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Author Topic: DV8 Trouble Maker (WWRD 04/20/2023)  (Read 8373 times)

Juan Fonseca

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DV8 Trouble Maker (WWRD 04/20/2023)
« on: April 07, 2023, 02:18:32 PM »
The R&D team has built the first core designed for 2-handed/no thumb bowlers.  But one handed traditional bowlers have seen great success in testing and staff reviews. We cannot explain the entire tech here, but all the information including videos explaining each step of the way is on the DV8 website link below.

As with all new equipment that you drill, your bowler specs are needed to give your shop technician all the information so they can fine tune core orientation to give you the desired ball motion you’re looking for. This includes your Positive Axis Point (PAP), Axis Tilt, Base Axis Rotation and Range, Total Ball Speed, Base Rev Rate.

With bowlers who only use 2 fingers the center of the grip is directly in the middle of the finger holes and split vertically. To assist shops in understanding how to drill the balls, DV8 has added a downloadable program named the
No-Thumb Dual Angle Converter Tool.

There are various videos online with different Staff members (no thumb and traditional) who are seeing great results. The following statement is mine alone-
   If you’re a bowler who uses 2 fingers only and are purchasing a DV8 Trouble Maker, consider getting 2. If you don’t have a ball drilled for your PAP and tilt, get your numbers from a reputable shop or coach and drill one with the base number. If you are a seasoned bowler and have equipment that you understand, think about a replacement for your base (benchmark) ball and one for the motion you may be missing in your bag.
I say this as a former shop owner and over 45 years in the business. This technology is new and at this period in time, the way balls are designed is more exact than any other time in the industry. If you get more than one, drill one as a base reaction and bowl with it for awhile. Get to understand what adjustments can be made and how it affects your ball motion.
Box Finish- 500/2000 Siaair Pads   Colors- Light Blue/Black/Blue
Recommended Cleaner: Ultimate Black Magic Rejuvenator
Juan Fonseca
Fill The Frames Bowling Services



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Re: DV8 Trouble Maker (WWRD 04/20/2023)
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2023, 04:34:37 PM »
Trouble Maker features Dynamicore for more hitting power. The Dualistic core also allows 2-handers to drill in a defined area to change the numbers and reaction more then at typical core shape.
Medium to Heavy oil was the intent of this design. Threw this on Cheetah pattern and a great looks with it, once it came off the pattern it was strong but smooth. I did a 45x4.5x40 layout