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Author Topic: Misfit Compared With Too Reckless  (Read 7174 times)


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Misfit Compared With Too Reckless
« on: February 09, 2012, 12:50:46 AM »
How do these 2 balls compare with each other. I just got a hellraiser Revenge but have not been able to use it yet due to lack of head oil. I am debating between the Misfit and Too Reckless. I want something that will get through lanes the never seem to have enough head oil for me and do not have that great of backends. I have a Nuts Pearl drilled pin down that doesn't finish that great on the heavier oil in the middle and hooks way to early when I try to get it to the dry boards. I would like to get a ball that I could feed it to the drier boards and not hook instantly and still retain some energy to finish and still carry. I am also considering a Reckless to. I love the looks of all of them and I've heard nothing but good things about them.



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Re: Misfit Compared With Too Reckless
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2012, 09:33:26 AM »
All three are great balls.  The Too Reckless will get through the heads great, it keeps it's axis rotation very well, and makes a sharp angular move on the backend.  The Misfit will also get through the heads.  For me the Misfit reads the lane a few feet earlier than the Too Reckless.  It also has a strong angular motion once it sees friction, just a little less hook than the Too Reckless.  I personally would recommend the Reckless for the motion you are looking for.  The Reckless is the best ball I have ever thrown.  It will get through the heads very clean and make a nice strong controlled move on the backend.  If you tug it, it will still offer recovery in the oil, and if you miss out it won't instantly go sideways when it reads friction.  IMHO this is the best "benchmark" ball on the market right now, and seems to offer the motion you are looking for.  All 3 balls take an intense amount of energy into the pocket.

Bryan Bannach 
DV8 Regional Staff Member
The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation. 
Bryan Bannach
Radical Regional Staff Member


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Re: Misfit Compared With Too Reckless
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2012, 09:39:26 AM »
Thanks for the info.


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Re: Misfit Compared With Too Reckless
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2012, 10:21:25 AM »
have a misfit  & had a too reckless to me they were very similar in reaction, the misfit is stronger than advertized. ended up selling the too reckless, like the misfit more.

don't underestimate the misfit, very good ball for no so fresh shot or short pattern.





*SCAMMER George Pierce-Dynothane300*

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Re: Misfit Compared With Too Reckless
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2012, 03:23:22 PM »
today i used all three to see how they compared hook wise my line with the reckless today i was standing on 26, 13 at the arrows out to 7. its drilled pin under the ring finger cg kicked out with a weight holes to help to start up quicker and sanded to 2000. the too reckless was 2 boards weaker longer with a sharper breakpoint its drilled pin over ring cg stacked. my misfit was one board weaker than the too reckless same lenght just not as sharp off the spot its drilled pin over bridge with the cg just right of being stacked. if u drilled the misfit stornger it could out hook the too reckless how i have it set up


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Re: Misfit Compared With Too Reckless
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2012, 04:21:35 PM »
 I bought a Misfit. Having it drilled tomorrow. I plan on having it drilled pin up strong. I'll post how it rolls for me.


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Re: Misfit Compared With Too Reckless
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2012, 08:26:06 AM »
I got a chance to throw my misfit but the lanes weren't ideal for this ball. They were fairly slick with not much backend. The ball was hitting very weak so I took a 2000 pad to it lightly to remove some of the polish. The reaction increased but was very unpredictable. I had to throw it up the boards and it all depended on the release on when the ball would hook. I changed the surface to 500 with polish and will wait until the lanes are drier to use it again. When the lanes are staring to burn up I will try to move right with it and see how it works.