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Author Topic: Not happy with DV8.  (Read 22392 times)


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Not happy with DV8.
« on: December 06, 2012, 06:55:55 AM »
Purchased a Terror and G/W Misfit to fit into my arsenal. I have found these two balls to be some of the worst rolling pieces I have seen. Both are very over under and this is after numerous surface changes. The couple of times I could actually get a decent reaction out the the misfit, I could only use it for a game. I then had to put it away, as any adjustment I made resulted in the typical over under reaction. Is it just me or have others come across this also? I know there is another thread about an issue the poster had with his terror. I have seen the same thing. I am not having these issues with other simularly drilled balls from other manufacturers. Any feedback is appreciated.



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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2012, 07:23:25 AM »
Purchased a Terror and G/W Misfit to fit into my arsenal. I have found these two balls to be some of the worst rolling pieces I have seen. Both are very over under and this is after numerous surface changes. The couple of times I could actually get a decent reaction out the the misfit, I could only use it for a game. I then had to put it away, as any adjustment I made resulted in the typical over under reaction. Is it just me or have others come across this also? I know there is another thread about an issue the poster had with his terror. I have seen the same thing. I am not having these issues with other simularly drilled balls from other manufacturers. Any feedback is appreciated.

What I have learned with the DV8 balls, is that surface changes need to be drastic.  Have a friend who had a Marauder (surface was 500, rough buff, factory finish).  Ball was way too squirty on the backend.  I had him take the ball and put 1000, rough buff, no factory finish and the ball was easily 5 feet sooner and almost a full arrow worth of more overall hook and no squirt on the backend; very continuous.  From what I have seen thus far, most of the balls seem to work best when you can take them to 1000 or 2000 and use rough buff.  STAY AWAY from the high gloss polishes if you can because that is what seems to make these balls over/under.

FWIW......I have a Violent Eruption that I just drilled a few weeks ago.  Even with my rev rate (500+), the ball at its box finish was pretty squirty in oil.  I knocked off the polish completely (used 1000 to get it off) and then took the ball to 2000 and used rough buff instead of a high gloss polish and now the ball is a beast on the backend.  Easily my favorite ball right now. 

Remember that the DV8 balls were specifically designed for backend because customers wanted something from "Brunswick" that was not rolly; instead something with a sharper backend.  So....these balls can be prone to over/under with the wrong surface and/or layout. 
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator
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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2012, 07:34:22 AM »
I have had both bowling balls drilled the same as well pin under bridge cg swung out on both PAP 4 11/16 1/2 up speed is 19mph.  With the misfit I didn’t like it out of box for me the reaction was either to late or to sharp.  I went through several surface changes as well 360 (this worked great of course you cannot use it that long but very smooth) 500 (the motion stayed smooth and continuous not sharp of course early if you are in the dirt and will not recover in too much oil) 800 (Very good reaction almost left it like this) 1000 (very smooth no over under not to sharp not to late just right I keep this ball at 1000 and maybe twice a month I hit it with 1000).  I found that the ball will give you a few different reads but we have to understand this is a med/lt to light oil ball.  I have seen people make it look better then high end bowling balls but then again Rev rate, layout, hand position all play a huge part.  I would say step back and find out what you want the ball to do and on what lane condition what situation and go from there.

The Terror I understand you have to play around with the drill a bit (That is not something that’s easy to do) the terror can easily be over under.  For me the key for the terror to be successful look at a layout that best suites the lane condition you are trying to tackle and then after that play around with the surface sometime we look for a ball to do what we want but did we help the ball with how it is laid out and surface prep. 

As far as my success with the Terror I left it at box finish after going through different surface changes, I just had to know when that wasn't the ball to use, that reaction (like many pearl pieces) can be to sharp of the spot and slide through the break point.

I am no professional in knowing bowling balls by far this is just my opinion and what has worked for me.
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Brandon Riley

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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2012, 04:39:33 PM »
I knocked the polish off of all my DV8's, everything comes shiny and that is not necessarily the ideal grit for everybody.  The DV8 stuff just naturally pushes longer than Brunswick with a much more aggressive move off of the dry.
I track low and like to play inside so 500, 2000 is a happy surface for me especially on my Misfit.
Brandon Riley
Hammer Regional Staff


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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2012, 06:30:35 PM »
I haven't had much luck with my Terror either. From the reviews I thought I would be stronger. It seems like when the back ends are clean which is not that often the ball will carry alright for me but not that backend I was hoping for. When the lanes
 Transisition the ball needs to be high flush to carry for me . Granted I don't have 400 revs but I was hoping for a little stronger ball. I don't get drier conditions that often. I am going to try putting another hole in it to see if that helps and if it doesn't help I'll sell it and get a Brunswick Aura.


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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2012, 06:30:33 AM »
Thanks kong. You are the one I spoke about in regard to the terror. At this point, I'm going to hang on to the both of them. They will only be used when I go to practice though. With the way they roll, they kind of create a tournament condition out of a house shot. Makes for a good practice session. I'll just leave them home when I do go to a tournament, as I don't think they are worth hauling along.


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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2012, 12:14:30 PM »
The Reckless and Too reckless at box finish I loved. My first Misfit (orange/blue) was drilled pin down 70x5.25x60 with a p3 x-hole and the ball was extremely strong. Way too much ball for the price point. If was very clean through the front of the lane and extremely angular down lane. I ended up using a 2000 pad to knock the shine off and it helped but it was still a lot more ball then I was looking for.

On my second Misfit (green/white) I went with a pin up 70x5x30 and left the ball at box finish with no x-hole. The ball gives me the length I like with a hard reving down lane reaction and a lot of hook. More controllable then the first misfit I had.(still very strong)

I will eventually be getting a Terror because of it being a lighter oil ball then the rest of the HR series it will fit my style a little better for playing on the right side of the lane. A friend of mine loves his Terror. Says it is very similar to his  Nexxxus f(P+S) only not as angular off the spot.
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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2013, 08:26:06 AM »
I had a marauder and posted something very similar to this. I did extreme surface work to it and that night went out and shot 814 with it so yes take the polish off of these balls then try them.
Jeremy Angevine
Poughkeepsie, NY
GT's Pro Shop
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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #8 on: January 02, 2013, 08:39:17 AM »
don't buy junk that is made in Mexico.
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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #9 on: January 02, 2013, 09:06:34 AM »
don't buy junk that is made in Mexico.
Based on the number I've been seeing crack lately, I would agree with that. There is also a ton of seconds on ebay. Other brands don't seem to have that issue. I'm wondering if this is why some people love the DV8 stuff while others say they are not happy. I'm thinking something is happening during manufacturing.


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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #10 on: January 02, 2013, 11:04:16 AM »
A big prob with Dv8 and Bruns. balls coming from mexico is the pin and mass bias are miss marked.  Make sure your pro shop guy has a Determinator machine that finds the true mass bias of every ball. I have been using mostly bruns. and dv8 and some off the balls were way off on pin location and or mass bias mark.  This would be huge when  it comes time to put your favorite drill pattern on a ball.  This is what happens when you pay someone 25 cents an hr . to work


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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2013, 11:25:14 AM »
Just buy ROTO GRIP and you will be happy.
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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #12 on: January 02, 2013, 11:31:27 AM »
Wow, again with the libel.

First off, I don't see any 2nds on ebay as claimed.

Our pins and mass bias are not mis marked, and our warranty rate (even with an unmatched 2 YEAR warranty) is a fraction of a percent.
Nick Smith
Digital Media Manager - Brunswick Bowling


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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #13 on: January 02, 2013, 12:09:44 PM »
My buddies love theirs...i dont have one yet...cuz i usually side with storm and roto...but the masses are digging dv8, the price is lower, there is a 2 year warranty...and the shelf appeal is through the roof..what more do you want?  I see great quality control thats only improving over time. 

I get a bad ball match up every now and then...for example EVERYONE loved the marvel pearl...i completely sucked with it.  I had 5 300s with the solid....nothing over a 240 with the pearl lol...bad match up.

i would get a dv8 but then id make my buddies look bad haha just kidding haha

im always a fan of oob and wearing it in using it on the apropriate condition instead of changing it to be soething its not...but thats me.
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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #14 on: January 02, 2013, 12:31:00 PM »
I think that DV8 stuff looks awesome. I would totally put holes in a couple of them. I didn't match up with Brunswick stuff at all, so I would like to see how the DV8 stuff rolls. If surface changes are what is needed, so be it. I know that on all the pearl balls I drill out of SA, I have to break the surface and repolish them.