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Author Topic: Not happy with DV8.  (Read 22393 times)


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Not happy with DV8.
« on: December 06, 2012, 06:55:55 AM »
Purchased a Terror and G/W Misfit to fit into my arsenal. I have found these two balls to be some of the worst rolling pieces I have seen. Both are very over under and this is after numerous surface changes. The couple of times I could actually get a decent reaction out the the misfit, I could only use it for a game. I then had to put it away, as any adjustment I made resulted in the typical over under reaction. Is it just me or have others come across this also? I know there is another thread about an issue the poster had with his terror. I have seen the same thing. I am not having these issues with other simularly drilled balls from other manufacturers. Any feedback is appreciated.



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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2013, 12:53:26 PM »
OK, I see it.

Looks like the seller has 2nds from many different companies.
Nick Smith
Digital Media Manager - Brunswick Bowling


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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2013, 02:21:05 PM »
For the record I'm not knocking Bruns.  Just talking fact from my ball driller  that balls coming from mexico are notorious for being mis marked. more so than the ones coming from the U.S.  All I use is Bruns.      Aura, Nexus, Marauder Mad., Versa Max, Diamondback. They Are the best balls for my game. I have never had a quality issue with brunswick dating back to my scorchin inferno and all the way back to my LT48.   My Diamondbacks pin was mis marked by about an inch and a half.  I am not a ball driller but I assume this would make a big diff. if he didn't catch it with the Determanator


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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2013, 02:33:30 PM »
The arrow is only as good as the indian shotting it.


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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2013, 02:57:01 PM »
Thank you for your support, glad you like your stuff. :)

For what it's worth, a DeTerminator can only locate the mass bias of a ball. On a symmetric core ball, the "6 3/4 rule" is not always true if he's trying to measure back to find the Low RG (pin). It can range anywhere from 5.5-7" depending on the core shape and pin distance on an undrilled ball. Sometimes, a ball will never stabilize when spun.
Nick Smith
Digital Media Manager - Brunswick Bowling


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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2013, 05:19:42 PM »
I can appreciate people not liking a particular ball, and sometimes, even a brand...  It happens.  As a DV8 staffer, I'm sure people will view my opinion as leaning, but bad ball reaction is dictated by one major factor... Using it under the wrong circumstances.  That is accentuated by a layout/surface combination that is so poor, that it requires the most random sequence of conditions for it to function at a higher level than something else in your bag.  It likely has VERY LITTLE to do with the ball itself.  It is a combination of factors that make up bad ball reaction.  A good pro shop person should be able to cure the problem.  And that goes for any major ball brand and their bowling balls.  Man, it bugs me to no end when people rail on a ball of any brand as a "Bad Ball."  It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more complicated than the ball.  It happens all the time at league and I spend a few minutes helping them and they can start to see the reasons why the ball reaction hasn't been to their liking. 

For years before I was on as advisory staff to Brunswick/DV8, I worked in and was sponsored by a pro shop and I threw everything at the pins. I threw Storm, Columbia, Hammer, Mo Rich, Track... You name it, I threw it.. (Except Lanemasters.  LOL).

Anyways, my job was to get a read on the equipment so the right balls would match up to what a customer was seeking.  And here's what I learned about the bowling ball business...

If your pro shop guy doesn't take a moment to get to know their customer, their ball roll, and their needs on the lanes they compete on, then you are getting at best, an uneducated guesstimate likely based off of some other information that might not even be reliable or current. Most really good pro shop people are going to sell and drill a ball to precisely fit that bowlers needs and desires.  So many bowlers these days want that "Magic Ball" that works on everything... IT DOESN'T EXIST. 

In today's game, you can not just pick up a ball, drill it over the bridge, under the bridge, or leverage and expect success.  Bad ball reaction is dictated by one major factor... Using it under the wrong circumstances.  Carry is not dictated by the ball, but by entry angle.  Entry angle is dictated by playing the lanes right.  And it's all magnified by using a bowling ball designed and drilled to function at it's best in the right playing environment.  You don't see dudes hitting wedge off the teebox on a 4oo yard par 4.  I guess since bowling balls are all the same size, they should all work on everything? 

As for quality... I have never had a quality issue with any Brunswick or DV8 ball.  Ever.  I have been exclusively throwing it for roughly 4 years at this point  Maybe 30 balls or more.  Now throwing 100% DV8.  People will argue it's made in Mexico, yet it has one of the best warranties out there.  This thread started out regarding ball reaction on two particular balls and somehow manifests into a discussion about Mexican made.  Unreal. Interestingly enough, I haven't had a quality issue with any other brand either in the past, but none of them offer the warranty you get with DV8/Brunswick. Then again, I take pretty good care of my stuff.   

DV8 balls have worked very great for me.  You can read all of my reviews and in most I try to give an optimum condition for the ball in comparison to others.  They are flashy, colorful, stand out, and have provided me a great variety of ball reactions so I can be competitive on any condition. I have very little axis rotation and so the length built into the balls has really been a benefit to me.  However, I know when the Revenge came out, the ball hooked at my feet with the box finish.  We did a little surface adjustment and it's become one of my best rolling balls on tougher patterns that require I get a good early roll going or for a more typicaly heavy oil pattern.  The G/W Misfit is very strong off the friction and although it is advertised at entry level, is significantly stronger than other entry level equipment.  On a traditional house shot, the G/W Misfit should be plenty of ball, but you have to be careful with any ball designed for maximum length and strong sharp movement off friction as it's going to give you an over/under reaction if you let it store all that axis rotation for the end of the pattern.  I've been able to stay right longer and play much closer to the Friction (or even in the friction) with the G/W ball and the reaction has been very even and controllable.  I've used it so much in league, others in the league expect are calling it the Green Monster because I shoot very big scores with it and it's bright freakin green.  When I get left and try to play in the oil, I can create an over/under reaction just like the topic starter.  If playing left in the oil is necessary, I would use a stronger ball.  In this original users case, he has two very long and strong balls including the Terror, which are likely accentuating the problem he's having.   Cover changes may help, but I don't think they need to be significant.  Too much surface can kill a ball reaction too and can counteract the layout.  The best advice I can give it to go and find a very knowledgable bowler / pro shop guy and go practice one day and fiddle around with surfaces to see if you can create the reaction you desire. Maybe drill an axis hole to increase flare.  Just remember, once you leave that bowling center and that pattern, what you encounter in another center might require additional surface maintenance.  Surface accounts for over 50% of the balls reaction.  The other 50% is dicatated by cover/core/layout.  You can get plastic to hook at your feet if you put enough grit on it.  lol.  Otherwise, you can also get a 2nd opinion on the layout from another pro shop in the area.  Sometimes, a very poor layout can kill a very good bowling ball. 

The Terror and G/W Misfit are very long and angular and this will accentuate the Over/Under Reaction you are referring to.  You can reduce that by taking the cover down a bit or playing closer to the friction so the core of the ball will begin to migrate sooner.  You can also have your pro shop guy drill them to enter into the roll phase sooner so they settle down before they get to the backend of the lane.  Some of this can be done with an Axis hole in the right spot.  Many different options to get your money's worth out of the equipment.


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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2013, 11:39:33 PM »
I can understand where staffers and Bruns employee's are coming from BUT on the other hand most of us BR regulars who are NOT affiliated with any manufacturer and would like to hear from other BR users who have no axe to grind. 

Case being most would not say when that have had issues negative or otherwise.  I was shot down on some new VBP pieces and heard from the VBP crew I wasn't positive enough....sorry I tell it like I see it.  Like it or not.

On the other hand, those that come on BR hiding behind a keyboard without any real info. other than that they have an axe to grind screw them also.    :)



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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #24 on: January 03, 2013, 12:25:07 AM »
A big prob with Dv8 and Bruns. balls coming from mexico is the pin and mass bias are miss marked. I have been using mostly bruns. and dv8 and some off the balls were way off on pin location and or mass bias mark.

How can a pin be mismarked? If I'm not mistaken, the pin isn't "marked." Its attached to the core because it's the hole through which they pour material?


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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2013, 01:32:10 AM »
Yes seconds are available from anyone.

Boom would be appropriate when you over charge for them and call them pro pin and pro cg balls.  They are blems not meeting 1st run quality for one reason or another. It is good to see someone get good customer service even if they dont contact the manufacture directly. Cant say that for every company.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #26 on: January 03, 2013, 06:01:45 AM »

Only if you knew how a pin could be mismarked. Find some threads years ago when Brunswick poured Lane 1 balls in Michigan....


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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2013, 07:13:57 AM »
The pin is the fill they use to fill the void where the hanger for weight block was during pouring of the ball.  The pin is ( Suppose to be on the top of the weight block ) Sometimes that doesn't work out.

Big Jake

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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2013, 08:07:01 AM »
@ Andyman3333, well said and a very good read!
Now throwing pretty much all flavors...


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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2013, 08:31:21 AM »
Wow, again with the libel.

First off, I don't see any 2nds on ebay as claimed.

Our pins and mass bias are not mis marked, and our warranty rate (even with an unmatched 2 YEAR warranty) is a fraction of a percent.

Wanted to comment on this while i remember, friend of mine bought a dv8 hellraiser revenge. Hated the layout on it so he had it plugged and redrilled. Well long story short, somehow the core is seperated. Was making a really funny sound when it would hit the pins. The guy that plugged and redrilled it is a brunswick staffer and told him there is nothing they can do, then when he called dv8 they apparently cant do anything either. Why is this?


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Re: Not happy with DV8.
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2013, 08:35:13 AM »
The biggest thing with dv8 is that i haven't seen that one ball that is good in nearly everyones hands. I've seen a lot of them look good in peoples hands and I've seen a lot of them look bad.....which is typical of most companies but the thing that gets these companies ahead is getting that ball that matches up to so many people it can't be ignored. A ball like the iq tour, hyroad or versa max....etc...