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Author Topic: HellRaiser Revenge - oil absorbing question  (Read 2312 times)


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HellRaiser Revenge - oil absorbing question
« on: September 23, 2013, 05:50:33 PM »
I've got a HellRaiser Revenge with about 30 games on it, that I only use when the shot is a bit oilier than I usually see.  I decided to de-oil it a couple of weeks ago in my ball oven (appx. 132 degrees), and absolutely nothing came out.  I thought the HRR was supposed to really suck in the oil, so I am really surprised.  Tried de-oiling it again yesterday, and nothing came out again.  Is this normal for this ball? 

The only thing I've done to the surface is to take it down to 1000 with a Siaair pad.  I do a pretty regular maintenance on my equipment, ie: wipe down with a microfiber towel between shots, clean with Remedy right after every set, and deep clean with Clean N Dull about once a month.  All the other balls I use always give out some oil, but not the HRR so far.  Any ideas on what's going on?



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Re: HellRaiser Revenge - oil absorbing question
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2013, 02:30:56 PM »
A routine maintenance is essential for ball performance.  I don't think this is unusual.  The reason I say this is, I preform the same routine  after every set and practice session.Wipe it down with DV8 Ball cleaner. I also spray some on my Micro fiber towel before hand and wipe the ball off every first shot.  To this day the covers are as tacky and when they were new.  I  have never  de oiled them . They still prefoem like new.
Jim Sabatell
DV8 Regional Staff
Disclaimer !!  The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer .


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Re: HellRaiser Revenge - oil absorbing question
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2013, 02:22:45 PM »
Well, I guess this no longer matters.  Against my better judgment, I used this ball in league for the first time at a different house that has old, shaky lane equipment.  Sure enough, during practice, two balls got stuck in the ball return, and it was several minutes before it was realized they were there and could be gotten out by the lane people.  You could smell a burning plastic type smell.  My HRR was the one making the smell, and had a couple of deep, wide grooves burned into it with about 6 inches of melted resin hanging from each groove.  Totally wrecked it.  Even though this place has a "not responsible for ball damage" policy and signs on every lane, they stepped up and said that they will replace my ball with a new one.  Bad luck for me that this happened to my best ball (and best fitting thumb hole), but I'm glad they did the right thing.  BTW, I'm a 14 year multi-league bowler at this house, and have spent significant money there, and have brought in several new league bowlers over the years, so this may have been a factor in getting my ball replaced.