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Author Topic: Thing  (Read 10412 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
The Thingâ„¢
Dyno-thane's flagship launch for 2003, THE THINGâ„¢, has reactions that are out of this world. Stronger backends and extra terrestrial pin carry make this a leading performer in the Dyno-thane armory of products. The THING is designed to handle medium to wet lanes by simply fine-tuning the Soakerâ„¢ coverstock, and will "alienate" you from your opponents.

Technical Details

Weight Block: Multi-core/Triple density

Cover Stock: Soakerâ„¢ resin coverstock

Weights: 12-16 lbs

Finish: Polished

Color: Roswell Red Solid/Extraterrestrial Teal Pearl

Radius of Gyration: 2.530

Differential: 0.045

Flare Potential: Medium to High

Length: 16 out of 20

Backend: 20 out of 20



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Re: Thing
« Reply #16 on: November 14, 2003, 11:16:32 AM »
This is the best ball on the market. Mine is pin over the middle of the bridge with the cg on the midline about 2" right of center with a 6" hole. I won a SR ALLSTAR tournament with this ball, and last night start with the front 17. This  ball flat-out carries. Smoothe thru the heads, and never seems to over react makes the ball easy to use. I can play outside, and inside and never loose any hitting power. First ball out of the bag. jimensminger

Rets no Mver

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Re: Thing
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2003, 01:41:05 PM »
After having not thrown any dyno-thane balls before, I was quite disapointed with this one. You'd think a ball with a "soaker" coverstock would be better for oil. Or at least would be good to pickup some spilled beer or something *yuck yuck*.

Drilled it left handed leverage. Left handed drills always work the best for me, they roll smoother. I put the pin over the tip of the ball, CG below. It rolls like it's round, but doesn't grab that much on the tails.

Overall, I'd say I would have rather bought a new toaster oven. Mine is sort of teweaked.


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Re: Thing
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2003, 10:44:00 PM »
Right hander with a left handed drill.  2.5 inch pin below the middle finger.  Great dry lane ball.  Burnt out heads, will kill this ball.  Which makes this ball only acceptable for light oil houses, or for medium conditions with lots of revs on it.  As my first Dynothane ball, it was very good, the carry was great, but is really condition specific.


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Re: Thing
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2003, 10:49:50 AM »
This is my go-to ball.

I have the pin just above and outside the ring finger.  I wanted this ball to play up the boards, as I've found that to be the best carry angle at my house.  I've left the ball in box finish.  

This ball works best for me when I can take some hand out of it and play between 5 and 10 with good ball speed.  The lanes are set up pretty consistently with medium oil between 10 and 10, but the backends are fairly slick compared to other houses I've bowled at.  

I love the way this ball hits.  I am also very impressed with the consistent reaction.  The only bad comments I have are that the ball needs to be maintained a bit, with the soaker coverstock it takes up a bit of oil.  Also, when the lanes dry up, don't try to swing this ball.  There are better choices for the swing shot.

Overall I give this ball a 9.5 and I can't wait to get my hands on an Anomaly for wet conditions.  Great job Dyno-Thane.


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Re: Thing
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2004, 06:59:38 AM »
The most versatile ball on the market today.

I have one Dynothane Thing in my arsenal, and one is all I need.

Just for reference, I am a high speed (18-19mph) cranker. My Thing is drilled 5 1/2 x 5, with the pin directly above the bridge and the CG below the ring finger, placing the mass bias in the strong flip position.

The Thing by Dynothane is just an incredible ball. Phil needs to be congratulated for such a masterpiece. My Thing will skid through the heads cleanly, rev strongly and smoothly in the midlane, and arc hard on the backend. It works on clean backends and carrydown alike. Dry heads require left to right projection to get the ball down the lane, but as long as there isn't heavy carrydown, have no fear, the ball will get back. Oil in the heads allows for straighter trajectory up the boards. Oh, and the hit is great as well. Not overpowering, like my Inferno, but sneaky hard, as it carries perfectly, keeping the pins low. All in all, this ball allowed me to cut out two of my Infernos out of my bag, as I use this ball on anything from light to medium/heavy oil. Only the extremes are out of reach for this ball. As a result of my success with this ball, my last Inferno will soon be leaving my bag and be replaced by a Dynothane Element. I turn the ball too much for an Anomaly. Great job, Phil and Dynothane, as I'm sure you already know. And PS - I have, because of my success with this ball, convinced 10 people into buying Dynothane equipment who otherwise wouldn't have tried it.


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Re: Thing
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2004, 11:34:13 PM »

All I can say about this ball is WOW.  My first Dyno-thane ball I have ever thrown.  Can say will not be my last.  Was very impressed the way it cleared the heads, rolled in the midlane and how hard it finished.  Well lets go back a step and say that I was bowling on synthetic lanes oiled 40 ft. buffed to 46.  Ball had 3.2 oz of top weight pin 2-2 1/2 out used drilling #2.  I am sure I will update this review after I get a few more games on it.
  I played the first game thru the middle did have a bit of trouble recovering but that is what I expected.  Then I moved and played 17 to 8 and shot 259 leaving 3 nine pins.  

about as close to a 10 as possible
way to go Dyno-thane


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Re: Thing
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2004, 01:11:30 PM »
I picked-up this used 15lb red/blue swirl pin demolisher from a fellow Ballreviews member, as I’ve wanted to try a ball with the soaker coverstock. WOW, WOW, WOW! It’s drilled 3 3/8 with a weight hole on the PAP. This ball MOVES and HITS! It’s very clean through the heads, starts to rev HARD in the mids (good length), and just explodes on the backend. This WILL destroy pins! I like that it keeps the pins low, so I get ‘extra terrestrial pin carry’ just like it says it does.  It sends pins flying left and right, I think they cry after they get hit…LOL I can play my preferred line (20 out to 10) with good length and a STRONG roll on the back, crushing the pins. I did notice that if the cover starts to loose its polish (1500), I get sort of a strange reaction. With this one, I can come straight up the back or give it side roll, it likes both. Will leave ringing 10’s if you push it past its breakpoint (What ball won’t?). It’s such a cool looking ball too! I can’t say enough good things about it! I’ve been bowling my highest games with both the Thing and Element.

Some points about it:

Make sure to pay attention to the coverstock surface.

You can come straight up the back or give it side roll, it likes both.

Really cool looking!

Soaker coverstock does exactly what it says it does.

I could see this ball fitting in anyone’s bag.


When in doubt, go buy Dyno-Thane.

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Thing
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2004, 01:11:52 PM »
Got this used from JPRLane 1 (great seller) and the ball is fairly awesome. Specs:

drilled pin under ring, cg kicked toward axis
Box finish

 I haven't put too many games on this one yet, but I am as impressed with the early indications as I've ever been with any ball, my beloved buzzsaws included. I tested the Thing on each of the PBA patterns, and the ball delivers very well on each, which is even more impressive when considering that it was not meant for some of those shots. The Thing delivers some good natural length and strong, controlled backend. With simple changes in hand position and line you can use this one up the boards or to open up the lanes with silly backend. It ignores carrydown, provided it isn't too heavy, and it sends pins flying everywhere. I haven't tried this ball on a THS, but, from what I've seen on the tougher patterns, the ball is going to be simply sick on it. This ball will be the first out of my bag, and it should find a spot in yours as well.
Bowling is without a doubt the dumbest, most pointless, most idiotic excuse for a game that has ever been invented. So, what time are we bowling tomorrow?


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Re: Thing
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2004, 12:09:12 AM »
Until this one I never threw much Dyno-Thane equipment but I was very happy with the results. This is one that everyone should have in their bag, I drilled this one up with a 10:30 layout and put the balance hole at 7". The ball pushes with ease and doesn't over react when and if you hit the dry too early, tried it on a few of the tour patterns and got the same clean result on each and every pattern. I really think with a stronger layout this could be one of the best ones out today.



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Re: Thing
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2005, 08:35:51 PM »
Ball 1 (16lb.) - Pin out 3.5 inches - 3.5 oz top weight
Pin 5 1/2 inches from axis, cg 3 1/2 inches from axis
Pin above bridge with cg swing, x hole 4 1/2 inches from grip center
Light grey pad scuff

Ball 2 (16lb.) - Pin out 3 inches - 2/5 oz. top weight
Pin 5 inches from axis, cg 3 1/2 inches from axis
Pin below ring finger with cg swing, x hole 4 1/2 inches from grip center
Box surface (polish)

This is an excellent ball fron DT.  The idea of the 1/2 solid, 1/2 pearl cover is well demonstrated in the reaction you get from The Thing - midlane recovery and backend punch.  The Thing is great on pretty much all mediums, and would probably be good in oil for slower speeds and some surface change.  

I've put in games on ball 1 on pretty much every surface and condition you can think of.  I literally threw it everywhere, league, tournaments, practice, you name it.  Its like the Inferno or V2 ball of the DT Lineup.  Good midlane, good backend, excellent hit.  What more do you need?

Ball 2 I just drilled up, and it will be a keeper.  It has more midlane recovery and good roll on the backend, just the difference you expect from pin high to pin low balls.  Definitely another ball you should look into if you can, before they discontinue it.


UNOmaha Mavericks Bowling
J. J. Mastny
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University of Nebraska Omaha Bowling