
Equipment Boards => DV8 => Topic started by: byronk on December 03, 2013, 12:25:44 PM

Title: Help with new ball
Post by: byronk on December 03, 2013, 12:25:44 PM
Hi all. Im looking to get a new ball and need some input on what to get and how to drill what I have now. Im a tweener with 14-16 mph ball speed and just under 300 revs. I have a Too Reckless with a strong layout for my strongest ball and a Misfit (orange/blue). I have a new Misfit (orange/blue) im taking to be drilled today to replace my current Misfit and have also been looking at possibley adding a Marauder Mutiny or something else. Would the Mutiny be a good fit with the other two balls I have? If so how should I have my Misfit drilled so I get the best fit with the Mutiny? If not What would be a good ball to go with my Misfit and Too Reckless? Just trying to figure out what to get before I drill my Misfit so I dont have to do it twice.
Title: Re: Help with new ball
Post by: SVstar34 on December 03, 2013, 02:53:59 PM
what do you want the new ball to do? Do you want it to fit between the Misfit and Too Reckless or do you want it to be above the Too Reckless?
Title: Re: Help with new ball
Post by: byronk on December 03, 2013, 03:32:23 PM
The house I bowl league in is Medium. I bowl tournaments at the other two houses in my area and they have more volume but nothing my Too Reckless hasnt been able to handle so im not sure I need a ball stronger than my Too Reckless at this point? So guess im looking for something between the two and how id drill my Misfit would be determined by what ball I decide on.
Title: Re: Help with new ball
Post by: SVstar34 on December 03, 2013, 10:50:14 PM
If there isn't too much oil for the Too Reckless, it doesn't seem like you're bowling on very much volume. It didn't sound like you're too rev dominant.

I'd say look at the Dude.
Title: Re: Help with new ball
Post by: byronk on December 04, 2013, 11:39:27 AM
No im not rev dominant im match pretty closely and there is not alot of volume so I usually end up throwing my misfit after the first game or so in leauge. I went to have my new misfit drilled yesterday and the pro watch me throw a few and found my track has moved down to far so that would explain in part why I have a hard time controlling my current equiptment. He marked all of my balls for me so I can work on getting my track back were it needs to be, until then im holding off on drilling or buying anything else. Thanks for the help.