The Thing Returns is an amazing piece of plastic!
See my profile for info on me.
I got my 14# T/R lightly used, from bamaster. Tony has a hand the size of a catcher's mitt, so I had to have it plugged and redrilled before I could even try it. It has a 2" pin, so layout options were somewhat limited. We put the pin just below and to the right of the ring finger, 3" from PAP, and put the CG just above grip center, 5" from PAP.
The shot they put down at the local house is a Christmas tree pattern, with a puddle in the middle, tapering off to 4 units outside of 5. They run the pattern to 36' and buff to 42'.
My Thursday night league is coming down to the wire, so I was a little nervous about using the T/R with no prior experience. I also thought the fresh shot might be a little too much oil for it, so I started with the Super Power. I couldn't get it off my hand cleanly though, kept hanging on my thumb, so in the 5th frame, I said the hell with it, at least I know I can get a clean release with the Thing Returns. Let's take her out for a spin!
14 strikes later, I pulled it a little high and left a 4 pin. Spare, sheet, 279 preceded by a 258. Finished with 224 for a nice 761, my first 7 of the year. Needless to say, I'm very glad I put the Thing Returns up on the rack.
With its 3x5 layout, the ball starts up a little sooner than it normally would, but still gets the nice length you expect from a pearl, and makes a strong arcing motion toward the pocket at the breakpoint.
This thing (returns) has so many ways to knock over 10 pins, they're hard to keep track of. 10 in the pit, can openers, rolling the 10 pin, trip 4s, you name it. Awesome striking machine, very forgiving of operator error.
I haven't tried it on anything other than a fresh, medium oil house shot, so I can't say whether or not it can handle more oil, or how it would have worked after another three games, but for what I bowled on last night, it was perfect.
10 out of 10. I don't know how a ball could get any better than this.
Oh yeah, thanks again Tony!

Cogito ergo bowl