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Author Topic: DV8 Brutal Collision (WWRD 12/2/2022)  (Read 39717 times)

Juan Fonseca

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DV8 Brutal Collision (WWRD 12/2/2022)
« on: November 04, 2022, 01:54:01 PM »
DV8 Brutal Collision     @15 lbs  2.462  .052  .019    DynamiCore/D.O.T.  HK22
WWRD 12/02/2022   12-16 lbs.   Alternate core 12-13 lbs
The first Collision has a great motion down lane for an asymmetric ball and is a hybrid asym many bowlers should take a look at. The Brutal Collision will bump that motion up as the base cover is HK22. HyperKinetic22 (HK22) was introduced last month and this is the first solid reactive that is built with it. With a polished solid cover, the Brutal Collision will have more hook and a devastating backend reaction. The colors are a combo of Lime/Orange/Blue that will pop again due to HK22. Built with DynamiCore and D.O.T. gives you durability, hitting power and drilling versatility. Get ready to turn some heads with the DV8 Brutal Collision.
Recommended Cleaner: Brunswick Reaction Recharge
Juan Fonseca
Fill The Frames Bowling Services



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Re: DV8 Brutal Collision (WWRD 12/2/2022)
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2022, 10:52:13 AM »
The Brutal Collison features Hyper Kinetic 22 Technology creating more bite in the mid-lane for a shiny ball, along with a stronger response at the breakpoint. I drilled this beast 45x4.75x30, this drilling gives me a strong Arc reaction, also gives me a quick change of ball motion down lane. Get yours 12/02/22


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Re: DV8 Brutal Collision (WWRD 12/2/2022)
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2023, 10:27:09 PM »

  So, is it the cover versus the core that makes this ball so quick when it hits the dry?

Juan Fonseca

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Re: DV8 Brutal Collision (WWRD 12/2/2022)
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2023, 11:44:39 AM »
The balls with HK22 react strong to the friction. While the cores are trying to stabilize, the cover will dictate when and how fast the balls makes its major directional change.
Juan Fonseca
Fill The Frames Bowling Services


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Re: DV8 Brutal Collision (WWRD 12/2/2022)
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2023, 09:26:00 PM »
Huge thanks to Brunswick for hooking me up with this ball. My Paragon Solid cracked unfortunately and Brunswick's warranty program is fantastic. After verifying my purchase and going through their warranty program, they offered me any ball in their seven brands. Talk about an ultimate dream for a bowler... decided to go with the Brutal Collision as I have wanted this ball since its release last December and couldn't believe how cool Brunswick was to ship me one for free.

I've only put about 15ish games on it so far but I already absolutely love it. I was going through a bit of a crisis after losing my Paragon Solid. And went through a Reality, Obsession, Trail Blazer Solid and a couple other solids without finding anything that I felt comfortable with. Finally the Brutal Collision, one of the most unique and fun balls I've ever played with.

This ball has a huge reputation as a hook monster. Getting it drilled up, I was wondering if the Brutal Collision was going to hook from the parking lot? What exactly does "the most aggressive ball in bowling" look like?

It does hook a ton but it took me awhile throwing it before I got comfortable with it. The Brutal Collision's movement was foreign to me in that it flips and goes angular like a pearl but digs and has the reliable movement of a solid. The backend is ridiculous.

This ball also came out of box with one of the smoothest, shinest surfaces I have ever seen and I think moved more like a pearl than a solid. That said, once I hit it with a little surface just to knock some compound off and get the ball back to its solid roots... that's when this ball truly exploded for me.

The Brutal Collision has a strange smooth flip movement that reminds me of a UFO's movement. It just glides, hoves, and smoothly seems to cover more boards than you realize. I really like the smooth flip movement as I think it stores its energy well to explode through the pins. The massive Collision core kicks corners out about as well as anything I've ever seen.

I am a huge proponent and one of the cult members of HK-22. My top three balls right now are Brutal Collision, Katana Assault and Paragon Pearl. I was so excited to get a chance to own the first solid with this new technology and see what it looks like on a Solid. So far this ball hooks on everything I've thrown at it. Just today, I used it for the first two games of league on heavy heavy oil a lot of other bowlers were struggling with. The Brutal Collision bended and smashed perfectly into the pocket virtually every shot. Could not be more impressed with this ball. It is the perfect replacement for the Paragon Solid, as it has that same hook everything earliness with an explosion core that drives and continues through the pins.

I also really love the looks of the Brutal Collision! The original Storm Phaze is I think the best looking ball I've ever seen. This Brutal Collision really reminds me of it with it's beautiful loud yellow, blue, red psychedelic colors.

I can already tell I'm going to love this ball for a long long time. I'm already thinking i need to stash a few with them coming down in price online, so I don't get stuck again like I did losing my Paragon Solid.

The Brutal Collision is one of the best solids I have ever thrown. Thank you Brunswick, your warranty program is amazing! You took really great care of me as a customer! I really love and thank you for this new Brutal Collision!
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Re: DV8 Brutal Collision (WWRD 12/2/2022)
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2023, 11:25:48 PM »
Just wanted to add...

I hope this doesn't sound too shilly... But this ball has made one of the strongest impressions on me in a long time. I really love it and can't put it down. I've now thrown it in what I consider high and medium friction house shot houses. I just threw eight games with it on what I would consider heavy Exxon Valdez crash lanes that are long and very heavy for me...

Could not put the Brutal Collision down. Played about eight games with it. This ball hooks on anything! It is an absolute mind reader like the Paragon Solid was. This ball just flipped into the pocket all day as I threw it harder and harder to adjust to transition. It feels like an upgraded Paragon Solid to me, with an upgraded pearl like backend and a guaranteed to hook movement. This ball is also super early like the Paragon Solid. But the Brutal Collision seems much more stable than the Paragon Solid and responds better to carry down. The ultimate test... this ball can handle whether I throw it slow or hard with a predictable big movement.

I love the Collision core! It kicks corners unlike anything. I'm actually concerned how fast I'm burning this ball out because I'm enjoying using it everywhere. When I'm flowing with this ball, it's making me look infinitely better than I actually am which is making it difficult to put down.

The Paragon Pearl is the perfect step down from the Brutal Collision. Once the flip boom laser like backend move becomes too much. The Paragon Pearl is the perfect medium flip boom mind reader to keep stringing strikes.

The cover of the Brutal Collision seems to suck up dirt and debris more than anything I've seen. Regular cleaning is required and I wonder how much this wearing of the ball surface will effect performance/lifespan?

I did not get along with the Reality or the Trail Blazer Solid. I'd just rather not focus on negative reviews for things I didn't get along with. But this Brutal Collision is insane! I want this as my go to heavy ball for the next few years!

These balls are $144 right now? Can I get a case on discount?
« Last Edit: November 19, 2023, 05:42:42 PM by UncleChael »
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