How come none of the Vandals thrown are pin up? They are all pin down. Is that a hint that the ball rolls better pin down?
The pin ups were probably cut from the final version of the product video. I assume given the bowlers stats, the lane surface, oil pattern, etc. It did not play to its strength, and maybe did not strike enough, or rolled like a turd. Who knows....same with the x-out pro cgs on the radical balls...clearly the layout needed a cg left to create a desired reaction for the video. Or the bowler doesn't like weight holes...I usually don't...
Its funny people really think this way. Maybe for the bowlers and balls available they went with pin down drillings for a little overall smoother reaction. Up or down matters little to me as much as pin to pap.
For the guru having a ball with the cg left or right of the pin/mb like they are doent make them xouts. Maybe they chose those balls so they could get the desired layout and not add a weight hole. Which judging by the comments is smart because every little factor is being picked at… ..and as usually it is the things that dont matter.
Whatever dude. Quit being the ultimate defender of any objections.
If it didn't matter at all
They all wouldn't have been drilled ALL PIN UP IN THE VIDEO, ALL OF THEM. They probably roll just fine, and it was the bowlers preference at the time. However, if I was making a video, I would want to convey the ball in a certain positive light...let it play to its strength. It's marketing, genious.
If it didn't matter we wouldn't be using x out cgs, it probably rolled best that day on that condition with the cg in.
Put a demo day layout on it then. Drill all of your your stuff negative. I've seen the cg no matta stuff and agree with it. But we all have a certain way we like things don't we?