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Author Topic: The Thing Returns  (Read 13097 times)


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The Thing Returns
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Thing Returnsâ„¢
The perfect compliment to THE THINGâ„¢ is now available, THE THING RETURNSâ„¢. The new Pearl Soakerâ„¢ Resin Coverstock, accompanied by a higher RG system, makes entry angles possible that were previously thought unreachable by mere mortals. Using the latest advancements in Soaker technology, you can rest assured that THE THING RETURNSâ„¢ will get through the front easily and return strong on the backend, time, after time, after time.
THE THING RETURNSâ„¢ is destined to become a vital part of your arsenal. Become the envy of your lanes.

Technical Details

Weight Block: Multi-Core / Triple Density
Cover Stock: Pearlized Soakerâ„¢ Resin
Weights: 12-16 lbs
Finish: Polished
Color: Solar Flare Orange / Plasmic Purple
Radius of Gyration: Low @ 2.56
Differential: High @ 0.045
Flare Potential: Medium
Hook Potential: 20 out of 20


Phillip Marlowe

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Re: The Thing Returns
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2004, 11:14:10 PM »
The clock on the wall and the dark outside my window, told me "Phillip, go home, its 12:30 a.m."  But with a bank account balance just this side of absolute zero, I couldn't bring myself to even go out for a cup of Myrtle's Grill coffee.  At precisely 12:31, he came into the office.  A small man, with narrow eyes and a cold cut nose, he said he had tried to call earlier.  He wanted to hire me.  He wanted me to investigate a mysterious Thing that had Returned ... to find out what it was and why it had invaded his place, "Flash Finish Lanes and Grill."  He paid me two days' fee in advance.  I went to Myrtle's bought a cup of joe and went to bed feeling rich.  

I went to the Pro Shop at Flash Finish and picked up two 15 pound examples of these "Thing Returns" eggs, drilled 5x4 and 4x5.  It was pearlized, crayola deep orange and the purple you find only in bowling balls and neon signs outside of pool halls.  The cover was supposed to soak up oil like the Swifter cleans linoleum tile and to be cleaner than Pine Sol and stronger than a double gin gimlet.  I tried it on house tapers, light through medium heavy and a variety of sport and "pro" conditions to see why it had returned.  I kept good notes so I could give my client -- the one who paid me for two days' work in advance and promised more upon completion of the investigation -- a report, unencumbered by poor memory or lack of booze.  

1. Length.  On anything from light to medium plus oil, this one went down the lane like a one-man sled.  Absolutely clean to the breakpoint even on spotty conditions, it did not overskid when it hit the dry, changing directions smoothly, like Velma hearing Moose was coming to see her. On heavy oil, well, it just kept going.  But if there was a dry area after the heads and midlanes, it went left.

2. How did it move?  Strong, hard and pretty, like Chyna in black leather at a cage match.  There were no flying Wallenda flips, just a hard, smooth arc, tracing the beginning of a parabola that, if you saw it on a dame -- like maybe Raquel -- would cause Cardiac arrest in a llama. For a pearl, it shrugged off carrydown surprisingly well.  

3. How much did it move?  A lot.  For the conditions and its place in the arsenal, a Heidi Fleiss type hooker.  I immediately ordered two double Jack's and Diet Cokes to make sure I wasn't seeing things.  I wasn't.  Big mover for a medium light ball.  I never saw it rollout.  

4. How did it hit? Dresden.  Tokyo.  Hiroshima.  The Thing Returns.  Light, pins flew around like Dorothy's house.  Heavy, fours fall like Apollo Creed in Rocky IV and if there is a problem it is stone oblisks bearing "8" and "9".  Very good.  Real Good.  Almost as good as my gin gimlet.  Almost.  

5. What kind of control did it give me? As predictable as a banker's hours -- and no less precise.  Miss left and Miss Right...well I had some of each of those dames.  Speed sensitive but not rev sensitive, you felt you like you could be a little rough with her, Maddy Ross style, and still get a reasonable result.
6. What is the overall report of the investigation? I know why the Thing Returns.  Because folks like it.  Predictable, versatile, a looker and useful in a range of roles -- like Jane Fonda withouth the irritating personality. Everyone can use one. My client bought one on my recommendation.  I got an extra day's pay as a bonus.  Whooppee.

"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings."
"Some men get the world.  Others get ex-hookers and a trip to Arizona."


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Re: The Thing Returns
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2004, 03:29:49 AM »
i have to start with saying that this is one of the best balls i have ever owned. dyno-thane has changed my outlook on bowling, the cores the reaction the balls themselves.  This ball hits like a tank i just shot a 775 with it and i carried everything, the lay out of the ball is, pin above my fingers and the cgs kicked out of the palm, it gets down the lane and has enough to get to the pocket and carry. have to say my new fav when it comes to a ball.


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Re: The Thing Returns
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2005, 01:31:30 PM »
Ball goes extremely long before it makes a nasty left turn, this ball is one of the easiest balls to throw, revs up great and carries evrything. I did find that if you hit this ball to hard it doesn't seem to carry as well, ease up a little and let the ball do the work, it destroys the pins, great ball for short oil or tournaments.
Dynothane carries end of story

two balls wide

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Re: The Thing Returns
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2005, 03:26:23 PM »
ball 3.5 in. pin : pin next to ring and cg straight down back down to box finish

 i have had this ball for a while....picked it up off of dyno298...i was using this thing on the house shot for spares on the left side...and i was shooting a 150 average......welp....i finally got my head out of my.... and realized this was the best ball in my bag...i started throwing this thing way out and it came back like a ball on fire....currently i at a 200 average, and it keeps going up...i love this ball....just bought another one and planning on buying another; drill them up different and change the surfaces......

overall - on a scale of 1 to 10 worst to best

Hook - 9
backend - 10
carry - infinity
I may only have two balls... but I know how to use them.

aol sn - KillerpuffE (live by it...)


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Re: The Thing Returns
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2005, 02:04:06 PM »
Ball: Thing Returns, box finish

Pre Drill: #15.3 oz, 3-1/2” Pin

Drilled Specs: ½ oz Side, ½ oz finger, 1 oz top, 4-1/2 x 4-1/2 pin under ring.

Bowlers Specs:  PAP 5-1/2> ½” up, 15 mph, 45* release with 17* axis

Oil Pattern: fresh house crown, (wall) buff to 41 ft., Wood lanes in need of resurfacing,

 Preferred line: 34-15-8 @ 42 feet, breakpoint.

I drilled the TR with the pin under to get her into an earlier roll. In the past I have had problems with highly polished balls being thrown through the break point and not having enough recovery. The TR simply gives me a better mid lane read with a ton of recovery. The finishing capabilities of the TR in truly remarkable. I never expected it to recover ( based off the core values) as it does. I have yet to see an over/under reaction, it reads the mids then begins the strong arc to the pocket. It is much more forgiving than I had anticipated, with continuation through the pocket. I have seen a few less corner pins than usual in a normal league night, I tend to believe it has to do with the increased angle of entry, not as flat as the previous dull covers I use to throw. It has become my benchmark ball, first out of the bag ball on league nights.

I had been using all Morich products primarily a TA on THS, the TR goes longer, stores more energy and has more recovery than the TA. It allows me to play about 3 more boards deeper with my feet and target line than normal.

A great addition to anyone’s arsenal.
Leading Edge Pro Shop
Radical Bowling Technologies Advisory Staff