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Author Topic: Threshold  (Read 15544 times)


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« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
Ball NPS Score: Not Available
 Dynothane is pleased to announce our latest Asymmetric design, The Threshold(tm). This new single density core, combined with our strongest coverstock to date, is designed TO STRIKE by opening up the backends on almost any lane condition.

Coverstock: NEW-NexGen Reactive w/MicroParticles
Weight Block: Threshold
Ball Color: Purple/Gold/Silver All colors do vary somewhat from the picture shown.
Finish: 1000 Fine
Flare Potential: High
RG Average: 2.510 (Low) on a scale of 2.43-2.8 Very low-High Break Point
RG Differential: 0.055 (Medium-High) on a scale of .000-.080 Low-High Flare
Backend Reaction: Sharp Angle
Length: Mid-Lane
Recommended Lane Conditions: Medium-Heavy Oil



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Re: Threshold
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2006, 07:20:45 PM »
Dyno-Thane Threshold

I’d like to thank Dyno-Thane for sending out the new Threshold to me for my evaluation.  Before I begin, I have to comment on the ball’s looks—wow, what a beautiful ball! I wanted to try something different, so I drilled the new Threshold with the pin 3 ½” from my PAP with the CAP in the strong position.  I was looking for a layout that would provide an earlier roll while maintaining an aggressive backend reaction.  Well, let’s just say I got a little more than I anticipated.      

The Threshold will cut through any heavy oil condition it encounters and the pins don’t stand a chance.  For comparisons (from my layout), the length is similar to the original Element but the Threshold is a much stronger finisher to the pocket.  The carry is pure Dyno-Thane Max Performance—it’s just plain nasty.  If this ball has any weaknesses, I haven’t found one.  

My evaluation broken down on a 10-point scale is as follows:

Overall hook…….9+

In summary, the Threshold looks as good as it performs.  This ball loves to devour oil so I would suggest a longer 4 ½ from your PAP layout to make it more adaptable to the medium-oil patterns most bowlers will encounter.  Dyno-Thane is definitely putting the other ball companies on notice with this powerful new release. This should be a huge seller as this ball will attract many bowlers outside of Dyno-Thane’s core users—much like The One did for Ebonite earlier this year.   If anyone has any questions regarding this or any other Dyno-Thane ball, let me know and I’ll be happy to answer.


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Re: Threshold
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2006, 05:28:47 PM »
I'd like to thank Billy and the fine folks at Dynothane for sending me this ball and also thank Big Al's Proshop for drilling this beauty up for me. My Threshold was drilled 4 1/4 from my pap. I wanted this ball to cut through heavy oil and it is awesome, when this ball makes its move it doesn't stop, it hits extremely hard and keeps the pins low and just crushes the pins. This ball looks good and blows the pins away, don't break this ball out if lanes are dryer, but if you struggle with oily conditions pick this ball up, you will be surprisingly shocked how well it cuts through the oil, a must ball for tournament play.
Dynothane carries end of story

DynoLess Daddy

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Re: Threshold
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2006, 11:26:54 PM »
Ring above pin basic 5 x 3 with X/H 5.75 on CL

This had a smooth big boy reaction. On the cheetah is was a challenge to play out of the bos. On the typical house it managed to control the lanes with explosive mis lane roll but could'n not handle the transition as expected. Needs some oil.

Threshold #2

This was your typical 5 x 5.5 with ring above pin. I took this ball down with cabby 40 mic and then polished with Columbia 1200 degree. I went back out on the lanes and OH YEAH...this controlled the cheatah as long as you stayed right. It was a barn burner of the corner.

The over hook and read of the cover was phenominal. You can see th edifference in QC from storm to Columbia.

Backend....the ball rev hard and fast. Once of the best features is that you can back off the ball and still get response.

Read....Control and motion. The real design is that for those who are heavy handed, you can really get after it.

BTW...don't let the particle full you......

Billy, Phil, Vanessa and of course Ms. "k' much love and Kudos...
My Dt likes to bash Shawn B.

note the truth>>>>>(Dt..1st .... Shawn 2nd)
Shawn finally got the picture. He bought a whole bunch of Dynothanes and managed to make the All ARMY TEAM 2006..Way to go Dyno Daddy's #1 Girl!


Ft. Bliss Pro Shop
Ft. Bliss Bowling Center


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Re: Threshold
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2006, 01:10:24 AM »
The Most Hook ever from Dynothane

It’s great to see a company come out with a totally new core design. This ball just flat out hooks. The Threshold is clean thru the front and really revs up in the midlane and just keeps on coming. There is absolutely no ball in the Dynothane line that comes close. For those bowlers who love the Vendettas but feel they could use more hook on tight, fresh shots, this ball is for you. Great job Phil and Billy. You guys hit back to back home runs with the Magnum 44 and now the Threshold.

Bowler’s PAP for high diff. balls: 4 ¾, up 3/8

Layout used: 4 ½ ” (pin)  by 4 ¼ ”(CAD), pin 2 ¼ ” above midline of grip

Recommended lane conditions: Heavy oil

Any questions regarding this ball or any other please email me or call 1-866-717-7772.


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Re: Threshold
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2006, 03:58:16 PM »
My Threshold is drilled at approximately a 50 degree layout, pin is 3 3/8 from the pap and the cap is approximately 4 1/2 inches.  I have thrown the ball on about three different patterns so far, a house shot, the PBA#2 Regional pattern (36') and what is supposed to be the USBC pattern from Nationals.  I like the overall reaction from the ball, it revs up early and is very smooth off of the breakpoint.  My Centrifugal Mass seems a little jumpier compared to the Threshold.  The ball hits extremely hard and keeps the pins very low.  Get close to the pocket and you stand a good chance of striking.  I am very pleased with the ball and am looking forward to trying it on some longer patterns as I think this is what the ball is best suited for.

M. Ferguson
DynoThane Test Staffer
Gary James Bowling Supplies


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Re: Threshold
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2006, 02:50:58 AM »
first i want to start out by saying this is the most hooking ball i have ever drilled up and i have drilled up over a 100 balls in the past couple of years i punched this up know billy told me that this was a hooking ball and he was not lieing i layed it out with the pin above fingers cg kicked out and cap in strong postion and left it box finish went out and threw it on a sport shot 36' ever time i threw it as soon as it came out of the pattern the ball turned left and i was amazed i have a mediuem rev rate and i had to play around 26 at the arrows it bearly was able to keep the ball on the right side of the head pin i can't wait to throw it at this labor day tournament i am bowling were they oil 44' with out stripping the backends and i can't get the ball to finish i think this will do the job thanks again for this one billy,phil


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Re: Threshold
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2006, 06:25:48 PM »
Ball is layed out with 4" pin to PAP
CAP is in the #2 (strong) position
Pin even with fingers 2.5" above midline
Balance hole on midline

Bowling on THS with dry outside of 7
This ball shows a decent amount of length even with the out of box cover, but it will come back from almost anywhere.  I do not have a large rev rate and I struggle when the lanes begin to break down and I am forced to move left.  If I move between 3rd and 4th arrow and try to play the same breakpoint as 2dn to 3rd arrow, I usually have a difficult time geting the ball to make it back to the pocket.  Not the case with this ball.  It has wonderful continuation from the breakpoint.  I have never been able to stand on 35, hit 18 at the arrows, get the ball out to 8 board and have it recover.  I am conteplating hitting the coverstock with a 4000 grit abralon pad just to see the difference, but why mess with a good thing.

Thanks Phil and Billy for the great ball and the spectacular service.

Jason Burack
B & M Pro Shop
Brown City Lanes

Dynothane Test Staff

Moose Nugget

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Re: Threshold
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2006, 12:51:11 AM »
15lbs 4oz
2.25 pin
3oz top

 I drilled one up today and laid it out 5x4 (basic 60 degree layout) with pin 1.5" above the midline, CAP on the right-half of B position.  Looking for a good heavy oiler.  I'm disappointed with how it handles oil.  It rolls just slightly earlier than my CM drilled similarly but I don't see anything special.  My Vendetta Black drilled Rico handles oil better than the Threshold.  First impression, "it's nothing special".  I really don't care for the colors/look of this ball at all.  It is very distracting as it rolls down the lane.  Colors are not crisp more of a milky grey and purple.  I have been defending the Dynothane name against the Columbia haters but I'll have a hard time pushing this one.  Starting to worry about the Columb-othane union. I hope I'm wrong......more to come.


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Re: Threshold
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2006, 11:10:16 PM »
This ball started with 3 oz. top with a 3" pin. Drilled 4X4 with the pin just below the ring finger. Remaining weights: ¼ positive. This ball was machine shined after drilling. There is an extra hole in the ball to bring it to the desired positive weight.

Lane surfaces and patterns:

I trialed the Threshhold on a brand new AMF HPL 9000 synthetic installation dressed 38' with significant amounts of oil in the middle of the lane and some friction to the right.

This ball was very clean in the fronts and mids. A very rolly and agressive ball, the Threshhold made it's mark in the back ends without being snappy. I was impressed with the stability of the ball roll.  Even though it held it's energy throughout the lane, I was pleased with the arc shape. Now that I'm throwing 14# equipment, it's a scary thought wondering what this ball would hit like.  Needless to say, the Threshold hit like a 16 pound ball, and on good shots creating good hits, carried every pin into the pit.

With 15# balls, I had slower than average ball speed, so asymmetrical balls I threw in the past offered too much instability and unpredictable reaction. The Threshold would be a great pick for bowlers looking for that extra hit and reaction.  I'm waiting on a couple of my Dyno-thane staff collegues to update thier reviews so that you can get a well informed idea of what the 15 and 16 pound Threaholds hit like, and if they hit anywhere as hard as the 14s, it's a great choice at the pro shop for bowlers who can benefit from the extra hit.

Happy Bowling!

**Member of the Buffalo and New York State Bowling Association Halls of Fame

PS: Wanna Quit Smoking?  Call 1-866-NYQUITS

Member, Dyno-Thane Amateur Advisory Staff


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Re: Threshold
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2006, 04:19:09 PM »
Ball Tested: THRESHOLD
Pre Drill Specs: #16.0, 2.5” Pin, 3.25 oz top weight
Finish Specs: 15 lbs 12 oz , 5/8 oz pos side, 1/4 oz finger, 1/2 oz top weight.
Drill Pattern: 4 1/4” PIN to PAP X 5 1/4” MB To PAP x 3” pin above midline. X hole 5 ½” right of grip center on mid at VAL
Bowler Specs: 15 mph, PAP 5-1/4”> ½ up, 17* axis tilt, 45-60* rotation at release.
Oil Pattern: Standard house crown, 50 units in the middle, 18 units on the 10, 42 ft buff. Fresh, squeaky clean stripped back ends.
Preferred line: 34-15-8 @ 42 feet.

I chose this layout for two reasons; I have had previous success with this layout using asymmetric cores plus I had just drilled a buds ball with the same layout to use as a yard stick.

New core design, single density Threshold core 2.51rg - .055 rg diff with a new advanced Nex-Gen coverstock with micro particles. Interesting combo, also very close to another asymmetric core numbers from a competitor, also interesting for comparison.

The box condition was entirely too strong for my game, the Threshold stood up, ready to do battle about 10 feet before it found the pin deck and went left, way left. Ok major adjustment standing 44 (in the gutter) 4th arrow at 15 feet to 10 at 45 feet, still too much ball. Back to the shop for a 1000 grit abralon finish, better but still too strong, still way out of my comfort zone still. 1500 wet sand seems to be the number for me. 36-17-8 at 45 feet works real well for about 2 games then we migrate left for the final 10 frames.

The Threshold is an extremely aggressive ball OOB factory surface 800 grit. I could have only used it at box condition if the lane man had swabbed the lanes using a wet mop and STP oil treatment, as in swabbing the deck. It will truly handle most any condition it sees providing the surface is matched to the bowler’s game and the pattern used. The only exception being dry or toasted heads, I can not fathom anyone trying this without having the surface taken to 6000 grit or having super human ball speed. The Nex-Gen cover is as versatile as any D/T has produced, it produces results at every finish I have tried using. The ball has uncommon hooking ability to go with a strong backend motion generally only found in reactive equipment. To get a particle to go from side to side is remarkable to say the least. One thing that stood out was regardless of the surface test I never had the ball roll out, I find that amazing. The core numbers seem to be a perfect match for me with the cover at a higher grit finish. I can say we have a winner in the heavy weight oil category.

The Nutshell: I will not name names but I can truthfully say this ball is a hooking beast, as one of our staffers stated “hook stupid”. More hook than anyone could possibly need. This is not a knock by any stretch of the imagination. It out hooks anything I have seen and thrown from any competitor. Swing this baby all you want, and it will come home from next door.

At 1500 grit the ball is very clean up front, but it is allowed to read and not over react, smooth as silk, the backend is angular and recovers from no man’s land when a misfire happens. It gave me an additional 2 board area to play with no compromise in hitting power, carry or noticeable drop in performance. A ball designed for all bowlers with only one exception I have found, you can not use this ball on fired heads, or light, short oil patterns without surface adjustments. If you do you will see it hook out of bounds and jump the gutter cap and end up on another pair of lanes !!!!! Thanks to the “GUYS” for all they’re time thinking outside the box. Pun intended.

Leading Edge Pro Shop

Capt Ramius "Vasili, give me one ping, and one ping only"
Leading Edge Pro Shop
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Re: Threshold
« Reply #11 on: September 08, 2006, 07:12:38 PM »
Drilled pin over fingers, cap to the right of thumb. Drilled to add some length because of slower ball speed. BEWARE: plenty of oil needed to use this ball. Normal heavy oil house shot this ball works great. Strong move to pocket, excellent carry. Bowled second shift 44 ft. sport short, ball still packed a strong punch. Medium to light conditions: leave it in your bag.
Tyler Selden

"Good tea, nice house." - Worf


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Re: Threshold
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2006, 01:11:31 AM »
My Threshold is drilled similar to Seldent's. The pin is over rf, cg is in the palm slightly to the right. No balance hole. I have it  shined slightly to 1000. Took it out for practice for several games. Very smooth and controlable from what i can see. Nice carry and good length. I was worried at first about the strength of this ball. I seem to do well with shined up particles.....this one is no different. I played all angles....straight players will love this ball as it is not snappy, but very deliberate off the breakpoint. No need for much hand with this ball as it will retain energy on the back part of the lane. Crankers will love how this ball is very angular and smooth. Reads the mids very well. This ball can be used the whole night, its versatility to finger changes is incredable . Could be the first ball out of the bag....we'll see. I will update in a month or so for the true review.-----Earl


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Re: Threshold
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2006, 04:53:20 PM »
Not sure if I like my Threshold or not.  This was my first Dynothane and I actually tried to get a drill suggestion out of them before we did it.  I was used to getting answers from Roto, Ebonite, Storm and Hammer within an hour or two.  By the time I did we had it drilled I had two weeks in and one shell change already.  As my driller hasn't done many either, with looking at the specs and drill layouts we decided that with using on a house shot we should go pin over the fingers and put the cap next to the thumb hole to get it down the lane.  Let me first say I had been throwing a Paradigm and a Big One, the same balls I finished the season with last year.  This year some of the area proprietors decided to tweak the shot a bit.  Don't know if they went longer, wider or more units wide but I as are many others noticed we where 6,8 or even 10 boards right of where we've been the past couple years.  The shot is decent and I can hit the pocket but the carry has gone totally south.  I wanted a ball I could get back to the left with (40-45) and target 17-20 and let her wheel.  My other equipment I was 30-32 and throwing 12-15 area and leaving 10's.  The more aggresive I tried to throw or hit it, it would push more and hook later yet. The Threshold let me get back left at about 40 or so.  But leaves 10's like there is no tomorrow.  The deeper I went or the harder I would swat at it the longer it went and the harder it turned (which is what I wanted.)  I litteraly can not throw this ball past the pocket but I leave so many 10's it's ridiculous.  On my, own tried 2000 Abralon and it gave me a better early read but put me in the same area as I was with the other equipment and no improvement on carry.  I actually got hold of Chris at Buddies and he suggested a hole on the side to get it back to negetive and get it to read earlier.  And Bill got hold of me Monday and said the same and to go back to box finish which we tried.  Threw it Tuesday in Scratch and Wednesday as well and still left 10's.  Seemed to get a much better midlane read and an earlier turn up but still struggled with the carry. I get more strikes looking wider early and playing more of an arcing line but with that I'm in everyone elses track and speed is alot touchier than being on my own inside. I like to play deep and hit it and I lost some of that withgoing back to negative.  Ball does not roll out from any line or angle but it just isn't matching up with me and the shot I'm throwing on.  Getting a No Mercy punched Monday and I'll probably go 4000 Abralon on the Threshold and hang on to it for awhile at least.  I'm not going to give up on it completely quite yet.  Have to wonder though how it would have worked pin below and the CG kicked out like my normal drill.  Both houses I'm on Brunswick synthetics by the way.


Strike It Up Pro Shop

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Re: Threshold
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2006, 01:03:35 AM »
Ball: 15 lb Threshold with at 3.25" pin.
Drilling: Stacked Pin and CG under Ring; Pin was 3-1/2" and CG was 4-1/4" from the PAP

Oil Pattern: 42 ft with heavy oil in center with a blend to the gutter.  
Surface: Brunswick Availane (5 Years)
Lane Play: 12 at the arrows 7 at the break point.
Reaction:  This ball is very smooth of the point.  Reads the mids very well and very predictable.  Carry is unbelievable, pins stay very low on impact.

I've only used this ball a couple of times as I normally used a black Vendetta.  Because of the sharp backend reaction (as if someone was down lane kicking it left) I tend to leave several coroners in the center.  This Threshold provides a totally different angle to the pocket which is what was needed for Carry.  Proof is in the pudding with 300 3rd time out.

Billy and Dyno Team, Great Release.

Check out more Dyno-Thane greats with discount prices at