I wish DV8 would make a Urethane...yes, oh! yes, that would be a good thing. Where I bowl it gets really dry in all of my 3 leagues by the ending of the 2nd game
and then of course by the 3rd game its almost desert but playable with a Urethane. Everyone has been complaining of late because of the terrible lane conditions.
Yesterday in practice I took my Urethane ball and tried it after the lanes were getting kinda toasty and BAM!! the Urethane was freaking magic. I was playing old skool, you know, just pipe it up the 5, or 7, or 8 board.
Even though I have a Urethane I would definitely get a DV8 one to carry on the DV8 name
Btw, me being an old fart I just cant throw my highly polished Misfit super-fast with any accuracy so thats why I tried my Urethane...just saying!!