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Author Topic: HR Terror vs. neXXXus  (Read 2768 times)

House Shot Hero

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HR Terror vs. neXXXus
« on: May 23, 2013, 08:52:35 PM »
Anyone here rolled both balls and/or can give a well informed opinion on the differences of these two pieces? I currently use a Terror and absolutely love it but I've always been interested in the Triple X. 



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Re: HR Terror vs. neXXXus
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2013, 08:01:41 AM »
I have both and the HR Terror has a smoother reaction overall compared to the Nexxxus F(p+s). My Terror is drilled pin up and has good length with a strong reaction to friction. The Triple X has a strongest backend reaction for the Brunswick line. My Triple X is drilled similarly to the Terror with a pin up, and it is a lot stronger off the spot. They can both handle heavier oil patterns. If you need something stronger downlane, then a Triple X would be a good choice.
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Re: HR Terror vs. neXXXus
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2013, 10:51:43 AM »
I have not thrown the HR Terror but do have the Nexxxus and I echo what Brandon said about the Nexxxus being strong down the lane as my Nexxxus is very strong as well as having reserved power when it makes it's move off the spot creating better pin mix than any ball in my bag.

Buddies has the Nexxxus on sale right now for $99, so if you are thinking about getting one, now is the time. I love my Nexxxus so much that I am considering getting another one at that price.
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Re: HR Terror vs. neXXXus
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2013, 03:09:46 PM »
Thanks for the response, first thing I noticed about the Terror when I rolled it was how smooth and predictable the reaction was. I was expecting a little more pop off the spot then what it has shown but nothing to make me disappointed in the Terror's overall performance, as I said before I love this piece. Being from the "little on the rev challenged" side of the tracks I'm always looking for a little more on the backend. This info is helpful, also thanks for the heads up on the Buddies deal Brickguy. 


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Re: HR Terror vs. neXXXus
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2013, 03:34:52 PM »
I have two Terrors but never threw a NeXXXus.  The terror is smooth and predictable off the spot.  I have one with the pin under my middle finger and one with Pin above Ring with a Motion Hole in it.  My Pin under middle finger ball is very smooth and has a nice smooth break  on the back that is very controllable.  My Pin over ring with a MOtion hole is also smooth through the front but has a more pronounced and defined break on the back end. 
Jim Sabatell
DV8 Regional Staff
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