 2-1 difference from your weakest ball to the next one and 3-2 to the next one and so on (just random numbers but you get the idea).
Just trying to get an idea of where each piece sits in the lineup.  I started building my set with a misfit first, and am looking for a good lineup profile so I can get my next piece.
Thanks in advance.

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St. Louis USBC Sport Bowling
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Re: DV8 ball strength difference comparison
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2012, 11:06:48 PM »
 on a house shot my misfit is stronger than my reckless. But on an overall scale on more sport patterns it would go misfit reckless too reckless hell raiser and then revenge. Moderate moves up the scale with a couple boards difference. The biggest difference would be revenge is way stronger than everything for me. And that's with everything at 2000 abralon for even comparison

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Re: DV8 ball strength difference comparison
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2012, 07:17:16 AM »
I agree 100% with soonerdallas.  On a house shot the Misfit is much stronger than my Reckless.  However, my Reckless is drilled to control the backend and not jump off the spot.  Sport shot changes everything, and since the majority of my bowling comes on sport shots, I can mostly speak for those.  I will try to give some numbers as far as strength at out of box surface.  Keep in mind this has nothing to do with the actual shape of motion, just strength.  1 = Weakest 10 = Strongest.  Relative to each other, not other brands.
Misfit = 1
Reckless = 3
Too Reckless = 3.5
Hell Raiser = 7.5
Revenge = 10
As you can probably see, I have/had a big hole in my arsenal  between the Reckless and Hell Raiser.  But I tried hitting my Too Reckless with 500 Rough Buff and it filled the gap nicely.  I would give it a 5 on the scale now.  These balls have responded great to surface changes for me and I have been able to tweak my reactions I want with surface very well.

Bryan Bannach 
DV8 Regional Staff Member
The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation. 
Bryan Bannach
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Re: DV8 ball strength difference comparison
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2012, 09:29:07 AM »
As a side comparison, I will say that the Misfit as DV8's "low end" offering is already a pretty strong piece. This is definitively NOT entry level, rather a mid-range piece, somewhere "above" Brunswick's Karmas - it is IMHO anything you might need on THS. If you want something for dry lanes or lighter shots, maybe add a Scout, Slingshot or urethane piece. But I would not see a Misfit as the low end for an arsenal!

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: DV8 ball strength difference comparison
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2012, 10:36:23 AM »
I'm not a staffer nor too well informed about the details of each ball but the following is Bowling this Month's Hook Ratings for DV8 balls:


Hell Raiser Revenge 52 (Heavy/Medium)

Hell Raiser 50 (Medium/Heavy)

Too Reckless 49 (Medium)

Reckless 48 (Medium)

Misfit 46 (Medium/Light)


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Re: DV8 ball strength difference comparison
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2012, 05:24:21 PM »
On my house shot, the Misfit is the weaker of the whole lineup.  I normally start with the Reckless.  After making some small moves as the shot breaks down, I usually hit the point where the Reckless will 10 pin and 4 pin.  At that time, I switch to the Misfit and move 2 and 1 right.


I drilled the Too Reckless the same as my Reckless and Misfit, 5.5 inches from PAP and above my fingers.  I had difficulty fitting in between the Reckless and Misfit, so I hit the surface with old school grey scotch brite (just happened to have a worn out piece in  the bottom of bag).  This made all the difference in the world, and placed the Too Reckless 2 and 1 further inside of the Reckless.   So now I have a similar difference between the Misfit, the Reckless and the TR.


For my softer ballspeed, the Hellraiser often puts me in jail on my house shot.  With the specs saying it was angular, I drilled it 25 degrees MB, 5.5 inches from PAP, and 75 degrees from VAL (pin ended up underneath my bridge). I ended up hitting it with 1000 Abralon.  It is stronger than the sanded TR and plays better in longer patterns or when I try to attack the pattern with a reduced revrate and less axis rotation (which is certainly not my preffered adjusment LOL).


The Revenge is definitely stronger than my sanded Hellraiser.


I would agree that the Misfit is not a dryer lane ball for me.  I have two,  one drilled like most of my arsenal, pin 5.5 inches and above the fingers.  I drilled the second one with a 6 inch pin and under my middle finger.  This weaker drilled Misfit is 2 and 1 right of my pin above the fingers.  I do not have a Kharma, but have a Sling Shot.  The SS is 4 boards weaker than my weaker Misfit.  And you can tell the SS cover is much weak if you happen to hit any oil down lane.


All in all, the current lineup offers you pretty much a complete arsenal except for the burn.


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Brandon Riley

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Re: DV8 ball strength difference comparison
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2012, 07:12:25 PM »
Interesting, my Hell Raiser 3.5" pin down at 2000 is only about 2-3 boards more than my Orange/Blue Misfit which is 4.5" pin down at 2000 and my Too Reckless 5" pin up polished is about 2-3 boards weaker than the Misfit.

I think that the Misfit is very strong for its price point, for me its a good 3 boards more than the Blue Karma with a similar amount of length.

Brandon Riley

DV8 Regional Staff


The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.
Brandon Riley
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Re: DV8 ball strength difference comparison
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2012, 10:27:01 PM »
Thanks everyone for your responses so far...I think I have an idea on what I am going to get now based on this information and some other info i am getting locally.  I'm a ball whore so a 6 ball arsenal for the rest of the year is like a 12 step program for me :)
Nexus Pearl
Rhino PTE
All will have the same drilling of 50x5x30 accept for the Rhino which is 30x4.5x45 (reason for it being above or earlier than the Reckless).  I am working on getting comfortable with shooting corner pins with the misfit, if I can get consistent with that (good so far) I will remove plastic and add something in place of the Rhino later on.

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St. Louis USBC Sport Bowling
Best Bowling Pro Shops Inc., St. Louis MO.