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Author Topic: No Love for DV8  (Read 14708 times)


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No Love for DV8
« on: July 23, 2012, 02:39:50 AM »
Does somebody at BTM have something against DV8? It seems like their ratings are a bit low compared to everybody else especially on the sport shot.. I read nothing but rave reviews everywhere else but BTM..



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Re: No Love for DV8
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2012, 07:20:57 PM »
I am not a staff member but have been using Brunswick equipment for years. In todays game surface preparation is EVERYTHING. You cannot expect top performance from a bowling ball if the surface doesn't match the lane conditions you bowl on.


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Re: No Love for DV8
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2012, 02:30:41 AM »
I agree with the stock preparation. The topic is, why aren,t there any rave reviews in BTM. Who writes the reviews ? I don,t recieve BTM, for reviews i am stuck to this forum. To be honest, i scroll down on reviews when it says "staff member". I don,t read these reviews because they are always  "good news shows"


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Re: No Love for DV8
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2012, 09:46:07 AM »
theop879 - I agree with you there.  I understand staff members giving rave reviews for their brand.  If I was a staff member, I would also.  But to be honest, all companies are providing great equipment.  I feel having a high quality pro shop is more important than reading reviews online.  A good pro shop will have drilled numerous brands and types of balls and hopefully know how they perform.  Sure, they may try to push you to there brand, but they will know your game better. 

You can get any companies balls to do well on sport shots, it just takes time and experimentation.  BTM can't possibly try all combinations.  As one poster has stated, it seems to him DV8 prepares balls shinier than other companies, probably due to shelf appeal.  Doesn't mean they suck for sport shots.  I just watched Shannon O'Keefe bowl amazing this last weekend with her DV8 and Brunswick stuff.  So it can work.


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Re: No Love for DV8
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2012, 04:02:25 PM »
In the current issue, BTM gave the Marauder a 9.5 by the Tweener and the Cranker for medium oil. That's pretty much a "rave" review by BTM.

Meanwhile remember that the numbers, 1 - 10, for DRY, Medium and Oil, given by the Stroker, Tweener and Cranker are their personal opinion of the ball's performance, when used on the oil determined by BTM and using only the drillings specified by BTM. The good thing is they do modify the surface (with sanding or with polish) for use on the conditions less favorable to the ball being tested.

They specifically state that they all prefer balls with significant backends, like the Arson Pearl, the Epidemic and the Marauder. So, while this implies that control ball such the Reckless will not high personal ratings from these testers, it does not imply that the Reckless is not a good ball nor that they don't like it.  Remember they are testing on house patterns, with only an occasional try at a low oil volume sport shot.
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Re: No Love for DV8
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2012, 04:45:53 PM »
As far as being biased I understand your frustration there but I will be completely honest with my opinions. With my reckless and too reckless I placed the pin to far away from pap and couldn't get the reaction I wanted I then drilled the next ones much strong angles and closer pin placement to help the ball start up and they were much better.  With the marauder you do not need to do this. I drilled my first one similar to the other two and it was not what I was hoping, it revved up much easier and just wanted to start hooking too early. The second I drilled further pin to pap and got exactly what I was looking for. And the first I plugged and redrilled and shot 793 with it last night once I moved the pin under and farther from pap.

As for the terror this isn't me being "biased" this is just me saying the ball is that good. Last four weeks of summer league bowling four game sets  I have shot 985 1022 1033 1036 with it pin up and box finish. As for the other one I drilled for more sport patterns with 2000 abralon.  Much more shot specific but the tournament I threw it I was leading by 80+ pins with a game to go in an 8 game sweeper. That's as honest as I can be about the equipment and my thoughts on them.
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Re: No Love for DV8
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2012, 12:24:54 PM »
I don't think anything I've personally said was particular to DV8 brand even though I represent them.  If you want specifics, I used a Hellraiser Revenge out of the box and it hooked at my feet.  So I adjusted the surface with some ruff buff and now it's a great ball for me. Very few balls of any brand I've ever thrown work well for me using the out of box finish.  And I'm not sure why, but I have very little Axis Rotation and am fairly flat up the back of the ball with 375 REVS.  So anything with surface tends to hook at my feet and requires some shine.  This is particularly why the DV8 brand has worked well for me. Most of their equipment is designed to get downlane and hook and for me, this translates into a midlane reaction which is great for Sport conditions.