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Author Topic: Remedy PHD  (Read 11472 times)


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Remedy PHD
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available has the largest selection of bowling balls
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Remedy PHD: The REMEDY features a new weight block design; Phd.(tm) (perimeter halo design). Surrounding the equator of the new weight block is a halo of core material that creates increased dynamics and torque. The large weight block gives the REMEDY medium RG and 5" plus of flare potential. The performance proven Dyno-sphere(tm) is also untilized in the REMEDY.
Encompassing this core is SH3-plus(tm) a highly aggressive reactive coverstock. It creates increased traction in the mid lane and strong continuation on the backend. The surface can be easily adjusted with polishes, sandpaper or Scotchbrite(tm) for a specific reaction on most lane surfaces.

Factory Finish: 600-grit sanded
Radius Of Gyration: Medium (2.55)
Differential: Medium-High (0.45)
Hook Potential: 20/16 (Dull/Shiny) On A Scale Of 1-20
Flare Potential: 5" Plus
Length: 5 On A Scale Of 1-10
Coverstock: SH3-Plus
Available Weights: 12-16 Lbs.
Weight Block: 14-16 lbs. Phd (perimeter halo design)
12-13 lbs. Modified 2- piece inside a core.
Color: Brilliant Blue



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Re: Remedy PHD
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2001, 11:04:29 AM »
Let me start out by saying that this is the BEST Dynothane Ball to date!

I have been a fan of Dynothane since they started, and have seen some very good balls from this label most of the time, but since Storm has taken over the company, I have seen a tremedous jump in "On the Lane Performance" by the Dynothane Line.

The Remedy PHD. is just flat out one of the hardest hitting balls I have ever used!

The Remedy's Very friendly cover gives you a large range of shell adjustments for that specific ball reaction that you are looking for!

I drilled my test ball with a 4X4 pin and CG placement, No Weight hole.
Pin below the ring finger to give the ball an early roll.

I rolled the ball on a typical top hat lane condition and found a line to the pocket from several angles and finding strikes most of the time!

This ball has a pin "SPLATtering hit!  All I can tell you is to run to your local proshop and ask for this one by name! It will fit the needs of many bowlers for several lane conditions depending on how you adjust the shell!
The ball will be driller friendly as well and will adapt to your favorite drill pattern with no problem!

I highly recommend this ball and will keep one in my bag the rest of this season!


Doug Sterner

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Re: Remedy PHD
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2001, 05:48:56 PM »
First off I want to thank Hank Boomershine for a chance to try this ball. I probably would never have ordered one in had it not been for his advice.

Ball had 3" pin with high top weight (4.24). I'll admit I was not wild about the high top since the ball was supposed to be a big hooker but it didnt matter :-)

Drilled it a 4" stack (just like me Eraser) at the suggestion of a friend from NH (thanks Patrick). Was hoping for a ball to fit between my Eraser and my X-it.

The Remedy has got to be one of the hardest hitting balls  Ihave thrown but it needs some oil in the heads to work well. I tried it on a 2nd shift after a mixed doubles league with lanes that had been stripped the day before. On this shot the ball was still playable and had very strong roll with a controllable breakpoint. I let this ball roll across 15 and out to about 5 where it caught some dry and put on the left turn signal.

My ball came slightly polished, not 600 grit wet sand as the spec sheet says. I am scared to throw this ball in the 600 state.

I'll report more later when I get to try this ball on other conditions.
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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Re: Remedy PHD
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2001, 10:37:57 AM »
First, I have this ball drilled 5 by 4 3/4. No balance hole required. When I originally received the ball I had no clue what to expect. I first practiced with it on our house shot. Didn't think it would hook a lot but was suprised when I couldn't get to the ball went left on my first few shots. By the time I got lined in I was playing between 5th - 6th arrow with a soft belly. And this ball hit like a ton of bricks. The next time I got to use it was in league in another center on third shift. Now for third shift this place is tight, very tight. I thought there was no way this ball would finish. Needless to say I was wrong again. Not only did it finish but it was so easy to predict its ball motion because rolled so evenly. Now, I generally can tell when a ball is good, but the true selling point for me this time was how many people came up to me each week and asked me what ball it was that I was using and how impressed they were by it. For the price there are not to many balls out there better then this.

Paul Meyer

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Re: Remedy PHD
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2001, 12:59:06 AM »
Courtesy of Hank Boomershine on this ball....Drilled mine out of the box finish, with a 5 1/2 by 4 1/2 pattern (with pin below my middle finger). This places the Mass Bias about 1 1/2 to the right of my thumb. I have tested this ball on several different type of lane conditions. The first was a tighter blocked shot 10-10 and it worked very well playing right of the oil line around 8, where the ball started to make its move fairly early and would roll very heavy in the flood in the middle and carried excellent. The other shot was a torunament shot which had a flatter shot with plenty of OB and hooking backends. On that shot i was about to play a small swing from 12-7 and even could miss more than most people could on what was out there. Once again I think i out carried 90% of the people in the field. (unfortunately for my own stupidty and left 5 splits which cost me making finals, but that isn't the balls fault). This ball rolls quite a bit strong than the Crisis, but not nearly as much as the Elixir solid. This is a good complement for the middle of the two balls. Excellent ball that more people should look into, and thanx again Hank!


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Re: Remedy PHD
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2002, 03:47:46 AM »
This was my first Dyno-Thane ball, and what a ball. I was looking for something to fit between an Angle Evolution Tour and Cuda 2000. Basically an everyday kinda ball. I am right-handed, lots of turn, lots of speed. This ball is awesome. In the first 3 months I've had it I have 2 300's and 2 800 series. The ball hits like a truck. It does exactly what i wanted. It doesn't hook out of the building on fresh oil, but does make the turn to the pocket. As the lanes dry out, move inside and it continues to pound the pocket without over-reacting. Great ball. I give it a 9 out of 10.


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Re: Remedy PHD
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2002, 05:27:37 PM »
Man, oh man, what a ball.  I noticed the other reviews of this ball commented in how the ball hits.  These reviews did not do the Remedy doesn't   HITS

15 lb.
Pin 1 1/2 out
TW 2 3/4 oz.

Drill specs:
Drilled 4 1/2 X 4 1/2 (pin outside and below ring finger)
Box finish

Drilled this ball looking for a something to give me something a little earlier for heavy, fresh conditions and a smoother look on sport patterns.  One thing I noticed pretty quick was how the Remedy reminded me of the Erase-It.  The Remedy has the same reaction shape and midlane read as the Erase-It (might have something to do with the fact that both have the same covers and similar cores).  However, there is one pretty big difference, the Remedy is more ball.  In fact, I'm surprised at how much ball that this is.

Tested the Remedy on two shots:  light 40' Sport shot and a 36' house shot with some play on it.

On the Sport shot, the Remedy was smoooth.  It got through the heads, picked up the midlane and arced strong to the hole.

On the house shot, the Remedy reacted similarly, but seemed to lose a little energy on the burned up heads (about 30 games on them).  However, I was able to move into the lane and still got a nice, arc reaction.  The reaction was a result of the early drill and box surface, but that's what I wanted, this is not going to be a late shift ball.

The big thing about the Remedy is the hit.  I can't impress how hard this thing hits, even when it burned up some energy on the drier heads, it still threw pins around like ping pong balls.  I will definitely be picking up some more of these.  If you liked the Erase-It, you'll love the Remedy.
Where are all my 2001-2006 posts?


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Re: Remedy PHD
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2002, 08:31:37 PM »
I got this ball used and redrilled it for me. Man I have to agreed with Galaxy this ball hits like a dam mad truck and hooks as well even through a fair amout of oil. This is one of my favorit balls and if I could find a new one I would buy it. Just an awesome ball. I have to give it a 10 out of 10 great ball dyno-thane.
Mike Marchak
NIU Grad 2010
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Re: Remedy PHD
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2003, 01:49:07 PM »
Sorry, that I'm the late one in the crowd to post a review on this ball, but I didn't purchase it until last month for dry lanes.  I consider the Remedy a nice addition to your bag for dry lanes and for those of you who can turn the ball take it out on medium lanes and watch the pins just fly around the deck and crunch everything in site.  The Remedy is a missile waiting to destroy the pins.  Now, I bowl on wooden lanes and the condition is very hard.  Here's what I mean:  The oiling pattern is 10 to 10 with 15ft of head oil (20units) buffed out to 38ft and outside of 7 board is 10 to 15 units of oil.  So, you think you can bowl on this shot.  I think not.  I know bowlers who can turn the ball as much a Robert Smith and struggle like you wouldn't believe.  But, since I got the Remedy, now I can play straight up the boards and watch the ball hit the pocket and bam boom strike.  Thanks Dyno-Thane.  They should use this weight ball more often.