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Author Topic: misfit pearl is a beast!  (Read 3563 times)


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misfit pearl is a beast!
« on: December 09, 2013, 11:27:00 PM »
I have always liked my misfit pearl on the dry, but I recently decided to change the surface a bit to eliminate the tiny bit of over under reaction that I saw from it occasionally. I took it to 3000 grit and my god this ball became a beast! First game of league on a dryer than normal shot, I was stubborn and didn't pull this ball out soon enough and finished with the last five for a 169 ( too many chopped soaked.) I then shot 225 before the lanes became trashed too much to carry and finished in the 180's with no strikes. After league, I moved to another set with a little more head oil but still with dry back ends and shot 217 and another 225. I am super impressed with this ball! It gave me warning of when I had to move while still carrying which I have never seen from this ball at OOB surface. I would have bowled quite a bit better had I eleminated the operator error from the equation (sir tugsalot is my nickname. And giggles lol)



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Re: misfit pearl is a beast!
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2013, 11:31:54 AM »
Id really like to have something to go under my Misfit and the pear would be an obvious choice. Problem is I wanna throw up looking at it so i'll just hold off in hope DV8 puts out something similar that doesnt look like a glow stick.


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Re: misfit pearl is a beast!
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2013, 12:30:17 PM »
The 3000 pad dulled the ball enough that I can look at it without sunglasses now. then only problem is that it is the "white glove test of bowling balls" as my pro shop guy says

Dean Richards

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Re: misfit pearl is a beast!
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2013, 03:17:26 PM »
This ball is so good. I had to sand mine to 1000 and then polish over it. Smoothed it out a lot for me. Won my first regional with this ball
Multiple casher in handicap 9 pin events


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Re: misfit pearl is a beast!
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2013, 09:00:25 PM »
I recently got one and had it drilled pin under my ring finger with a balance hole on the VAL. The problem I'm having is that it is just sliding with a little movement at the end, but not nearly what I expected. Throwing the same line with a Hyroad goes into the nose, so I thought this would be a good complement to it. Not so far!

I have it OOB. Would taking off some polish and sanding to 4000 or maybe 3000 help?


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Re: misfit pearl is a beast!
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2013, 08:17:22 AM »
forhuskers, The yellow misfit pearl was made as a medium to low volume oil option to get down lane and have a strong motion when reaching the friction. By drilling it pin under, I would think that you are getting the ball to roll earlier and not having it store energy to get that pop downlane. The Hyroad has a stronger cover and can handle higher volumes of oil. If put a 2000 or 3000 surface on the yellow pearl misfit, it might read the midlane a little better. What kind of conditions are you using it on? Where are you playing on the lane? What are your rev rate, comfortable line, and speed?
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